Young Israeli, Gilad Shalit was released by the Islamists captors, in exchange for over 1,000 Arab-Muslims bent on killing Israeli civilians.
The life of one single Israeli Jew.
What the 'for life' culture is willing to sacrifice Vs the 'cult-of-death,' who sees an Arab woman's womb as the "greatest weapon..." Who loves "death as much as" we "love life."
While Israeli soldiers who are trained to practice restraint against those who announce/practice their attempted annihilation of every Jew in the region, the Arab-Islamic opponent through its "death factories," does every trick in the book to cause civilian casualties, sacrificing its women and children, for this "sacred' cult-ish idea/ideology.
On top of it, Israeli hospitals treat the very Arabs who are initiating violence, the same Zionist entity who practices 'affirmative action' on its (more than) equal Arab -minority- citizens.
If this is not the epitome of 'good vs. evil,' what is?
OpEdNews - Article: The Hamas Death Factory
January 17, 2009 By Ari Bussel
The focus of this article is on Hamas. Operation Cast Lead would not have been needed, and indeed can be stopped immediately, if Hamas, a terror organization that calls in its Charter to the destruction of the Jewish State, were to stop its efforts to attain this goal.
Hamas has turned Gaza into a Factory of Death. I highlight below some of the Factory's main characteristics.
The war that rages on has its front lines in Argentina and UK,India and USA, China and Venezuela, Russia and Egypt. It is a war in the area of public opinion, and we are all soldiers in the Public Diplomacy Front.
We are all part and are likely victims in a greater struggle between Sunni and Shiite Islam to achieve world domination. Therefore, we need to understand the threat. Only then will we be able to search and find the wisdom and courage with which to fight, with which to prevail as a victor.
The 20th Day, a Recap and an Update
January 15th, 2009. Day 20 of Operation "Cast Lead," Israel's attempt at stopping the firing of rockets from Gaza to Israeli cities and preventing further armament of Hamas in Gaza.
To achieve these goals, the manufacturing infrastructure in Gaza had to be destroyed and the very intensive smuggling operation from Egypt into Gaza had to be stopped. The enormous caches of advanced rockets (improved Grad2 and others) must also be destroyed. They have a very long shelf life and will eventually be used against Israel.
There is yet another unstated goal: A 22 year old soldier has been held by Hamas in Gaza after being kidnapped from Israel on6/25/2006. Gilad Shalit is in enemy's hands for 930 days. He is afforded no visitation rights. The International Red Cross has not been allowed to see him. Gilad is the human face of Israel's promise to its mothers and fathers that their sons and daughters will always come back home that Israel will do everything possible to uphold this promise...
Operation Cast Lead rages on in Gaza. 9AM in Israel and already more than ten rockets and mortars were fired from Gaza toward Israeli cities. 11 soldiers were wounded during the night's operations during which 35 armed gunmen were hit, mostly in aerial attacks directed by ground forces.Israel's Air Force (IAF) attacked approximately 70 terrorist sites, including a mosque in Rafah used to stockpile rockets and served as an assembly area for senior operatives involved in launching rockets; 14 cells of armed gunmen; 14 sites used to launch rockets and mortars at Israeli communities and cities; five weapon storage facilities located in, and one tunnel located under, houses of Hamas operatives.
A Real War
This is war, although not by name (since Gaza is not a country and Hamas is a terrorist operation). People die, needlessly. "Needlessly" since the war can be stopped as soon as Hamas stops firing and ends its race for rearmament. There is a third unstated pre-condition: Hamas needs to change it Charter that calls for the destruction of the Jewish State. But Hamas does not want to stop.
Hamas also could have released Gilad Shalit any any point during the last 930 days or during the period of regrouping (Tahadia) that preceded Operation Cast Lead, but it chose not to do so.
Instead, Hamas uses the 22 year old Israeli soldier in the most cynical way, teasing Israel constantly. Now he is alive, now he is no longer safe. Now we do not hear or see him, next who knows what may be. Hamas's fellow Iranian crony in the region, Hizbollah, used Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev, may they rest in peace, in a similar manner, finally trading in their body parts to force Israel to do the unthinkable releasing hundreds of terrorists, including one who for the pure barbaric joy of the act, smashed the skull of a four year old girl just because she was Jewish, just because she was Israeli, JUST BECAUSE THERE IS ISRAEL.
