Israel vs Genocide
Israel vs Islamo Arab campaign of Genocide
Israel has always faced (radical) Arab genocide, To fully understand current conflicts in the Middle East, history must be recalled. [1]
Attempted Genocide From the Start [2] Israel has always faced (radical) Arab genocide, To fully understand current conflicts in the Middle East, history must be recalled. [3] It exist a common phrase: 'If the Jews would just lay down their weapons there would be no more Israel' [4].
D. Radyshevsky: "There is such a word. It is "genocide". In 1948, five Arab armies tried to choke the Israeli state in embryo form. Days before the invasion, Azzam Pasha, the General Secretary of the Arab League, announced, "This will be a war of extermination, a momentous massacre, which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacres and the Crusades." In 1967, Egypt's Nasser declared, a few days before the war, "Our main task is to destroy Israel." Syria's Assad echoed, "It is time to embark on a war of annihilation." The same sentiments were voiced in 1973. Only the fear of yet another resounding defeat or being snuffed out by Israel's nuclear weapons, have since held back Iraq, Iran, Egypt and Syria from new attempts. Yet, the Satanic obsession with "destroying the name of Israel" in Islam keeps growing. Arab maps still do not include Israel and, after the 55 years of de-humanization and demonization of the Jews in Arab propaganda and education system, the psychological grounds are laid for a new genocide. The clear and present danger of a new Jewish Holocaust – not just the toothless condemnation of terrorism – should be the subject of Israeli delegations' presentations at the all the world's Genocide Conferences. Only due to Israel's military deterrent capability has this new genocide not come to pass. The key to this capability is maintaining full military control over Judea, Samaria and Gaza, minimal territorial depth to mobilize the reserves in the case of an attack and to prevent the Palestinians from striking straight into the heart of Israel. Back in 1967, the American Chiefs of Staff concluded that the moment the Islamic world believed that Israel's containment capability is gone, they would launch an attack. Thus, Israel must have permanent military control over the tiny land of Israel (0.12% of the total Middle East land mass), in order to prevent a new Holocaust. Any person with any vestiges of Western... morality has to admit that Jewish military presence in Judea and Samaria is an acceptable price for preventing a Holocaust. If you choose to call it occupation, feel free to do so. Occupation is an acceptable cost for preventing genocide." [5] [6]
Some have put it: This is about a 250 million strong Pan-Arab Movement seeking to drive 6 million Jews into the sea. [7]
1920s and on
The first arab sponsored terrorist attacks upon Jews occurred in 1920 [8] a highlighted tragedy is The Hebron Massacre of 1929 where thousands of Arabs descended from Har Hebron, shouting "Kill the Jews!" in Arabic [9] [10].
This was not the first mass racist attack by Arabs against unarmed civilian Jews in British Mandate ‘Palestine,’ nor would it be the last attempted extermination. [11].
It was the Mufti who sought to annihilate the tiny State of Israel [12], The Palestinian Mufti's Dealt with Hitler: 'Kill All the Jews in the Middle East' [13]. A writer in an article: 'Nazi Roots of Palestinian Nationalism,' quotes the Mufti: "Our fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world. I asked Hitler for an explicit undertaking to allow us to solve the Jewish problem in a manner befitting our national and racial aspirations and according to the scientific methods innovated by Germany in the handling of its Jews. The answer I got was: The Jews are yours." - Former Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini in his post-World War II memoirs [14].
"the Muslims inside and outside Palestine welcome the new regime of Germany and hope for the extension of the fascist, anti-democratic governmental system to other countries." - Quote from the leader of the Palestinians, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, welcoming the Nazi rise to power, 1933. "Our fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world. I asked Hitler for an explicit undertaking to allow us to solve the Jewish problem in a manner befitting our national and racial aspirations and according to the scientific methods innovated by Germany in the handling of its Jews. The answer I got was: 'The Jews are yours.'" - Quote from the Mufti after WW2. "I declare a holy war, my Moslem brothers! Murder the Jews! Murder them all." - Quote from the Mufti calling for a genocide of the Jews when Israel was declared a state, 1947. [15]
1948, the occupation excuse & radical Islamo Arab obsession
In 1948, five Arab armies tried to choke the Israeli state in embryo form. Days before the invasion, Azzam Pasha, the General Secretary of the Arab League, announced, "This will be a war of extermination, a momentous massacre, which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacres and the Crusades." In 1967, Egypt's Nasser declared, a few days before the war, "Our main task is to destroy Israel." Syria's Assad echoed, "It is time to embark on a war of annihilation." The same sentiments were voiced in 1973. Only the fear of yet another resounding defeat or being snuffed out by Israel's nuclear weapons, have since held back Iraq, Iran, Egypt and Syria from new attempts. Yet, the Satanic obsession with "destroying the name of Israel" in Islam keeps growing. Arab maps still do not include Israel and, after the 55 years of de-humanization and demonization of the Jews in Arab propaganda and education system, the psychological grounds are laid for a new genocide. The clear and present danger of a new Jewish Holocaust – not just the toothless condemnation of terrorism – should be the subject of Israeli delegations' presentations at the all the world's Genocide Conferences. [16]
Though Haim Weizmann declared he would accept a Jewish state even with the size of a tablecloth — still, even that was rejected by the Arabs who swore to "throw the Jews into the sea" and attacked in force to fulfill that oath. [17].
What the Fight in Israel Is All About... Spring of 1967 the Arab countries, led by Gamal Abdul Nasser of Egypt, prepared to attack Israel and, in their own words, "throw the Jews into the sea." [18] [19], the Arab leaders' slogan : We’ll Throw Them into the Sea" [20]
Arab states farther afield also readied their military forces to be sent to what many of them confidently assumed would be the final assault on the Jewish state. Arab leaders were not reticent in proclaiming their aims. "The problem before the Arab countries," declared Nasser in May 25, ". . . [is] how totally to exterminate the State of Israel for all time. "Our goal is clear: to wipe Israel off the map," declared President Aref of Iraq on May 31, "The Arab struggle must lead to the liquidation of Israel," explained Algerian president on June 4, And on June 5, the day the war broke out, Radio Damascus exhorted simply: "Throw them into the sea." Though Israel asked the Jordanians to stay out of any Arab assault, but on June 5, when the fighting began, King Hussein joined in as well, shelling the entire Israeli frontier... On June 7, Hussein broadcast this to his army: "Kill the Jews wherever you find them. Kill them with your arms, with your hands, with your nails and teeth." [21]
In 1967, The Golan Heights was the place in which the Syrian army began its attack on Israel as part of the all Arab plan for the "final solution" of Israel. The propaganda which accompanied this attack, still sends shudders through the bones of those who lived this experience. Throughout the streets of Damascus, Cairo and Amman the frenzied mob marched chanting: "idhbah, idhbah, idhbah, idhbah al-yahud" - slaughter, slaughter, slaughter the Jews! And the Syrian media was busy showing the fate awaiting Jews once the victorious Syrian army conquered Israel. To demonstrate the bravery of its soldiers (including women), the Syrian television also showed how they eat snakes alive and how they slaughter pet animals and drink their blood. Syria was the most cruel in treatment of POWs. A Syrian soldier who killed Israeli Prisoners of war with an ax was decorated as a war hero; and some of the Israeli POW who survived the hideous tortures of the Syrians came back home broken forever. [22]
A report of Egypt preparing for a chemical attack sent an shivering alarm in Israel, and the Cairo Radio announced: "All Egypt is now prepared to plunge into total war which will put an end to Israel" [23]
Judenstaatrein, deputy prime minister of Sweden, pithily concluded: "Compared to most previous anti-Jewish outbreaks, this [new anti-Semitism] is often less directed against individual Jews. It attacks primarily the collective Jews, the State of Israel. And then such attacks start a chain reaction of assaults on individual Jews and Jewish institutions In the past, the most dangerous anti-Semites were those who wanted to make the world Judenrein, 'free of Jews.' Today, the most dangerous anti-Semites might be those who want to make the world Judenstaatrein, 'free of a Jewish state.'" One of the best exoerts on anti semitism Irwin Cotler writes in an article titled "Making the world 'Judenstaatrein'", he elaborates about Islamic Genocidal Anti Semitism": There are three manifestations of this genocidal anti-Semitism. The first is the state-sanctioned - indeed state-orchestrated - genocidal anti-Semitism of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Iran, dramatized by the parading in the streets of Teheran of a Shihab-3 missile draped in the emblem "wipe Israel off the Map," while demonizing both the State of Israel as a "cancerous tumor to be excised" and the Jewish people as "evil incarnate." A second manifestation of this genocidal anti-Semitism is in the covenants and charters, platforms and policies of such terrorist movements and militias as Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hizbullah and al-Qaida, which not only call for the destruction of Israel and the killing of Jews wherever they may be, but also for the perpetration of acts of terror in furtherance of that objective. The third manifestation of this genocidal anti-Semitism is the religious fatwas or execution writs, where these genocidal calls in mosques and media are held out as religious obligations - where Jews and Judaism are characterized as the perfidious enemy of Islam, and Israel becomes the Salmon Rushdie of the nations. [24]
The New Anti-Semitism, hostility to Jews is strongest among those on the Left who claim to be fighting racism... anti-Zionism is now being used to cloak a terrifying nexus between genocidal Arab and Islamist hatred of the Jews and deep-seated European prejudices, Anti-Semitism is protean, mutating over the centuries into new forms. Now it has changed again, into a shape which requires a new way of thinking and a new vocabulary. The new anti-Semitism does not discriminate against Jews as individuals on account of their race. Instead, it is centred on Israel, and the denial to the Jewish people alone of the right of self-determination. This is nothing to do with the settlements or the West Bank. Indeed, the language being used exposes as a cruel delusion the common belief that the Middle East crisis would be solved by the creation of a Palestinian state. [25]
Radical Islam (as a whole)
New Radical Islamic Thinking Justifying The Genocide of Infidels [26], Specifically Radical Islam's Threat of Genocide against the Jews is more and more revealed. [27][28]
Radical Islam's Threat of Genocide against the Jews- Remarks by the Representative of Israel to the Fourth Stockholm Conference on the Prevention of Genocide ...the State of Israel, which arose phoenix like from the ashes of the Shoah, and which for most of its short history, has itself been threatened with extermination... an upsurge in hate speech directed against Jews, over the last three years. This phenomenon reached its apogee recently when the Syrian produced television series "Al Shataat" (Diaspora) chose to resurrect the evil, heinous, and false accusation of ritual murder which has dogged the Jewish people since the middle ages. This television series was carried by the Hezbollah TV. station, "Al Mannar", which is broadcast from Lebanon and is readily accessible here in Europe, through a European satellite service. Everyone in this room knows the inevitable and tragic results of hate propaganda such as this... words of one of the foremost Saudi clerics, spoken at a mosque at the center of the Islamic world. The Saudi cleric, Mohammed Salah el-Munjeed, stated: "How can Moslems not be joyful when in the killing of Jews and infidels? Allah will surely gladden the hearts of his followers as they kill and destroy all of them (the Jews)." [29]
Islamic Egyptian cleric: The Jews "are enemies not because they occupied Palestine. They would have been enemies even if they did not occupy a thing." "Muhammad Hussein Ya'qoub: The Jews Are the Enemies of Muslims Regardless of the Occupation of Palestine," (from MEMRI TV, January 17 2009) Muhammad Hussein Ya'qoub: If the Jews left Palestine to us, would we start loving them? Of course not. We will never love them. Absolutely not. The Jews are infidels not because I say so, and not because they are killing Muslims, ... Qur'an... This is it. We must believe that our fighting with the Jews is eternal, and it will not end until the final battle and this is the fourth point. You must believe that we will fight, defeat, and annihilate them, until not a single Jew remains on the face of the Earth. [30] [31]
Motive? Infidels!