The Hamas Death Factory
Hamas does not only trade in the hope of parents to see their 22 year old son back safely, it also exhumes bodies from recently dug graves to parade them for hours at a time on Al Jazeera "news" network and on the internet as "fresh casualties." Hamas also constantly manufactures fresh dead bodies. This it does on both sides of the border firing rockets and mortar shells toward Israel to kill and maim as many people as possible,and firing from within high rise buildings, schools, hospitals and mosques,making sure to surround itself with civilians, so even with the utmost effort and consideration by Israel, they become casualties of war.
Hamas turned Gaza into a very sophisticated manufacturing facility of death. Every step is booby trapped, from buildings to chicken feed buckets. Tunnels are dug underneath to trap and kidnap soldiers as wellas to provide hiding and storage spaces. Sniper posts were erected near mosques. Ammunition and weaponry caches are stored in multi-story residential buildings. More than a million people act as a cover, an invisible protection for this Death Factory.
Hamas has taken the freedom away from the Gazans. It uses the Gazans who elected it into power as human shields whose life is to serve two purposes to add to the fight against Israel in the front of public opinion and to ensure that their death is highlighted, paraded and used to brainwash tens of millions of new fighters and haters of Jews, Israel and the West. Hamas thus plays a major role in the advance of radical Islam toward global domination...
A Manufacturing Facility of Death, a trap both as a physic allocation (step through a door, the house will explode; come close to a fuel depot, the whole village will be incinerated; fire at a building from which rockets were launched and secondary explosions of ammunition stored will cause phosphorus burns or inflict even more pain and death) and as a PR stunt (shoot from the UN building or from the building where the Foreign Press is reporting,and the whole world will be angry at Israel).
This is not a video game. It is a real life (and death) situation in which the points add in the speed of light in favor of the main player: HAMAS. Hamas's task is very easy: launch at Israel you win. Sacrifice your people you win. Improve the lives of your people? Hamas came into power since it-much like Hizbollah in the north-provided much needed social services, a support network to the local population. Yet,its schools and mosques served as indoctrination points, and the true purpose surfaced.
In the Manufacturing Facility of Death, there is no real interest to improve the lives of the Gazans. With the billions already spent and the billions now committed to the Gazans, one should ask oneself why is Gaza not the next Cannes-along-the-Mediterranean? Why is there no manufacturing (not of explosives and booby-traps and other death-related instruments),agriculture and science and technology?
Why are there still refugee camps with little if any infrastructure? What has the UN done over the past many decades when the palestinian refugees are its sole focus and reason for existence? Why has the Arab world not insisted on improving the lives of their fellow brethren theGazans and allowed instead the continued smuggling operation stockpiles of advanced weaponry, trained terrorists, Iranian experts in warfare into Gaza?
Israel Has Always Faced Arab Genocide - Op-Eds - Israel National News
Sep 2, 2003 – To fully understand current conflicts in the Middle East, history must be recalled.
Society: Volume 7 - Page 138 - Washington University (Saint Louis, Mo.). Community Leadership Project - Rutgers--The State University, 1969
In any event, the importance of the Palestinians has clearly grown, and the question now arises: can a ... Arab pronouncements about the mass killing of Jews, about driving them into the sea, were thus as consistent as they were widespread. For insofar as it was politicidal (that is, calling for the annihilation of a state), the Arab position had to become genocidal, even if the Arabs had not been bent on revenge.
The Wiener Library bulletin: Volumes 24-25 - Page 1 - Wiener Library - 1970 - Snippet view
The Meaning of ' A Democratic Palestinian State' by Dr Yehoshafat Harkabi ... far as it was politicidal (ie calling for annihilation of a state), was bound to have genocidal implications, even had the Arabs not been bent upon revenge.
Jewish frontier: Volume 36 - Page 7 - League for Labor Palestine, Jewish Frontier Association - 1969
...They are sincere friends of Israel and anti-Semitism horrifies them, just as they are horrified by the idea that Israel might one day disappear from the map of the Middle East or that the Israelis might be exterminated or blown to the...