Islamic Egyptian cleric: The Jews "are enemies not because they occupied Palestine. They would have been enemies even if they did not occupy a thing." Muhammad Hussein Ya’qoub: The Jews Are the Enemies of Muslims Regardless of the Occupation of Palestine," (aired on Al-Rahma TV on January 17, 2009) "If the Jews left Palestine to us, would we start loving them? Of course not. We will never love them. Absolutely not. The Jews are infidels - not because I say so, and not because they are killing Muslims, but because Allah said: 'The Jews say that Uzair is the son of Allah, and the Christians say that Christ is the son of Allah. )If the Jews left Palestine to us, would we start loving them? Of course not. We will never love them. Absolutely not. The Jews are infidels – not because I say so, and not because they are killing Muslims, ... Qur'an... This is it. We must believe that our fighting with the Jews is eternal, and it will not end until the final battle – and this is the fourth point. You must believe that we will fight, defeat, and annihilate them, until not a single Jew remains on the face of the Earth. [32] [33] [34] [35] [36]
Qatari Cleric Sheik Muhammad Al-Muraikhi: 'The Jews Are Our Enemies Because They Are Infidels, Not Because They Occupied Palestine,' The following is an excerpt from a Friday sermon delivered by this Qatari cleric: We do not treat the Jews as our enemies just because they occupied Palestine... even if they return Palestine to us, because they are infidels. [37] [38] [39]
The Palestinians Encourage Genocide [40] and on Palestinian TV openly call: Kill All The Jews [41], Palestinian Muslim cleric urges all Arabs to kill Jews, Christians [42], (Even calling to Kill all Americans [43]), Islamic sermons broadcast on Palestinian Authority have also been openly genocidal [44] for instance on 2007, Acting Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council Sheik Ahmad Bahr from Hamas, Declared during a Friday Sermon at a Sudan Mosque that America and Israel Will Be Annihilated and Called upon Allah to Kill the Jews and the Americans 'to the Very Last One,' [45] its culture embeds an ideology of genocidal radical Islamism - Jihad-Islamism.[46]
'Palestinian' Muslim cleric Muhsen Abu 'Ita told Al-Aqsa TV: "The annihilation of the Jews here in Palestine is one of the most splendid blessings for Palestine. This will be followed by a greater blessing, Allah be praised, with the establishment of a Caliphate." [47]
Islamic Religious Intolerance, anti Jewish bigotry the worrying "objection" Muslims have in commemorating the [genocide] Holocaust day. [48]
At the second Palestinian violent Intifada, they came up with a new (tool in) Genocide: Suicide Bombing, designed to massacre the most masses of civilians possible [49] [50].
An emphasis in radicals' work is indoctrinating Palestinian Children to Genocidal Hate, Imams are extremely influential in successfully emphasizing the goals of jihad and martyrdom [51], Sheikh Ibrahim Mudayris: "Kill A Jew Go To Heaven" The Muslims will kill the Jews, rejoice!" [52]. Especially the Islamic party: Hamas promotes Islamic supremacy over the world, "The Hamas Ideology of Hatred and Genocide: Islamic supremacy over the world, destroying Israel and Jews [53], Hamas is the acronym for "Islamic Resistance Movement", whose meaning, is "fanaticism". The Hamas Charter offers stereotype images, perpetuated in a Culture of Hate . Aside from the usual mad gibberage inspired by The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, it is committed to a genocidal jihad ideology against "the Jews," and this Culture of Hate is repeated again and again in official sermons at mosques in Gaza and elsewhere, which are shown on the official television of the Palestinian Authority. [54], it vows to 'drink' the blood of Jews [55], Hamas Mickey-Mouse-like character to incite for genocide [56], until recently Genocide of Jews remains Hamas open goal [57] it declares: "The Final Goal of the Resistance is to Wipe This Entity Off the Face of the Earth" "We are making the preparations for a confrontation. This is not because we need to be prepared for an Israeli act of aggression - after all, aggression is intrinsic to this entity - but because the final goal of the resistance is to wipe this entity off the face of the Earth. This goal necessitates the development of the capabilities of the resistance, until this entity is wiped out." [58]
Gaza kids 'training to kill Jews' , "I am learning how to fight the Jews and kill Jewish children," explain Palestinian children [59]
Hamas, the Muslim-Brotherhood-linked terror group dedicated to the annihilation of Israel through jihad [60], The people who comprise Hamas are dedicated to the annihilation of Israel and the slaughter of every Jew who lives there [61] in its Charter 1988 it states: 'Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it' ... Hamas wants the 'islamisation' of all the Middle East (as a first phase) [62].
Al Qaeda
In Al-Qaeda's Intellectual Legacy - Islamic Thinking justifying the genocide of infidels, According to al- Ali, all citizens of Israel are to be considered combatants. [63], How Al-Qaeda Justifies Terrorism and Genocide, it believes that both Jews and Christians want to destroy the Islamic religion and it is far better for al-Qaeda to kill us before we do any harm to Islam. "The Islamic victory over the USSR in Afghanistan, the creation of the al-Qaeda global network, and the spread of Islam in many Western countries are seen as signs of an Islamic awakening that from the radical Islamist perspective may lead to the restoration of Islam as the world's most dominant power," ... in this new emerging world order, Christians and Jews are no longer protected minorities under Islam. As a result, there is a dangerous trend among militant Islamist clerical authorities, especially from Saudi Arabia, justifying not only acts of terrorism against individuals, but also mass murder against whole groups of people regarded as infidels. Their call for the complete extermination of peoples means they have moved ideologically toward the justification of genocide [64].
In her book 'Lebanon's Hezbollah' (2003, Page 49) Ann Byers writes: 'In the 1990s, Hezbollah was training members of the terrorist groups Al Qaeda... (it supported the PLO as) in its early days the PLO was dedicated to the annihilation of Israel'. [65].
The Hezbollah Founding Statement contains a section titled "The Necessity for the Destruction of Israel," which reads as follows: "We see in Israel the vanguard of the United States in our Islamic world. It is the hated enemy that must be fought until the hated ones get what they deserve . . . Therefore our struggle will end only when this entity is obliterated. [66]
Hezbollah calling on Muslims to kill all Jewish Israelis with firearms, knives and poison [67]
The widening arena of Hezbollah's attacks stemmed from Nasrallah's perception that Jews anywhere are legitimate targets. In fact, Hasan Nasarallah has said: If they (Jews) all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide. (Daily Star, Oct. 23, 2002) [68].
More from Hassan Nasrallah, Leader of Hezbollah on Al Manar: "Let the entire world hear me. Our hostility to the Great Satan, America, is absolute. Regardless of how the world has changed after September 11, death to America will remain our reverberating and powerful slogan: Death to America." (House Record: 'war is ugly but tyranny is uglier'). [69], "Martyrdom operations -- suicide bombings -- should be exported outside Palestine. I encourage Palestinians to take suicide bombings worldwide. Don't be shy about it." [70]
Hezbollah's renewal of Jihad Genocide on Global "Jewish Targets" (June, 2008) [71].
The Muslim Brotherhood
The 'Muslim Brotherhood's Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawi: 'There is No Dialogue between Us and the Jews Except by the Sword and the Rifle' [72]
Islamic Republic of Iran's President Mahmud Ahmadinejad's call for Israel to be "wiped off the map" has triggered a sharp international response and widespread condemnation [73] [74] (It was not mistranslated [75]). has been described as wanting to carry out another genocide aimed at destroying the State of Israel [76], He 'faced genocide case', in 14 Dec 2006 was expected to be the target of a lawsuit which accuses him of inciting genocide against Israel. [77] [78].
In 2007, Ahmadinejad has threatened (again) the State of Israel with annihilation, Iran: 'Israel, US will soon die' [79]
Mainstream [Palestinian & other] Arabs
Even many of 'moderate Arabs' have been accused of this [80], in a poll of February 16, 2007 '75% of Palestinians do not think that Israel has the right to exist' [81].
Jerusalem Post's C. Glick: No Tolerance for Genocide , Genocide: The Spirit of Palestine... in Palestinian society today. It is not just Hamas or Tanzim or Islamic Jihad that we must fight, but Palestinian society itself must be transformed for there to be peaceful coexistence. Poll after poll shows that a solid majority of Palestinians from all socio-economic levels supports suicide bombers and other forms of terrorism against Israel. In fact the polls show that the higher the socio-economic level of the respondents, the stronger their support for terrorism. Virulent, Nazi-style Jew hatred and dehumanization has become for the Palestinians, as for the Germans before them, the central unifying theme of society. The best-seller lists in the PA for years have included such works as Mein Kampf and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. [82] [83] [84] [85].
Both Hamas and Fatah, that has under its wings the 'Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade' terror organization, are fully committed to Israel's annihilation. [86] [87]
Genocidal Agenda under 'Pro Palestinian' propaganda
On the so called 'Palestinian documentaries'. Tatiana Menaker: 'College Film Festival: Kill the Jews' It is understandable that the mere existence of Israel in such close proximity is unbearable. What is strikingly serious in all these films is that if one were to count the most often used words, these words would be "humiliation" and "Kill the Jews!" Even in the most peaceful and idealistic documentary... a young boy asked what he wants to do when he grows up is prompted by his father: "Kill the Jews!" When asked to draw a picture of his future he draws himself killing Israelis. [88]
The International Solidarity Movement - a 'Palestinian' propaganda machine, organized many activities, including on US campus, both, the ISM and PSM support in thinly veiled language suicide bombings... the audience chanted "Kill the Jews" - "Ittbach al yahood" in Arabic [89].
The International Solidarity Movement (ISM), its American, student affiliate the Palestinian Solidarity Movement, and other radical left-wing groups label every inch of Israeli territory as "occupied Palestine," advocate destroying the Jewish State by "any means necessary," and openly condone terrorism and Muslim suicide bombers as a means for accomplishing this goal. These groups are working to eliminate a population of six million Jews. [90].