Do they know what it means to hear constantly, "You will die, you will be slaughtered, your women will be raped, your children torn to pieces, your house destroyed?"... For the average Israeli such a "nuance" between "moderates" and "extremists" is of no importance; for him it is of little relevance whether he is going to die immediately or later, since he acts on the principle that he has no intention of submitting to either now or in the future. Ten times a day one hears from Rabat to Karachi, "Israel must disappear from the face of the Earth! ... We are told: "Leave the occupied territories and you will know peace." And what about the peace of 1948, of 1952 and 1953 and of 1954 and 1955? Have the unfortunate people taken in the ambush that cost the lives of sixteen passengers in a bus in the Negev already been forgotten? And those killed in a grenade attack by Arab terrorist against Yemenite immigrants who were celebrating a marriage? At that time Israel occupied only the territories which many are now willing to consider as acceptable frontiers. That did not prevent the Arabs from threatening us. We are told that the Arabs have been humiliated. Is that Israel's fault? Or rather is it not the fact that for twenty years the Arabs have erected a thought- structure constructed from...
Proceedings - Assembly of Western European Union: Actes officiels - Assemblée de l'Union de l'europe occidentale: Volumes 3-4 - Western European Union, Western European Union. Assembly - W.E.U., 1979 - Page 111
... of the charter as it now stands, which in every one of its, I believe, thirty-two articles has only one motif — Israel must disappear from the face of the earth, and by force. One cannot expect Israel to have any official contact with the PLO as long as this charter remains as a pistol aimed at Israel's heart.
A History of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict - Page 393 - Mark A. Tessler - Indiana University Press, 1994 - 906 pages - Preview
Cairo Radio announced on May 25, for example, that "the Arab people is firmly resolved to wipe Israel off the face of the earth and to restore the honor of the Arabs of Palestine." The next day Nasser made a speech to Arab trade unionists in which he stated that "the Arab people wants to fight. . . . Sharm al-Sheikh implies a confrontation with Israel.
Taking this step makes it imperative that we be ready to undertake a total war with Israel." On May 28, Nasser told a press conference, "We will not accept any possibility of coexistence with Israel," ...
For example, the PLO's Ahmad Shuqayri coined a famous phrase by asserting that the Arabs would throw the Jews into the sea. The president of Iraq expressed the same idea. On May 31 he stated, "The existence of Israel is an error which must be rectified. This is our opportunity to wipe out the ignominy which has been with us since 1948. Our goal is clear — to wipe Israel off the map." That Israelis had heard such statements before only deepened their assurance that the Arab world was unwilling to accept the existence of the Jewish state and would, if possible, use the opportunities and crises of May 1967 to pursue an objective to which it had long been committed.
Women and revolution in Africa, Asia, and the New World - Page 291 - Mary Ann Tétreault - [Univ of South Carolina Press,] 1994 - 456 pages - Preview
Since in Israel there is a constant threat of annihilation, the desire for children is a prime motivation for these young couples. In this atmosphere, women define themselves as wives and mothers and occupy traditionally female roles.
University of Detroit Mercy law review: Volume 73, Issues 3-4
[Page 490]
University of Detroit Mercy. School of Law - 1996 - Snippet view
Annihilation of Israel remains the goal of all Arab frontline states and Iran. Attrition, as a complementary ... Wars of annihilation and the crime of genocide need not be mutually exclusive. Indeed, such a war might well be the ...
Armageddon: Appointment with Destiny - Grant R. Jeffrey - [Random House Digital, Inc.,] 1997 - 320 pages - Google eBook - Preview
However, the implacable hatred of the Arabs is the true cause of the last four wars against Israel. The Arab nations tried to annihilate the Jewish state in three wars (1948, 1956, and 1967) long before the Jews had occupied the West Bank, Gaza, and the Golan Heights.
Israel Has Always Faced Arab Genocide - Opinion - September 02, 2003 - To fully understand current conflicts in the Middle East, history must be recalled... Arab/Islamic plans for genocidal extermination of Israel have never been kept ... for Israel's "annihilation" and "liquidation" - there were no "Palestinian ...
The Unavoidable Surgery - Page 136 - Mati Alon - [Trafford Publishing] 2003 - 276 pages - Preview
Because of the Jewish natural rights and historical rights to the Land of Israel and because of the Arabs' hostility and belligerence during the last century, the bloody Arab riots of 1921, 1929, and 1936- 39, because of their acts of war during the last thirty years, 1948, 1956, 1967, 1970, and 1973 and their constant threat to annihilate the Jewish population of Israel, not one single square ... The Arabs were always very disturbed by the strong ties the Jews had to their country, Eretz Israel.
The Arab-Israeli Conflict - Page 15 -Alex Woolf - Gareth Stevens, 2004 - 64 pages
Iraqi president Rahman Aref declared, "Our goal is to wipe Israel off the map."