At Israel's operation against Hamas terrorists in 'cast lead' [91] December 2008-January 2009, anti Israel Arab Muslim protesters called for Jews to 'Go Back to the Oven', to 'kill all the Jews', or: "Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the gas" [92], protesters have more than once declared how happy they would be if the Jews were simply wiped out once and for all, in Los Angeles: demonstrators in front of the Israeli Consulate chanted, "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" -- a vision that can only be realized by the total destruction of Israel. They waved the flag of the jihad terrorist group Hizballah. To cheers from other demonstrators, some shouted, "Long live Hitler! Put Jews in ovens! Jews are fossil fuel!", in Fort Lauderdale: Arabs, Muslim demonstrators chanted, "Nuke, nuke Israel!" and "Go back to the ovens! You need a big oven, that's what you need!", and a number made comparisons to the Holocaust [93] [94] [95] [96] [97] [98].
Phyllis Chesler: Today, we have grown used to seeing Palestinian and Hamas supporters goose-step, Nazi-style, shoot out their arms as they deliver the Hitlerian "Sieg Heil" salute. They also chant and scream: "Jews to the ovens," "Hitler did not kill enough of you," "Jews to the gas chambers." [99].
Israeli minister Danny Ayalon may press charges over 'racist' heckling [Feb 10, 2010] One was alleged to have shouted the Arabic phrase Idhbah al-yahud", meaning "kill the Jews", before being ejected by security. [100]
Useless United Nations
The United Nations is beholden to Arabs and tries to portray Israel as the offender. This is the same U.N. that couldn't define 'Terrorism' for eight plus years. Hundreds of rockets have landed in Israel without a comment by the U.N., Israel forces seek to defend itself and the U.N. makes loud official statements demanding an end of hostilities. The news media is complicit, never taking interest in rockets slamming Israel as much as they give credit to Arab nations protesting Israeli attacks. The Arab world will never protest Hamas or Hezbollah targeting innocent civilians. The Arab power (via oil, terrorizing representatives and threats of "angry Arab street") control over the UN is immense. [101] [102] [101][103][104] [105].
Jewish history begins in Hebron... The 1929 massacres, in which dozens of Jews were slaughtered all over the country, ... The cry of ''kill the Jews''! echoed throughout Hebron. ... Jordanian authorities completed the annihilation of the Jewish community by physically ...
[Hebron - The Pogrom of 1929 and the Protected Jews Now]...real message of Hebron -1929: For the Arabs all various political, religious, cultural, shadings amongst us have no meaning at all, they know only of Jews. Very often, these days, young Arab women and men are caught, carrying long, sharp knives. In their confessions they invariably admit to having set out "to kill Jews". Not soldiers, settlers, Zionists or "extremist": Jews.
The Hebron Massacre of 1929... Thousands of Arabs descended from Har Hebron, shouting "Kill the Jews!" in Arabic. ...
In 1929 there were Arab terrorist riots in British Mandate Palestine against the civilian Jewish population that lived there.
The [1929] riots were accompanied by militant Arab slogans such as... ˜Palestine is our land and the Jews our dogs... [and] brutal acts by Arabs...such as the killings in Hebron, where small children were tortured by their murderers before being murdered. ...the Jewish community in Palestine found itself caught up in a wave of violent disturbances that swept with a fury through Jewish settlements and neighborhoods throughout the length and breadth of the country. The danger now appeared to threaten the very survival of the entire Jewish community."
This was not the first mass racist attack by Arabs against unarmed civilian Jews in British Mandate "Palestine", nor would it be the last attempted extermination.
The Faisal-Weizmann Agreement, the Mufti and Hitler, Nazism and ...In his last public appearance in a speech before a World Islamic Conference in 1962, the Mufti called for the ethnic cleansing of all Jews...
Nazi Roots of Palestinian Nationalism... "Our fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world. I asked Hitler for an explicit undertaking to allow us to solve the Jewish problem in a manner befitting our national and racial aspirations and according to the scientific methods innovated by Germany in the handling of its Jews. The answer I got was: The Jews are yours."
Former Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini in his post-World War II memoirs
ISRAEL HAS ALWAYS FACED ARAB GENOCIDE. by Louis Rene Beres - [September 2, 2003] To fully understand current conflicts in the Middle East, history must be...
Israel Has Always Faced Arab Genocide - Opinion - [09/02/03] Arab/Islamic plans for genocidal extermination of Israel have never been kept ... for Israel's "annihilation" and "liquidation" - there were no "Palestinian ...
Israel - Radical Islamism = Racism = Genocide. Jihad-Islamism ...
The Nazi Connection to Islamic Terrorism... Haj Amin al-Husseini was born in Jerusalem in 1895, and fought in the Ottoman Turkish Army against the British during the First World War. In 1919, he established a secret Muslim Youth Group, al-Nadi al-Arabi, which organized violence against the British, the Jews of Palestine, and moderate Muslims. In March 1920, he instigated attacks against innocent Jews praying at the Western Wall in Jerusalem followed by anti-Jewish pogroms by armed Arab gangs in Jaffa, Rehovot, Petach Tikva and other Jewish towns.
In 1922, the British appointed al-Husseini Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. He organized a reign of terror against moderate Muslims who showed any sign of accepting the Jews, and in 1929 organized further pogroms against Jews in Jerusalem, Motza, Hebron, Safed, Haifa, Tel Aviv and Jaffa, as well as Jews living in the countryside. The ancient Jewish community of Hebron was destroyed.
After the massacre of the Hebron Jews, al-Husseini disseminated photos of the slaughtered Jewish corpses with the claim that the dead where actually Arabs killed by Jews! This type of blood-libel is today frequently used against Israel by the Palestinian Authority by the Axis of Islamists ...After Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933 , Al-Husseini proceeded to set up a Palestinian Arab Youth Group , known as the Nazi Scouts. In addition , Arab organizations modelled on the Nazi Party where set up in Egypt , Algeria, Tunisia , Syria, Lebanon and Iraq.
In August , 1995 a graduating class of Palestinian Authority cadets , who would later engage in the mass slaughter of Jewish men , women and children , marked the occasion with a Nazi style straight Sieg Heil salute. Fawzi Salim al-Mahdi , a commander of Fatah's Force 17 , Arafat's elite Praetorian Guard , which would play a key role in suicide bombings , was known as Abu Hitler , because he named his two sons Eichmann and Hitler.
In 1936 , al-Husseini made contact with the German Nazis , and with their backing launched the Arab revolt , in which thousands of Jews where butchered to the chlling cry of `Itbach al Yahud' - `Kill the Jews'. In 1937 , al Husseini met with Adolf Eichmann , in a cordial meeting , that would cement the al-Husseini-Hitler Alliance. Eichmann reported glowingly of the `national and racial conscience' among the Arabs of Palestine who hung swastikas and portaraits of Hitler in their homes.
"the Muslims inside and outside Palestine welcome the new regime of Germany and hope for the extension of the fascist, anti-democratic governmental system to other countries."
- Quote from the leader of the Palestinians, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, welcoming the Nazi rise to power, 1933.
"Our fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world. I asked Hitler for an explicit undertaking to allow us to solve the Jewish problem in a manner befitting our national and racial aspirations and according to the scientific methods innovated by Germany in the handling of its Jews. The answer I got was: 'The Jews are yours.'"
- Quote from the Mufti after WW2.
"I declare a holy war, my Moslem brothers! Murder the Jews! Murder them all."
- Quote from the Mufti calling for a genocide of the Jews when Israel was declared a state, 1947.
By Louis Rene Beres
(September 04, 2003)
Readers of daily newspapers are now well acquainted with unending Palestinian calls for the annihilation of Israel. What might not be apparent, however, is that such calls - sometimes in the carefully whispered voice of the Palestine Authority, more often in the strident voice of PA accomplices in Hamas and other related terror groups - constitute an especially serious crime under international law.
June 24, 2005
The myths of occupation
An article by David Meir-Levi picks its way through the myths that are believed about Israel’s ‘occupation’ and the reality. It explodes the myth that the quarrel is about a state for the ‘Palestinians’; the only reason why the Arabs of the territories do not have a state of their own is because although they were repeatedly offered it by both the international community and Israel itself, they repeatedly blocked it.
...the whole ‘Palestinian state’ grievance is a cynical fabrication, used by genocidal Arab regimes as a proxy for a conventional war of annihilation against Israel which they know they cannot win.
Israel could find itself confronting not only war, but genocide. ... A new state of Palestine would preoccupy Israeli military forces to a ...
HOUSE OF ESAU... (2005) "The Arab war plan does, indeed, call for the annihilation of the Jewish State, but there is another target. The Palestinian Arabs have been a hated thorn to most of the Arab world. While the Arab dictators used the Palestinian Arabs as a terrorist front to recover Arab pride for past battlefield defeats, they never allowed them to settle as citizens in their nations. They know that once these clever, hostile people have an operating state, they can and will cause havoc in the Arab world. They will constantly demand money, using the 'or else' blackmail, as in the past. Therefore, during this coming war, the two targets are both the Jews and the Palestinian Arabs." ("1997: The Next Arab-Israeli War", by Emanuel A. Winston, A Middle East Analyst and Commentator, The Jewish Press, Week of January 31, 1997, Vol. XLVII, No. 5, p. 43 and 53.).
that Palestinian society today overwhelmingly supports Israel's annihilation ... to acknowledge are that Hamas is a genocidal terror group sworn to Israel's ...
Hamas promotes Islamic supremacy over the world ..."The Hamas Ideology of Hatred and Genocide: Islamic supremacy over the world, destroying Israel and Jews, promoting terror and violence," Islamic Genocide Plan... .Al Jazeera television broadcast a videotape on July 27, 2006, which showed Al-Zawahiri exhorting Muslims to wage jihad against Israel... Encouraging Genocide"The Arab war against Israel is a jihad," ... "In Hebron and in our village, even before World War II, jihad was genocide," Shoebat notes. ... of Jihad and Intifada against the Israel (1948 - ongoing) Israel stands in the way of the march of the Islamic Jihad towards the Western ... in the form of suicide (genocide) bombers who blow school kids to bits, ... of Jews remains Hamas goal - March 30, 2007 ... and bring victory to your Jihad-fighting worshipers, in Palestine and everywhere¦ . for Hezbollah in Egypt Threatens Mubarak's Stability... calling on Muslims to kill all Jewish Israelis with firearms, knives and poison. ... The mufti praised Hezbollah...[1967] The Six-Day War... Gamal Nasser tells cheering Egyptians he intends to throw the Jews into the sea. Egypt and Syria are mobilized for war with Soviet arms. ...'ll Throw Them into the Sea," 17th 1967
On learning of Egypt’s demands of UNEF a series of emergency meetings was held by the Cabinet in Israel. There was great apprehension when head of Israeli military intelligence, Major General Aharon Yariv, reported to army headquarters, apparently mistakenly, that the Egyptian army was equipped with poison gas (Israel was unprepared for chemical warfare).
"All Egypt is now prepared to plunge into total war which will put an end to Israel" - Cairo Radio
In 1967, The Golan Heights was the place in which the Syrian army began its attack on Israel as part of the all Arab plan for the "final solution" of Israel. The propaganda which accompanied this attack, still sends shudders through the bones of those who lived this experience. Throughout the streets of Damascus, Cairo and Amman the frenzied mob marched chanting: "idhbah, idhbah, idhbah, idhbah al-yahud" - slaughter, slaughter, slaughter the Jews! And the Syrian media was busy showing the fate awaiting Jews once the victorious Syrian army conquered Israel. To demonstrate the bravery of its soldiers (including women), the Syrian television also showed how they eat snakes alive and how they slaughter pet animals and drink their blood. Syria was the most cruel in treatment of POWs. A Syrian soldier who killed Israeli Prisoners of war with an ax was decorated as a war hero; and some of the Israeli POW who survived the hideous tortures of the Syrians came back home broken forever.
A durable peace: Israel and its place among the nations - Page 143
by Binyamin Netanyahu - History - 2000 - 482 pages
Arab states farther afield also readied their military forces to be sent to what many of them confidently assumed would be the final assault on the Jewish state. Arab leaders were not reticent in proclaiming their aims. "The problem before the Arab countries," declared Nasser in May 25, ". . . [is] how totally to exterminate the State of Israel for all time... wipe Israel off the map," declared President Aref of Iraq on May 31.. "The Arab struggle must lead to the liquidation of Israel," explained Algerian president... on June 4 And on June 5, the day the war broke out, Radio Damascus exhorted simply: "Throw them into the sea."... ... Israel asked the Jordanians to stay out of any Arab assault, but on June 5, when the fighting began, King Hussein joined in as well, shelling the entire Israeli frontier... On June 7, Hussein broadcast this to his army: "Kill the Jews wherever you find them. Kill them with your arms, with your hands, with your nails and teeth. ...
May 31 (1967): Iraqi President Rahman Aref announces: "This is our
opportunity to wipe out the ignominy which has been with us since 1948. .. Our
goal is
clear— to wipe Israel off the map." plans for genocidal extermination of Israel have never been
kept secret, perhaps because these plans don't really disturb the rest
of the world. With rampant anti-Semitism again in fashion, especially in
"civilized" Europe, few seem to recall that, prior to 1967 - when all Arabs were already screaming for Israel`s "annihilation" and "liquidation" - there were no "Palestinian territories" under Israeli control. Exactly what was the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Arab world in general seeking to "liberate" between 1948 and 1967, when Gaza was held illegally by Egypt and Judea/Samaria (West Bank) illegally by Jordan?
To the Arab world, Israel's existence is everywhere denied - even its manifest physical presence on the planet. No map, no official documents, no school textbooks include the State of Israel. The official maps of the Palestinian Authority, an Authority whose alleged recogn! ition of Israel has always been a precondition for all "peace" negotiations, incorporate all of Israel into Palestine. Cartographically, Israel has already been destroyed. This is the case despite the fact that a sovereign state of "Palestine" has never existed in history and in spite of the fact that even the Koran fully acknowledges Israel as the home of
the Jewish People.
The Arab world claims that all of Israel, not just Judea/Samaria (West Bank) and Gaza, is "occupied territory."
(16 Jan 2004 'Academia')
CAMERA: EYE ON THE MEDIA (November 14, 2003) : Pandering to Genocide Indeed, Palestinian leaders, including PA religious figures, have repeatedly called for the annihilation of Israel. But submitting Israel's Jews to the ...
Dr. K. Levin in 'Gaza: Hamas’s Suicide Bomb (March 07, 200 '...ever since Israel withdrew its troops from Gaza in 2005, Hamas has used Gaza as a launching pad for its campaign of genocide against Israel and its citizens. Hamas has been firing rockets (about 2,000 so far) from Gaza into Israel, especially on the town of Sderot, with the objective of killing as many Jewish civilians as possible. It has done so from within civilian areas. The Israeli government failed to answer these attacks until just recently, when it finally showed resolve to defend its own citizens and launched some attacks and killed over 100 Hamas terrorists... Whenever Israel acts, and whatever the additional provocation, in terrorist assaults, to its doing so, it will likely have little support from the wider world and will be condemned in the United Nations, which - in its indifference to the promotion of terror and genocide against Israel, whether by Palestinians, other Arabs, or Iran - has become the monster it was created to fight.'
Iranian And Palestinian Lunatics Brainwashing ...Nov 30, 2008 ... In Iran little toddlers are being brainwashed to have "the annihilation of Israel" as their "greatest desire": ...
Top Hamas official: Kill all Americans The Hamas spokesperson concluded with a prayer, saying: "Oh Allah, vanquish the Jews and their supporters. Oh Allah, count their numbers, and kill them all, ... TV: Kill All The Jews, Palestinian TV: Kill All The Jews The Palestinian Authority is inciting the current wave of violence through its official media. against the Jews and the Americans Mickey: Let's kill Jews ... Hamas - the terrorist group with a majority in the Palestinian Authority - is using a Mickey-Mouse-like character to [incite for genocide]... MUSLIM CLERIC URGES ALL ARABS TO KILL JEWS, CHRISTIANS ... vows to 'drink' Jewish blood, See terrorist group's video with messages ... group would drink the blood of Jews until they "leave the Muslim countries. ... Video: "We Are A Nation That Drinks Jewish Blood," Promises To Kill Jews "Until We Have Quenched Our Thirst With Your Blood". February 24, 2006 ... - Hamas Video- We will Drink the Blood of the Jews,Half a month after its electoral victory, a Hamas website presented the parting video messages of two Hamas suicide terrorists. Hamas: "The Final Goal of the Resistance is to Wipe This Entity Off the Face of the Earth"
"We are making the preparations for a confrontation. This is not because we need to be prepared for an Israeli act of aggression - after all, aggression is intrinsic to this entity - but because the final goal of the resistance is to wipe this entity off the face of the Earth. This goal necessitates the development of the capabilities of the resistance, until this entity is wiped out."
Hamas Cleric Muhsen Abu 'Ita: "The Annihilation of the Jews in Palestine is One of The Most Splendid Blessings for Palestine"
Following are excerpts from an interview with Palestinian cleric Muhsen Abu 'Ita, which aired on Al-Aqsa TV on July 13, 2008:
To view the clip, visit
To view the MEMRI TV page for Al-Aqsa TV, visit
Muhsen Abu 'Ita: "Naturally, the Koran chapters conveyed to Muhammad in Mecca only rarely deal with the Jews - like in 'those who incur Allah's wrath,' which appears in the Al-Fatiha chapter.
"Hence, it is strange to find an entire chapter bearing the name of the Jews, or Bani Israil. It is even more peculiar that this chapter does not talk about the Jews of the Qaynuqa, Nazir, or Qurayza tribes.
"It talks about the Jews of our times, of this century, using the language of annihilation, the language of grave digging. Note that in this chapter, the Jews were sentenced to annihilation, before even a single Jew existed on the face of the earth. This Koranic chapter talked about the collapse of the so-called state of Israel, before this state was even established....
"The blessing of Palestine is dependent upon the annihilation of the pit of global corruption in it. When the head of the serpent of corruption is cut off here in Palestine, and its octopus tentacles are severed throughout the world, the real blessing will come.
"The annihilation of the Jews here in Palestine is one of the most splendid blessings for Palestine. This will be followed by a greater blessing, Allah be praised, with the establishment of a Caliphate that will rule the land and will be pleasing to men and..."
'The Final Reckoning for Palestine'
Palestinian supporters seek the annihilation of Israel (November 29, 2008)
Both Hamas and Fatah (that has under its wings the 'Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade' terror organization) are fully committed to Israel's annihilation. Neither terror organization can ever be expected to serve Israel's security interests. (Oct 29, 2007)
The al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades
An armed offshoot of largest Palestinian faction Fatah, made up of autonomous militias scattered across West Bank and rumored as dangerously close to the Palestinian Authority; the Brigades' goal is to eradicate Israel’s presence in the West Bank
Ynetnews Published: 05.29.08, 13:58 / Israel News
Established in 2000, the al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades is made up of numerous West Bank militias affiliated with late Palestinian president Yasser Arafat's nationalist, secular Fatah. Fatah is considered the largest faction of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Brigades constitute the party's military wing.
The al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade consists of localized, autonomous units which act independently of each other and are often named after recently-killed Palestinian militants and terrorists. The group's decentralized structure works to its advantage, making operatives and leaders harder to track by the intelligence community.
The Brigades' professed goal is to annihilate Israeli presence in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The group began its activity during the Second Intifada, initiating a series of bloody attacks against Israeli civilians. Attacking Israeli settlements and military outposts first, the Brigades joined forces with Hamas and the Islamic Jihad a short while after beginning their insurgence, escalating their actions and targeting Israeli cities. The uprising was soon dubbed the al-Aqsa Intifada.,7340,L-3549249,00.html
The chance that the Hamas will now suddenly abandon its genocidal agenda is exactly the same as the chance of bin Laden embracing Buddhism or Quakerism and running in the Massachusetts Senate race. (February, 2006)
The Genocidal Charter of Hamas (NGO, July 2002)
1. Recognizing that the right to life is a right from which all other rights flow, the worst crime against humanity is premeditated GENOCIDE! Article III (a) (b) and (c) of the 1948 Genocide Convention state that the following acts are punishable: Genocide; Conspiracy to commit genocide; and Direct and public incitement to commit genocide.
2. The premeditated terrorist massacre by Hamas on the Jewish Passover of 2002 needs to be seen in its true context. The current Islamist "jihad ideology" is part and parcel of the 1988 Charter of Hamas, inspired by Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, its founder and spiritual leader.
3. Just after his return to Gaza to a rapturous reception in October 1997, Sheikh Yassin declared that Israel must "disappear from the map." He also said: "We have an aim and an enemy, and we shall continue our jihad against the enemy. A nation without jihad is a nation without a purpose." (AP, 22 October 1997). In February 1998, Sheikh Yassin toured the Gulf region for three months, visiting over a dozen Arab countries. Everywhere he went he preached in mosques, while his official audiences were broadcast on television. Since then, he has repeated his politicidal/genocidal goal.
4. Last year, an alliance was declared between Chairman Arafat's Palestinian Authority and Hamas that resulted in the freeing of all convicted Hamas terrorists. In March 2002, Fatah's Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades recently joined Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and Hamas on the U.S. list of world terrorist groups. It immediately sent a girl jihadist-bomber to kill and maim on a Sabbath eve in Jerusalem, followed 24 hours later by a male jihadist-bomber in Tel Aviv. The families of jihadist-bombers receive a cheque of $25,000 from Saddam Hussein.