The one-state solution: a breakthrough for peace in the Israeli-Palestinian deadlock - Virginia Tilley - University of Michigan Press, 2005 - 276 pages - Google eBook - Preview
In this view, it is primarily Arab hatred for Jews and Israel's constant threat of annihilation from Arab armies, ... Israel's remaining a Jewish state—in the sense of Jews dominating the state institutions—is therefore argued as an ...
Terror in the Holy Land: inside the anguish of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict - Page 8 - Judith Kuriansky - [Greenwood Publishing Group] 2006 - 280 pages
The present-day refusal of Arab states to recognize Israel triggers deep wounds in the Jewish psyche and reinforces their belief that they continue to be a nation living under the constant threat of annihilation.
Not to Forget, Impossible to Forgive: Poignant Reflections on the Holocaust - Page 291 - Moshe Avital - Mazo Publishers, 2008 - 340 pages - Google eBook - Preview
Each time a German official was ready to make a deal with Jews in Europe to free a number of them from concentration camps for a bribe, the Mufti intervened and the deal was off. He was responsible for ruining the possibility of ...
Strategic culture and weapons of mass destruction: culturally based insights into comparative national security policymaking - Page 97 - Jeannie L. Johnson, Kerry M. Kartchner, Jeffrey Arthur Larsen - Macmillan, 2009 - 285 pages
Israeli Strategic Culture Israel's is a strategic culture in transition. The Jewish people have been subject to exile ... by the larger Arab world (and, increasingly Iran), the state of Israel is under constant threat of annihilation .
Worse than war: genocide, eliminationism, and the ongoing assault on humanity - Page 575 - Daniel Jonah Goldhagen - PublicAffairs, 2009 - 658 pages
“I encourage Palestinians to take suicide bombings worldwide. Don't be shy about it.” While Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and other Palestinian genocide bombing groups have not yet acted upon this, their and other Political Islamists' ...
Reaching Beyond the Religious: Seven Universal Wisdom Themes from Seven Thousand Years of Human Experience - Page 82 - Elan Divon - [iUniverse] 2010 - Body, Mind & Spirit - 208 pages
The book therefore “looks at how Israel's disadvantages—a hostile environment, constant threat of annihilation, isolation from the outside world—have actually helped make the country a hotbed for entrepreneurs.”87 Hence, the book argues ...
FrontPage Magazine - Hezbollah's Calls for Genocide
Aug 14, 2006 – Hezbollah's Calls for Genocide By: David G. Littman ... to the Middle East problem, namely the annihilation and destruction of the Jewish state. ... organization Hezbollah for its repeated calls for the genocide of all Jews.
6 in 10 Palestinians reject 2-state solution, survey finds
73% of 1,010 Palestinians in W. Bank, Gaza agree with 'hadith' quoted in Hamas Charter about the need to kill Jews hiding behind stones, trees.
Only one in three Palestinians (34 percent) accepts two states for two peoples as the solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, according to an intensive, face-to-face survey in Arabic of 1,010 Palestinian adults in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip completed this week by American pollster Stanley Greenberg.
6 in 10 Palestinians reject 2-sta... JPost - Diplomacy & Politics
Jul 15, 2011 – 73% of 1010 Palestinians in W. Bank, Gaza agree with 'hadith' quoted in Hamas Charter about the need to kill Jews hiding behind stones, trees.
Palestinians Promote Genocide; NYTimes Silent FrontPageMag
Sep 16, 2011
CBN – A new poll among Palestinians indicates there's overwhelming support for the charter of the terrorist group Hamas — a dangerous element if the Palestinians gain statehood in September.
The Israel Project found that 80 percent Palestinians support Hamas. The desire to annihilate the Jewish people is one of the main goals of the Hamas organization.
Female terrorism and militancy: agency, utility, and organization - Page 161
- Cindy D. Ness - Psychology Press, 2008 - 242 pages - Google eBook - Preview
The observed differences between the interview data of would-be female suicide bombers and the testaments that actual suicide bombers have left ... Yasser Arafat had referred to the womb of the Palestinian woman as the best weapon of the Palestinian people.
An Arab-Made Misery
Mar 21, 2009 – Yasser Arafat said the Palestinian woman's womb was his best weapon. For 60 years, Palestinians have been used and abused by Arab regimes and Palestinian terrorists in their fight against Israel.
Foreign media flock to Israel ahead of Shalit exchange deal
Ha'aretz - Danna Harman - Gilad Shalit - 17.10.11
Foreign media flock to Israel ahead of Shalit exchange deal
A number of major broadcast outlets, including Arab stations Al Arabiya and Al Jazeera, say they intended to cover the event live.
... in the release of one Israeli soldier for over 1000 Arab prisoners.
'Our loved one's killers are going free'
Israel Today - Ryan Jones - [Oct. 18, 2011]
This is but a small sampling of the hundreds of terrorists with blood on their hands that were exchanged for Shalit. Despite the difficulty of accepting
Israeli Arab Terrorists Will be First to be Released
Arutz Sheva
Minister Ayoub Kara: 'Don't Forget Ouda Tarabin in Egypt!'
Arutz Sheva - 10/17/2011
More than 1000 terrorists, including hundreds of multiple murderers with Jewish blood on their hands, will be exchanged for the 25-year-old soldier in that ...
Dagan: This Deal is Worse than Previous Offers
Arutz Sheva - Elad Benari - [Oct. 18, 2011]
Former Mossad chief rejects Shalit deal, says it is worse than offers made ... is worse than the previous deal because it includes Israeli Arab terrorists...
BREAKING: Israel And Hamas Reach Gilad Shalit Prisoner ...the Gilad Shalit exchange deal: Gilad Shalit for over 1000 terrorists, responsible for the ...
The Nation of Israel is a unique people. We are all mutually responsible for each other, as our Sages said: “He who saves one soul, it is as though he saved an entire world.” Tonight, I bring the Government a proposal to save Gilad Shalit, to finally bring him home to Israel after five years.
Gilad Shalit looks frail and emaciated: what have his captors done to him?
Andrew M Brown
Gilad Shalit, the Israeli soldier who's just been released after five years in a Palestinian jail, is relieved to be free. No wonder. To look at him now, compared with earlier photographs, he appears to have lost a good deal of weight. In the press conference this morning he seemed dozy, and his complexion is blanched. He looks as I imagine someone to look who's just emerged from lengthy seclusion in a darkened room. He appears undernourished.
A Genealogy of Evil: Anti-Semitism from Nazism to Islamic Jihad - Page 6 -David Patterson - Camridge University Press, 2010 - History - 296 pages
Hassan Nasrallah (b. 1960), head of Hezbollah, boasts that Islamic Jihadists choose death over life. Said Osama bin Laden (b. 1957) to CNN reporter Peter Arnett in March 1997, "We love…death…as much as you love life." In a sermon delivered on 25 May 2001, the Palestinian Liberation Organization's mufti of Palestine from 1994 to 2006, Ikrima Sabri (b. 1939), declared, "We tell them [the Jews]: in as much as you love life – the Muslim loves death." Thus, not only is the Torah's summons to choose life abrogated, but so is its prohibition against murder.
The evil that surrounds the Jihadist love for death lies in a love for the death of the other human being – specifically, the death of the Jew. That is what they love – not the death of oneself for the sake of another, not the death that affirms life in an affirmation of the One who commands us to choose life and forbids us to murder. No, the Jihadists love inflicting death: witness the mass celebrations that occurred throughout the Muslim world over the murders committed on 9/11. The Jihadists love inflicting death so much that they are literally dying to kill – or rather, they are bent on indoctrinating their children in the desperate longing to kill, as stipulated in Article Eighteen of the Hamas "Charter of Allah."20 Here and elsewhere their discourse makes it clear that they have no love for the One who forbids both self-murder and the murder of others. Simply stated, the Islamic Jihadists' love for death is a love for murder, a love for making their children into murderers. Murder is as much a defining feature of Islamic Jihadism as, in the words of Emil Fackenheim, it was the "pure essence" of "the Nazi empire."
Forging murder and suicide into a single action of "martyrdom," the Islamic Jihadist evil... the Jihadists make God into the Führer... a god whose commandment is not merely to choose death but to love death, as the Jihadists themselves boast. Once the "divine" injunction is to pursue death over life – death through murder – we face an evil even more radical than the Nazi evil. Hannah Arendt once declared that "we cannot conceive of a ‘radical evil.'" Unable to accommodate the Nazi evil, writes Arendt, all we can say is that "radical evil has emerged in connection with a system in which all men have become equally superfluous." With the Jihadist evil, not only are all men equally superfluous – all men must be enlisted into the project of making all men equally superfluous. Facing this radical evil, we are compelled to address its genealogy, so that, understanding where it comes from, we may see where it is going – and respond to it.