5. Hamas is the acronym for "Islamic Resistance Movement", whose meaning, is "fanaticism". The Hamas Charter offers stereotype images, perpetuated in a Culture of Hate . Aside from the usual mad gibberage inspired by The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, it is committed to a genocidal jihad ideology against "the Jews," and this Culture of Hate is repeated again and again in official sermons at mosques in Gaza and elsewhere, which are shown on the official television of the Palestinian Authority.
6. Religious justification is provided for this genocidal ideology by a controversial hadith - now a commonplace slogan with Islamists worldwide - which is the conclusion to article 7 of the Charter: "... The Prophet, Allah bless and grant him salvation has said: 'The Day of Judgment will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews, until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O Muslim! O Abdullah! (Slave of Allah!) there is a Jew behind me come on and kill him..."
7. Article 8 is the slogan of the Hamas Movement, inducing its adepts to kill infidels in the name of Allah when called upon: "Allah is its goal, the Prophet its model, the Qur'an its Charter, jihad its path, and death for the cause of Allah its most sublime belief.
8. Article 13 states: "There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through jihad. All initiatives, proposals and international conferences are a waste of time and vain endeavours ." The message in Article 28 illustrates vividly the genocidal terror aim of the jihadist bombings: "Israel, Judaism and Jews challenge Islam and the Muslim people: 'May the cowards never sleep'!"
9. Article 2 of the Charter insists that Hamas is a wing of the international Muslim Brotherhood, founded in Egypt in 1922. On 18 March 2002, a Muslim Brotherhood event assembled 1'000 fanatics at Egypt's Al-Azhar University - "different than all previous demonstrations". They heard Hamas leader Sheikh Yassin's voice calling on them to take the jihad path. An Egyptian candidate was reported as saying that he was "one of the first of the martyrs [jihadist-bombers] to choose to die in order to defend the Muslim Palestinian people." ( Al-Mustaqbal , Beirut, 19 March 2002, English trans. by MEMRI Special Dispatch-Egypt/Jihad and Terrorism Studies N° 358, 22 March 2002:
10. On 4 April 2002, the highest Sunni spiritual leader issued a religious ruling from Al-Azhar:
"The great Imam of Al-Azhar, Sheikh Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi, demanded that the Palestinian people, of all factions, intensify the martyrdom operations against the Zionist enemy, and described their martyrdom as the highest form of jihad. He says that the young people executing them have granted Allah the most precious thing. He emphasized that every martyrdom operation against any Israeli, including women, children and teenagers, is a legitimate act according to religious law, and an Islamic commandment..." ( (4 April 2002); English trans. in MEMRI report of 8 April 2002. Special Dispatch-Egypt/Jihad & Terrorism Studies, 7 April, N° 363/
11. A written Charter or Constitution cannot simply be ignored. Hitler understood this when he wrote in the 1924 preface to Mein Kampf: " The unity and uniformity of a doctrine can only be safeguarded if it has been fixed forever in a written text." Few people bothered to read Mein Kampf then and fewer still have bothered to read the Hamas Charter. It is high time that this be done now.
12. In a Report last year.., the High Commissioner for Human Rights referred to "hate speech and incitement. She was shocked by calls, broadcast on Palestinian television and radio, urging the killing of all Jews." At Durban, she identified personally with "Jews", who were being vilified en bloc (as in the 1930s), an act that has tarnished the United Nations indelibly.
13. The World Union for Progressive Judaism again calls on the High Commissioner for Human Rights - and this Sub-Commission - to address a solemn appeal to Muslim spiritual and secular leaders to condemn this jihad ideology. Such a condemnation should include the Hamas genocidal Charter.
14. The current policy of silence - on such a grave religious issue - by Muslim spiritual and secular leaders from the Member States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), as well as from the international community, on this "Ideology of Jihad" implicitly condones as normative a great evil of our time, thereby encouraging future jihad ist-bombers, whose actions should be considered by Muslims and non-Muslims alike as a defamation of Islam.!OpenDocument
NGO239 of 23 May 2006 Furthermore, with the Hamas Charter as official Palestinian policy, ... to condemn this genocidal Hamas Charter/Covenant Should this matter be shelved,!OpenDocument
"Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it." (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory).
"The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Muslim generations until Judgement Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up. "
"There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors."
UN-speakable hypocrisy
Monday, June 2nd 2008,
Bureaucrats at the UN trace the problem back to a statement made by the WUPJ during a Jan. 24, 2008, session of the Human Rights Council. The meeting marked the fourth time the UN's lead human rights body had convened an entire session to condemn Israel. That brought the total to four special sessions on Israel - compared with six sessions to address human rights in the other 191 UN member states.
As the council conducted its predetermined witch hunt, WUPJ representative David Littman made the mistake of referring to Hamas' genocidal charter. He began three times, quoting the charter's words that "Israel will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it," and calling upon the council to invoke the Genocide Convention.
January 02, 2009
Confronting Hamas' Genocidal Jew-Hatred
HAMAS Charter of 18 August 1988 is racist, ‘politicidal’ and ‘genocidal’.
September 26, 2002, 9:05 a.m.
The Genocidal Hamas Charter
The 1988 Hamas charter (an acronym for "Islamic Resistance Movement" in Arabic) is both political and genocidal — yet the United Nations has never denounced it. It claims to be a wing of the International Muslim Brotherhood, an organization founded in Egypt in 1922. Hamas is against any Middle East peace process: "There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through jihad. All initiatives, proposals, and international conferences are a waste of time and vain endeavors" (Article 13).
And then there is the Hamas slogan, which has inspired countless jihadist bombers: "Allah is its goal, The Prophet its model, the Qur'an its Charter, jihad its path, and death for the cause of Allah its most sublime belief" (Article 8).
Hamas is committed to continuing jihad against "the Jews" until Allah's victory is implemented. The land of Palestine, it affirms, must be cleansed from their impurity and viciousness. Muslims are obligated by order of the Prophet to fight and kill the Jews wherever they find them. This call to genocide is justified by a hadith which concludes article 7 of the charter:
Iran: President Says Israel Should Be 'Wiped Off Map' - RADIO FREE ...Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad's call for Israel to be "wiped off the map" has triggered a sharp international response and widespread condemnation. ...'s President Says Israel Must Be 'Wiped Off the Map' - New ...Iran's President Says Israel Must Be 'Wiped Off the Map' ... "Anybody who recognizes Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation's fury," Israel should be wiped off map, says Iran's president [27 October 2005]
His speech was immediately condemned by the US, Britain, France, Germany and Israel. The Foreign Office could not recall a similar statement from a senior Iranian leader since the former president Hashemi Rafsanjani five years ago called for a Muslim state to annihilate Israel with a nuclear strike.
BBC NEWS Middle East Ahmadinejad 'faces genocide case' Dec 14, 2006 ... Iran's president is expected to be the target of a lawsuit which accuses him of inciting genocide against Israel.
Move to bring genocide case against Ahmadinejad as Iran president repeats call to wipe out IsraelRobert Tait in Tehran, Ed Pilkington in New York The Guardian, Dec 13, 2006 ... The outgoing US ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton, is backing a call for the president of Iran to be charged with inciting ...
Ahmadinejas was not mistranslated... genocide, when asked about Ahmadinejad’s call to wipe Israel off the map. In reality, the intent behind Ahmadinejad’s language is clear
Cotler: 'Try Ahmadinejad for genocide calls' Iran news ...Mar 18, 2008 ... "There is more evidence on a factual basis with respect to the state-sanctioned incitement to genocide in Ahmadinejad's Iran than we had ...
Irwin Cotler: Iran's incitement of genocide can't be treated as bombast
[December 05, 2008]
The threat of genocide should not be disconnected from the nuclear issue, let alone ignored. It is the terrifying and vilifying context in which the nuclear threat operates, and the Genocide Convention, together with international legal instruments such as the Treaty for an International Criminal Court – which also directly prohibits the public incitement to genocide – and the UN Charter, authorize a panoply of international legal remedies which Canada could invoke.
Ahmadinejad: Israel a 'rotten, dried tree' - World - Apr 15, 2006 ... Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called Israel a "rotten, dried tree" that will be annihilated by "one storm".
Iran: Israel, US will soon die - Israel News, Ynetnews Jan 23, 2007 ... Ahmadinejad has threatened the State of Israel with annihilation several times in recent months, and has recently added the US and Britain to the list of countries he says will be destroyed.,7340,L-3356154,00.html
Ahmadinejad - incitement deserves indictment [Feb 7, 2006] German Chancellor Angela Merkel was the first world leader to recognize the connection between Iran's uranium enrichment, its testing of long distance missiles, and the genocidal statements of its president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. A day after declaring that Israel "should be wiped off the map" on October 25, he incited students to scream "death to Israel," at a government-sponsored conference called the "World without Zionism." ... The International Association of Genocide Scholars (IAGS) has passed a resolution noting that Iran's actions, including Ahmadinejad statements, are early warning signs of genocide. These signs include open expressions of an exclusionary ideology characterized by hate speech, an authoritarian government that represses dissent, the organization of fanatical militias, such as the Revolutionary Guards, and a sustained record of support for terror attacks against Jews around the world.
US Congress: Charge Ahmadinejad for inciting genocide - Israel ...Jun 20, 2007,7340,L-3415589,00.html
Charge Ahmadinejad with incitement to genocide, say former U.S., Israeli envoys to UN
The forgotten Rachels
April 26, 2005
"Armed struggle" is a Palestinian "right" The International Solidarity Movement (ISM)... is routinely described as a "peace group" in the media. Few make any mention of the ISM’s meeting with the British suicide bombers Omar Khan Sharif and Asif Muhammad Hanif who, a few days later, blew up Mike’s Place, a Tel Aviv pub, killing three and injuring dozens, including British citizens. Or of the ISM’s sheltering in its office of Shadi Sukiya, a leading member of Islamic Jihad. Or of the fact that in its mission statement the ISM said "armed struggle" is a Palestinian "right".
According to the "media co-ordinator" of the ISM, Flo Rosovski, "'Israel' is an illegal entity that should not exist" – which at any rate clarifies the ISM's idea of peace
STUDENTS For TRUTH... Both ISM and PSM support in thinly veiled language suicide bombings and the destruction of the State of Israel. In the United States these groups couch support for the targeting of Israeli civilians in code words like "armed resistance” and use prestigious institutions such as Duke University in an effort to seek legitimacy for their abhorrent views.... At the 2nd PSM Conference at the University of Michigan in October 2002, the audience chanted "Kill the Jews" - "Ittbach al yahood" in Arabic. Endorsing violent attacks on Jewish civilians is an abuse of the freedom of speech
The International Solidarity Movement and the
Palestinian Solidarity Movement: Who They
Are And What They Stand For
Updated February 12, 2006
...Terrorists have sought out the company of the ISM as cover for their murderous activities. Omar Khan Sharif and Asif Mohammed Hanif (see archive) arrived at the offices of ISM in Rafah, the West Bank, and made contact with its members just days before Omar Khan Sharif detonated himself in a homicide bombing which left three dead and dozens injured in Israel in April, 2003.