"We Love Death"
Apr 6, 2011 – One of his last points read: "We love death more than you love life! ... in bolstering the credentials of the radical jihadist scholars who promote it. ... If the ultimate goal of Hamas and Hizbollah is to have their opponents sanction ...
Israel's Hostage Deals Create Incentives for Future Hostage-Taking
[Oct. 11, 2011] – Some were let go in massive deals with groups such as Hezbollah wherein a few Israeli ... Now, Israel may be poised to enact a similar deal with Hamas, ... This gives hope to jihadists of the "you love life, we love death" camp.
Hollywood Hails Palestinian Death Cult [FPM]
The Palestinian Death Cult NewsReal Blog
Jan 25, 2010 – From Palestinian Media Watch: A Hamas TV program for children is once again promoting Shahada - Martyrdom for Allah - as a positive goal
Palestinian Death Cult
Oct 8, 2003
[PDF] Hamas - SWC
Mar 24, 2011 – Hamas and Suicide Bombing II: The Cult of Death
[PDF] Memorializing terror Secretary-General Kofi Annan and the United ...
their grandfathers – are eager to join the Islamist death cult that both characterizes Hizbullah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Gaza Strip..
Affirmative Action ? the Israeli Edition - Op-Eds - Israel ...7 Feb 2002 ... Affirmative Action ? the Israeli Edition. by Steven Plaut ... to the Arab aggression against Israel supported by most Israeli Arab students, ...
ISRAEL: THE JEWISH AFFIRMATIVE ACTION STATE - Think-Israel The Israeli Arabs’ concept of a Jewish and democratic state means a state for all its citizens, rejecting Jewish affirmative action. They don’t want Israel ...
Affirming affirmative action
Social and economic inclusion of Arab society in Israel will contribute to creating true equality, the foundation stone for building a shared society - a declared, key goal of MK Avishay Braverman, the minister of minority affairs. Let’s hope the plan succeeds, and impels us to move in the right direction.
By Mohammad Darawshe
Last week the cabinet approved an investment of more than $210 million in the economic development of the Arab community over the next five years. This is considered the largest such investment ever in this population, and is intended to strengthen the economy through construction and expansion of industrial areas, creation of administrative institutions, development of professional and academic training programs, and improvement of the police force, as well as infrastructure, tourism, transportation and day-care services.
Israel a safe haven for Arabs - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews 27 Apr 2011 ...
Op-ed: Israel is only place in Middle East where Arabs are entitled to full democratic rights
The Tunisian revolution began when a green grocer, Mohamed Bouazizi, self-immolated after suffering from severe police harassment. Through this brave, desperate act, he was transformed into the symbol of the new Arab revolution. Reflecting on Bouazizi’s ultimate act of protest, one can hardly conceive of what atmosphere and surroundings would compel an individual to resort to such an extreme Israel’s Arab citizens are also afforded affirmative action measures in educational institutions and government offices.,7340,L-4061229,00.html
Mazuz wants affirmative action for Arabs - Israel News, Ynetnews 17 Dec 2008 ... News: After ultra-Orthodox block bill granting Arab sector ...,7340,L-3640231,00.html
Zionism as Affirmative Action - The Israel Report April 2001 After the Arabs invaded Israel, most diplomats and military experts predicted its quick ... is more accurately described in terms of affirmative action. ...
Israeli Hospital Treats Wounded Palestinians
By Julie Stahl Jerusalem Bureau Chief
February 09, 2007
Ashkelon, Israel ( - Despite the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Israel continues to treat Palestinians in its medical system, including an Israeli hospital in this southern coastal city that is helping those wounded in recent internecine fighting in the Gaza Strip. Israeli Hospital also treats Palestinian terrorists
May 18, 2002 – Israeli Hospital also treats Palestinian terrorists ... that describes how a hospital in Afula, Israel, has been treating injured Palestinian terrorists as well. ... The story of Ha'emek was mirrored in a CNN account that aired May...

Tags: affirmative action, Arab Israeli conflict, Arab racism, Arabs, death cult, death factory, Ftaah, Gilad Shalit, Hamas, Hezbollah, Human shields, Israel, Islamic bigotry, Islamic Jihad, Islamofascism, Jews, Jihad, M.E., ME, Middle east, Middle east conflict, Muslims, PA, peace-process, Radical Islam, Shalit, suicide missions
Labels: Death cult, Gilad Shalit, Israel palestine 101