Guest speakers for, as well as organizers of, PSM conferences are known to have ties to terrorist organizations. Former professor of University of South Florida, Sami al Arian, was invited to speak at a PSM conference held at the University of Michigan (see archive). Mr. Al Arian was arrested in February, 2003 on charges of being a leader in the American branch of the terrorist group, Islamic Jihad (see archive). Fayyub Sbaihat, who attends the University of Wisconsin, was one of the main organizers of the PSM conference held at The Ohio State University in November, 2003. Sbaihat is a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) (see archive). Sbaihat has two brothers who are also members of the PFLP in the West Bank. The PFLP was behind the murder of the Israeli Tourism Minister, Rahbaa'm Zevi. The group has also been responsible for terrorist attacks against innocent Israelis.
Other speakers at PSM conferences have included Mahdi Bray of Muslim Public Affairs. In 1998 at a rally held in Washington, Bray led a crowd of 2,000 people who cried out, [L]et's all go into jihad, and throw stones at the face of the Jews...
Maestro of Georgetown Terror Event
By Lee Kaplan 2/7/2006
Fadi Kiblawi is upset that the Fifth Annual Student Divestment Conference of the International Solidarity Movement scheduled for Georgetown University later this month has been getting some bad press. In a letter to the campus newspaper, Fadi Kiblawi denied reports in the Hoya that at a previous national ISM conference at the University of Michigan attendees yelled “Kill the Jews!” Kiblawi cited as “proof” quotes from a U Michigan college dean named Ed Willis who claimed he never heard such threats or calls to violence.
Jews: To The Muslim Gas Chamber... They also chant and scream: “Jews to the ovens,” “Hitler did not kill enough of you (02/02/2009)
Demonstrators cry 'nuke Israel,' carry Hezbollah flags at U.S. ... 6 Jan 2009 ... ... Florida last week featured demonstrators carrying signs reading ...
More hate: Anti-Israel protester tells Jews ‘go back to the oven ...Jan 7, 2009 ... And they are not unique to this protest in Florida..., who turned out last week to protest Israel’s military operation in Gaza. ... On the other side: “Kill Jewish people evry where in ther world! ... Jews to the gas.“ And the message in Belgium, where pro-Hamas demonstrators torched Israeli ...
Calling for Genocide In Your Neighborhood
by Robert Spencer
The mainstream media has taken little notice, but at rallies in America and Europe this week protesting Israel’s actions in Gaza, protesters have more than once declared how happy they would be if the Jews were simply wiped out once and for all.
Los Angeles: Muslim demonstrators in front of the Israeli Consulate chanted, "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" -- a vision that can only be realized by the total destruction of Israel. They waved the flag of the jihad terrorist group Hizballah. To cheers from other demonstrators, some shouted, "Long live Hitler! Put Jews in ovens! Jews are fossil fuel!"
Fort Lauderdale: Leftist and Muslim demonstrators chanted, "Nuke, nuke Israel!" One yelled: "Go back to the ovens! You need a big oven, that’s what you need!"
Toronto: A Muslim protester complained that "Hitler didn’t do a good job." Another shouted at pro-Israel counter-demonstrators: "Jewish child, you’re gonna f****n die. Hamas is coming for you." Pro-jihad demonstrators berated and threatened those who came out to show support for Israel, saying: "I want the war to continue because I want Hizballah to wipe the state of terrorism [i.e., Israel] off the planet....You’re being wiped off the planet. That’s a promise." Yet another Muslim demonstrator said of Jews, "You are the brothers of pigs!" -- recalling the Qur’an’s depiction of Jews who disobeyed Allah as being transformed into apes and pigs.
London: Muslim protesters, repeatedly shouting "Allahu akbar," threw traffic cones and sticks at the police and taunted them, calling them cowards, swine and "kuffar" (unbelievers).
Copenhagen: Muslim demonstrators chanted, "Down, down Israel, down, down USA, down, down democracy, down, down Denmark." One Muslim in the crowd ostentatiously made the Nazi salute. Another shouted, "We want to kill all the Jews, all the Jews should be slain, they have no right to exist!" The crowd repeatedly chanted, "Khaybar, Khaybar, ya Yahoud, jaish Muhammad sawfa yaoud" -- that is, "Khaybar, Khaybar, O Jews, the army of Muhammad will return." That chant is a reference to a celebrated incident in the life of Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, when he massacred a town full of Jewish farmers. Muhammad led a Muslim force against the Khaybar oasis, which was inhabited by Jews -- many of whom he had previously exiled from Medina.
The Muslims also chanted "Hitler! Heil Hitler! Hitler! Hitler! Hitler!" Demonstrators shouted "We must just kill all those Jews, man! Then we'd be rid of them, man!," "Death to Israel," and "Kill the Jews."
Amsterdam: While Dutch parliamentarian Harry van Bommel of the Socialist Party and other Leftist useful idiots marched in a demonstration calling for an intifada against Israel, the crowd behind them chanted "Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the gas."
Israeli minister Danny Ayalon may press charges over 'racist' heckling
Times Online - Catherine Philp - Feb 10, 2010
One was alleged to have shouted the Arabic phrase Idhbah al-yahud", meaning "kill the Jews", before being ejected by security.
Using the Holocaust to Attack the Jews - THE NEW ANTI-SEMITISM. Using the Holocaust to Attack the Jews .... Walter Reich, a professor of international affairs at George Washington University, ...
Broken moral compass
Published 08.JAN.09
Hassan Nasrallah: In His Own Words...
Nasrallah and Jews
Within a month of Nasrallah's taking over as leader, Hezbollah (with the help of Iranian intelligence) bombed the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires, killing 29 and injuring over 200. The next attack perpetrated by Hezbollah” again with Iranian help” was the bombing of the Jewish community center in Buenos Aires, killing 86 and injuring over 200.
The widening arena of Hezbollah's attacks stemmed from Nasrallah's perception that Jews anywhere are legitimate targets. In fact, Nasarallah has said:
If they (Jews) all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide. (Daily Star, Oct. 23, 2002)
Shiite scholar Amal Saad-Ghorayeb analyzed the anti-Jewish roots of Hezbollah ideology in her book Hezbollah: Politics & Religion. In it, she quotes Hassan Nasrallah describing his antipathy toward Jews...
Nasrallah also incoroporates anti-Semitic rhetoric in speeches. For example, he has characterized Jews as the "grandsons of apes and pigs" and "Allah's most cowardly and greedy creatures." (MEMRI: Al- Manar, Feb. 3, 2006) ...
Nasrallah's anti-American sentiments are continuously on display. He fuels anti-American attitudes in the Middle East with charges such as his statement that Americans "have outdone Hitler." (AP, Oct. 2, 2001) During one TV broadcast, Narallah accused the US of many "sponsored plans for extermination, eradication and genocide" against the people in the Middle East. (BBC Monitoring: Al-Manar, Feb. 8, 2002)
A 2002 appearance on Al-Manar illustrates his deep hostility toward the United States:
Let the entire world hear me. Our hostility to the Great Satan [America] is absolute ...
I conclude my speech with the slogan that will continue to reverberate on all occasions so that nobody will think that we have weakened. Regardless of how the world has changed after 11 September, Death to America will remain our reverberating and powerful slogan: Death to America. (BBC Monitoring: Al-Manar, Sep. 27, 2002)
Nasrallah boasts about Hezbollah's designation as a terrorist group by America:
It is our pride that the Great Satan (U.S.) and the head of despotism, corruption and arrogance in modern times considers us as an enemy that should be listed in the terrorism list...I say to every member of Hezbollah (should) be happy and proud that your party has been placed on the list of terrorist organizations as the U.S. view it. (United Press International, Nov. 4, 2001)
At a rally in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley, Nasrallah encouraged worldwide suicide bombing against the West:
Martyrdom operations - suicide bombings - should be exported outside Palestine. I encourage Palestinians to take suicide bombings worldwide. Don't be shy about it. (Washington Times, Dec. 6, 2002)
Ahmadinejad must believe that he can get away with a plan for genocide because his remarks about wiping Israel off the map have been largely disregarded by the world community. He is trying to delegitimize the State of Israel by denying the Holocaust and has supported and financed Hizballah's leader Sheikh Nasrallah. Nasrallah has been calling for more Jews to immigrate to Israel - only so that it will make it easier to destroy them all if they are gathered in one location
Defending Israel Against Iran's Still-Intended Genocide ...An online portal
for analysts in the spheres of foreign policy, geopolitics, counter-terrorism
and conflict. Media WatchIsrael is referred to as a "cancerous lump, that is
the Jews, in the heart of the Arab nation," and ... Genocide of Jews remains
Hamas goal - March 30, 2007 ... Will there soon be a genocide in Israel?Will there soon be an
anti-Jewish genocide in Israel? A slide presentation of crucial evidence.
Historical and Investigative Research - 14 April 2007 ... CALLS FOR GENOCIDE ARE PUNISHABLE INTE... genocide against
Israel's Jews are allowed to become the materialised foreign policy of certain
Islamic states armed with chemical, biological ... Watch: Spencer: Speak Out Against Genocide... Nasrallah... He has
rejected all negotiated settlements: “There is no solution to the conflict
except with the disappearance of Israel.” And his genocidal vision goes
... Tolerance for Genocide... To defuse the danger presented to Israel by
the genocidal Palestinians, we must also look to the German experience and take
our cue from the Allied policy ... Ahmadinejad - Nasser's Successor Will Ahmadinejad Eventually Suffer Same Fate As Did Nasser On June 5th, 1967? .... Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Threats Recall Those Of Egypt's Gamal Abdel Nasser Before He Tried To Wipe Israel Off The Map In Six Day War Of 1967... "
throw the Jews into the sea", the IDF had fought the war without hatred. ... Hamas: "
The Final Goal of the Resistance is to Wipe This Entity Off the Face of the Earth"
"We are making the preparations for a confrontation. This is not because we need to be prepared for an Israeli act of aggression - after all, aggression is intrinsic to this entity - but because the final goal of the resistance is to wipe this entity off the face of the Earth. This goal necessitates the development of the capabilities of the resistance, until this entity is wiped out." Was Not MistranslatedJune 17, 2008 “ 11:32 am
A new study by Joshua Teitelbaum of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs sets out to refute the claim that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and other Iranian leaders are being misquoted when they call for the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people.
As the executive summary states: What emerges from a comprehensive analysis of what Ahmadinejad actually said“ and how it has been interpreted in Iran “ is that the Iranian president was not just calling for 'regime change' in Jerusalem, but rather the actual physical destruction of the State of Israel . When Ahmadinejad punctuates his speech with ˜Death to Israel (marg bar Esraiil ), this is no longer open to various interpretations.
Download this thorough - and chilling - analysis, in PDF format, by clicking here

An Islamic Iranian government-approved Photo
BBC NEWS Middle East Ahmadinejad 'faces genocide case' 14 Dec 2006 ... Iran's president is expected to be the target of a lawsuit which accuses him of inciting genocide against Israel. senior Hamas leader in Gaza declared that it was signed and sealed within his party that Israel would be wiped off the map and replaced by a Palestinian ... Hezbollah Founding Statement contains a section titled “The Necessity for the Destruction of Israel,” which reads as follows: “We see in Israel the vanguard of the United States in our Islamic world. It is the hated enemy that must be fought until the hated ones get what they deserve . . . Therefore our struggle will end only when this entity is obliterated.
Iran: Israel, US will soon die - Israel News, Ynetnews Jan 23, 2007 ... United States and the Zionist regime of Israel will soon come to ... Ahmadinejad has threatened the State of Israel with annihilation ...,7340,L-3356154,00.html
Hamas Charter 1988 Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, ... Hamas wants the ‘islamisation’ of all the Middle East (as a first phase) ...
The 'Muslim Brotherhood's Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawi: 'There is No Dialogue between Us and the Jews Except by the Sword and the Rifle'
Hassan Nasrallah, Leader of Hezbollah on Al Manar:
"Let the entire world hear me. Our hostility to the Great Satan, America, is absolute. Regardless of how the world has changed after September 11, death to America will remain our reverberating and powerful slogan: Death to America." (House Record: 'war is ugly but tyranny is uglier').
"Martyrdom operations -- suicide bombings -- should be exported outside Palestine. I encourage Palestinians to take suicide bombings worldwide. Don't be shy about it."
Arabs have been committing genocide, killing Jews in Israel in a
systematic, organized fashion, for the past 80 plus years. On Friday, August 23
1929, ...
Jan 29, 2009 ... Hamas is dedicated to the annihilation of Israel and Jews.
... with ties to the radical Muslim Brotherhood, Hizbollah and Iran, Hamas
wishes ...
For while Israel's proximate enemies are Hamas and Hezbollah, and the
unspeakable regimes ... and are themselves pledged to Israel's physical
annihilation, ...
Hamas is dedicated to the annihilation of Israel and Jews. ... with ties to
the radical Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah and Iran, Hamas wishes to impose
Hezbollah has dedicated its existence to the genocide of the Jewish people
Hamas, the Muslim-Brotherhood-linked terror group dedicated to the
annihilation of Israel through jihad
The people who comprise Hamas are dedicated to the annihilation of Israel
and the slaughter of every Jew who lives there; ...
The Palestinian Mufti's Deal with Hitler: 'Kill All the Jews in the Middle
It was the Mufti who sought to annihilate the tiny State of Israel
In her book 'Lebanon's Hezbollah' (2003, Page 49) Ann Byers writes:
'In the 1990s, Hezbollah was training members of the terrorist groups Al
Qaeda... (it supported the PLO as) in its early days the PLO was dedicated
to the annihilation of Israel'.
What the Fight in Israel Is All About... Spring of 1967 the Arab countries,
led by Gamal Abdul Nasser of Egypt, prepared to attack Israel and, in their own
words, “throw the Jews into the sea. ...
If Israel were to lay down her weapons there would no longer be an Israel.
.... You say that Arabs teach their kids to hate Jews? Israel is a very
Making the world 'Judenstaatrein... New anti-Semitism discriminates against the Jewish people's right to live as an equal nation...deputy prime minister of Sweden, pithily concluded: "Compared to most previous anti-Jewish outbreaks, this [new anti-Semitism] is often less directed against individual Jews. It attacks primarily the collective Jews, the State of Israel. And then such attacks start a chain reaction of assaults on individual Jews and Jewish institutions… In the past, the most dangerous anti-Semites were those who wanted to make the world Judenrein, 'free of Jews.' Today, the most dangerous anti-Semites might be those who want to make the world Judenstaatrein, 'free of a Jewish state.'" ... There are three manifestations of this genocidal anti-Semitism. The first is the state-sanctioned - indeed state-orchestrated - genocidal anti-Semitism of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s Iran, dramatized by the parading in the streets of Teheran of a Shihab-3 missile draped in the emblem "wipe Israel off the Map," while demonizing both the State of Israel as a "cancerous tumor to be excised” and the Jewish people as "evil incarnate."
A second manifestation of this genocidal anti-Semitism is in the covenants and charters, platforms and policies of such terrorist movements and militias as Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hizbullah and al-Qaida, which not only call for the destruction of Israel and the killing of Jews wherever they may be, but also for the perpetration of acts of terror in furtherance of that objective.
The third manifestation of this genocidal anti-Semitism is the religious fatwas or execution writs, where these genocidal calls in mosques and media are held out as religious obligations - where Jews and Judaism are characterized as the perfidious enemy of Islam, and Israel becomes the Salmon Rushdie of the nations.
...a new genocide of the Jews is being prepared by Islamo-fascists...
Israel Must Face Reality or Face Annihiliation ... Their philosophy is 'condemn Israel and the Muslims and Arabs will leave us alone ... state-sponsored Arab papers, many from so-called moderate countries, ...
Al-Qaeda Justifies Terrorism and
Genocide... al-Qaeda believes that both Jews and Christians
want to destroy the Islamic religion and it is far better for al-Qaeda to kill
us before we do any harm to Islam.
"The Islamic victory over the USSR in
Afghanistan, the creation of the al-Qaeda global network, and the spread of
Islam in many Western countries are seen as signs of an Islamic awakening that
from the radical Islamist perspective may lead to the restoration of Islam as
the world's most dominant power,"
... this new emerging world order,
Christians and Jews are no longer protected minorities under Islam. As a result,
there is a dangerous trend among militant Islamist clerical authorities,
especially from Saudi Arabia, justifying not only acts of terrorism against
individuals, but also mass murder against whole groups of people regarded as
Their call for the complete extermination of
peoples means they have moved ideologically toward the justification of
Egyptian cleric: The Jews "are enemies not because they occupied Palestine. They would have been enemies even if they did not occupy a thing."
They keep telling us that it isn't about "stolen land," and that land concessions and even the creation of a Palestinian state will not end the conflict. And we keep refusing to believe it
Islamic Egyptian cleric: The Jews "are enemies not because they occupied Palestine. They would have been enemies even if they did not occupy a thing." "Muhammad Hussein Ya’qoub: The Jews Are the Enemies of Muslims Regardless of the Occupation of Palestine," (from MEMRI TV, January 17 2009) Muhammad Hussein Ya’qoub: If the Jews left Palestine to us, would we start loving them? Of course not. We will never love them. Absolutely not. The Jews are infidels – not because I say so, and not because they are killing Muslims, ... Qur'an... This is it. We must believe that our fighting with the Jews is eternal, and it will not end until the final battle – and this is the fourth point. You must believe that we will fight, defeat, and annihilate them, until not a single Jew remains on the face of the Earth. [ ] [ ]
The case for Israel - by Alan M. Dershowitz - 2003 - History - 264 pages (page 101)
...Again, the Arab goal was to kill as many civilians as possible, despite the fact that deliberately attacking civilian targets is a war crime...
The Face of Islamic Religious Intolerance
By Paula R. Stern
September 12, 2005
Today, as I knew they would, crazed Palestinian mobs are desecrating 25
synagogues in Gaza, setting them on fire and destroying what it took years to
build. I have visited almost all of these synagogues, prayed in many of them. I
cannot even begin to put into words the pain I feel today, the anger, and the
The world, as I expected, is silent. The UN's Kofi Annan was asked to
protect the remaining synagogues, but we hear nothing. Empty buildings, they
will protest quietly, and what did you expect? Unspoken is the silent message
that while the Christian world and the Jewish world would respect places of
worship, the Moslem world cannot be held to the same level of accountability.
Did you expect any different? No, I did not, though it would be a mistake to
assume that knowing they would destroy these holy places in any way lessens the
We can't say that we expected no better, of course, because that would be
deemed racist and wrong. It would be insulting to the honorable religion of
Islam, even though it is the truth. It would imply that their values are
different than ours, even though they are. It would suggest that their culture
is one that lacks respect for other religions, one deeply embedded in violence
and one that cannot tolerate and respect the beliefs of others. We can't say all
that, and so the lie will live on, the destruction go unpunished, the truth left
The world will quietly offer Israel their condolences and throughout the
world, in places like Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, and even in Poland,
Romania, Hungary and the Ukraine, people will wonder if maybe they could destroy
a nearby synagogue too. Why should the land on which these buildings sit
continue to be "wasted" when there are no Jews around? Could there be a way to
rid Europe and Arab countries of these buildings in which Jews once prayed? The
first step, of course, is to deny.
Palestinian President Abu Mazen has become a rabbi, apparently. He can now
determine the holiness of a synagogue and has issued his rabbinic doctrine that
these buildings are no longer synagogues, no longer holy. If you take the wooden
pews, the musical instruments, the Bibles, hymnals, altar furnishings and
vestments out of a church, is it then permissible to burn it down? Does it lose
its sanctity because the inner contents has been removed?
Perhaps others are wondering if they too could use the Palestinian excuse
that a building stripPed and desecrated is no longer holy and can be destroyed.
How many Jewish cemeteries are there in Europe? Are Jews ever likely to return
to Iraq? Must Tunisia protect the remaining synagogues? What of Morocco?
Luckily, our holy places will be saved by the most unlikely source. Abu
Mazen has one problem in making his claim believable. His own people reject his
words. Watch the pictures of them dancing on the rooftops of these buildings,
see how they set fire to these holy places.
In his mad rush for the border, Sharon gave the Palestinians millions of
dollars in infrastructure, public buildings, lighting, roads and more. And yet
the pictures in the media are all the same. The Palestinian mobs are frantic and
out of control in their bloodthirsty quest to destroy the synagogues because
they recognize that these places are holy to the Jews.
What interest would they have in simply destroying a building? They will
scavenge around and take what they can ... but the synagogues are being
destroyed. Why burn and damage them if not for the intense hate-filled desire to
destroy something that represents Judaism, a non-Moslem place of worship?
But it is not only the pictures from Gaza that cause me great pain today,
not just the hatred and destruction that we all knew was inevitable. Add in a
debate going on now in England, civilized England. At first glance it seems like
it is a different topic entirely, and yet, it its own way, it is the same
debate, albeit in a more civilized environment. Perhaps commemorating Holocaust
Day is too Jewish, say a team of advisors to Prime Minister Tony Blair. Perhaps
it would be more politically correct to call it Genocide Day so as to avoid
insulting England's growing Moslem population.
How appropriate that this debate would be raised on days when synagogues
are again being burned and destroyed. Would England deny the unique place the
Holocaust has in world history? Are the Holocaust and the few days we
commemorate it not sacred? There have been many attempts
at genocide throughout the centuries, but none were as systematic, as civilized
and endorsed as the Holocaust
Nowhere, never, was the machine of a government focused so totally on
obliterating all traces of a religion or people in such an efficient and
barbaric way while being accompanied by the silence of nations who could have,
should have done something.
Not since Nazi Germany have so many synagogues been destroyed. Moslem
intolerance is well known and yet the world continues to be silent. Why was the
world silent when 2000 Hindi temples were destroyed by Moslems in India? When
will the world finally react to Islamic religious intolerance? Would the world
remain silent if 25 churches were burned in one day? Where is the Vatican's
voice of outrage as the synagogues in Gaza burn? I can only imagine what fury
there would be if Israel were to now demolish 25 mosques on Israeli soil.
Just three days ago, I stood in the Yamit Yeshiva in Neve Dekalim last
week, the famous synagogue in the shape of a Jewish star. Abu Mazen has promised
that this building will be destroyed. Apparently its continued existence would
be an insult to the Palestinians who do not believe in the sanctity of any
religion but their own.
As I walked around, there was a swirl of action. Soldiers moved quickly
back and forth removing whatever could be taken. The books had been removed, the
holy Torah scrolls long since taken away so they would not see the shame of what
would come. The High Court had not yet ruled whether Israel should destroy the
buildings in anticipation of the desecration Abu Mazen and his government was
promising. But the soldiers knew destruction was coming soon.
In the end, the Israeli government made the correct choice. We will not
destroy synagogues. We will not send a signal to the world that it is acceptable
to wantonly destroy the holy places of our religion or another, and so today, as
yesterday and tomorrow, mosques will be safe in Israel while synagogues burn
Jews do not destroy places of worship even if the alternative in the end is
the desecration of these Houses of God at the hands of rioting mobs who worship
terror, incite violence and care not for any buildings or any people, not even
their own. The world will not admit it, it can't be said or written, but Jews
honor churches, mosques and synagogues throughout our country and in our
communities. Since the Holocaust, the Jewish synagogues in Europe have largely
been protected and public outcries have often resulted when desecrations have
Israelis even protect Arab holy sites when they are built on top of our
holy places, as they are on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Joseph's Tomb,
Samuel's Tomb and the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron.
The face of the future state of Palestine can be seen in the actions of
Palestinians today. There is an impossible divide between our culture and
theirs, our dreams and the nightmares they would force upon us.
Jews made their stand yesterday by not destroying their synagogues.
Palestinians made their stand today by burning and desecrating them. The
remaining question now is what the Christian world will do. Will you express
outrage at Islamic intolerance or continue in silence? is about a 250 million strong Pan-Arab Movement seeking to drive 6 million Jews into the sea
The Threat of the Human Shield Strategy Hamas Uses Extends Beyond Israel, Gaza
By Abraham Cooper , Harold Brackman
Posted January 9, 2009
...The Gaza conflict is likely to be remembered as a terrible watershed, not because the IDF has unintentionally killed Palestinian civilians but because Hamas has made the use of human shields a primary military strategy. Buoyed by the unforgivable silence of leading international NGOs, Hamas deploys two complementary tactics that mock and debase the humanitarian core of international law: thousands of indiscriminate rocket attacks targeting Israeli civilians and the massive use of Palestinian civilians—including women and children—as human shields.
Why this willful blindness? For some, it is the romanticized image of Hamas, the pitiful underdog David confronting the giant Israeli Goliath. Yet, in truth, Israel is a sovereign member state of the United Nations that has no need to apologize for creating a military strong enough to defend it from multiple regional threats, including Tehran's genocidal promise to "wipe it off the map." Those who dismiss genocidal threats from Iran and Hamas as mere rhetoric should take a closer look at history. As Ron Rosenbaum recently pointed out, the most significant difference between Adolf Hitler's and Hamas's plans to annihilate the Jewish people is that the Nazis hid their full intent until World War II while Hamas has been promising to do exactly this since its founding charter 20 years ago. And while Hamas does not possess the power of an Adolf Hitler, a nuclearized Iran may be positioned to further the fuehrer's vision of a Judenrein world. It is important to remember that the Nazi leader was incapable of perpetrating the Final Solution until he was empowered by the tacit complicity of a world community that retreated from reality rather than confront the rising tide of evil that was Nazism...
The New Anti-Semitism
by Melanie Phillips - March 22, 2003
Phillips says that hostility to Jews is strongest among those on the Left who
claim to be fighting racism
Want to make yourself really, really unpopular if
you’re a Jew? Try saying that the world is witnessing a terrifying firestorm of
hatred directed at Israel and the Jewish people, in which the British and
Europeans are deeply implicated. Since it is now a given in many circles that
Israel is a threat to the world equal to North Korea, and that Ariel Sharon is a
cross between Martin Bormann and Hendrik Verwoerd, you will find yourself
accused of using the Holocaust to avoid any criticism of Israel’s behaviour.
Because, well, you know, you Jews always stick together and are mighty quick to
deal that persecution card.
Anyone who holds that view may as well skip what
follows. More objective and fair-minded souls, however, might be deeply alarmed
to learn of the evidence provided at a recent conference on anti-Semitism and
the media at the Vidal Sassoon Centre for the Study of Anti-Semitism in
This was scarcely a gathering of the Ariel Sharon fan club. Among academics
and journalists from Israel, Europe, Britain and America were several
left-wingers and liberals who were deeply hostile to Israel’s Likud government,
believed that the settlements should be dismantled, and were troubled by the
behaviour of some of Israel’s military. ‘There’s no doubt that Israel is
committing human-rights violations on the West Bank,’ said Professor Yehuda
Bauer, the distinguished Holocaust expert.
But there was equally no doubt, from what he and others said, that anti-Zionism is now being used to cloak a terrifying nexus
between genocidal Arab and Islamist hatred of the Jews and deep-seated European
Anti-Semitism is protean, mutating over the centuries into new forms. Now
it has changed again, into a shape which requires a new way of thinking and a
new vocabulary. The new anti-Semitism does not discriminate against Jews as
individuals on account of their race. Instead, it is centred on Israel, and the
denial to the Jewish people alone of the right of self-determination.
This is nothing to do with the settlements or the West Bank. Indeed, the
language being used exposes as a cruel delusion the common belief that the
Middle East crisis would be solved by the creation of a Palestinian state.
The key motif is a kind of Holocaust inversion, with the Israelis being
demonised as Nazis and the Palestinians being regarded as the new Jews. Israel
and the Jews are being systematically delegitimised and dehumanised — a
necessary prelude to their destruction — with both Islamists and the Western
media using anti-Zionism as a fig-leaf for prejudices rooted in both mediaeval
Christian and Nazi demonology.
This has produced an Orwellian situation in which hatred of the Jews now
marches behind the Left’s banner of anti-racism and human rights, giving rise
not merely to distortions, fabrications and slander about Israel in the media
but also to mainstream articles discussing the malign power of the Jews over
American and world policy.
The Jerusalem conference heard chilling presentations
about a phenomenon barely discussed in Britain: the virulent Arab and Muslim
hatred of the Jews. This goes far beyond even the desire to finish off Israel as
a Jewish state. Anti-Jewish hatred plays a crucial role in the fanatical
jihadism that now threatens all of us in the West, pouring out in television
programmes, newspapers and religious sermons throughout the Arab and Muslim
world, and amounting to a new warrant for genocide
The dominant message is that Jewish power amounts to a conspiracy to
destroy Islam and take over the whole world. Truly mad theories circulate on
Islamist Internet sites which have now convinced untold numbers of Arabs and
Muslims that the Jews were behind both 9/11 and the Columbia space-shuttle
disaster. Egyptian television transmitted a 41-part series which presented the
notorious Tsarist forgery, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion — which purported
to be a Jewish plot to control the world — as the truth. (This has prompted some
Arab intellectuals to condemn such propaganda as both untrue and a tactical
error, but these dissidents remain a small minority.) Meanwhile, Saudi media and
religious sermons incite the murder of Jews.
According to the Arabic scholar Professor Menachem Milsom, this Arab and
Islamist propaganda persistently dehumanised Jews by representing them as apes
and pigs. A preacher at the totemic Haram mosque in Mecca said the Jews were
‘evil offspring’, the ‘destroyers of God’s word’, ‘priest murderers’ and the
‘scum of the human race’. The mediaeval Christian blood libel — the claim that
the Jews kill children and drink their blood — has surfaced time and again in
prestigious Arab newspapers.
And Zionism was equated with Nazism; just as the Nazis believed in the
superiority of the ‘Aryan’ race, so Zionists (sic) believed they were the chosen
people, which justified their own military expansion. This equation was not
confined to a marginal few. Abu Mazen, said Milsom, the Palestinian Authority
intellectual who is being talked about as Yasser Arafat’s prime minister in a
‘reformed’ administration, wrote as much in his doctoral thesis — in which he
also said that the Zionists gave the Nazis permission to treat the Jews as they
wished so long as this guaranteed their immigration to Palestine.
These sick outpourings are not so much religious or even fundamentalist
doctrines as rooted in a fanatical totalitarian ideology. As Professor Bauer
observed, the driving aim is the Islamic dictatorship of the world. Realisation
of this utopia necessitates the destruction of the foundation creeds of Western
culture, Judaism and Christianity — and especially Israel, the supposed
personification of Western global power-lust, which was planted as an incubus on
Arab soil as a result of the Holocaust.
Holocaust denial is therefore central to Arab anti-Semitism, the prejudice
which such historical falsehood has helped to forge a strategic alliance with
Europe. For it absolves Europe of its guilt over the Jews, and replaces it with
European guilt towards Arabs displaced as a result of the Holocaust.
Europe has waited for more than half a century for a way to blame the Jews
for their own destruction. So instead of sounding the alarm over genocidal
Islamist Jew-hatred, Europeans have eagerly embraced the Nazification of the
Jews, a process which really got under way with Israel’s disastrous invasion of
Lebanon in 1982. This marked the beginning of the media’s systematic inversion
of Israeli self-defence as aggression, along with double-standards and malicious
fabrications, which have nothing to do with legitimate (and necessary) criticism
of Israel and everything to do with delegitimising the Jewish state altogether
in readiness for its dismantling.
So the conference heard about German accusations that Israel was using Nazi
methods and (repeating a claim by Hamas) that the Monica Lewinsky scandal was a
Jewish conspiracy against Bill Clinton. It heard of the Nazification of Israel
in Sweden, where there were charges that the Israelis were exterminating the
Palestinians, that the media were controlled by Jewish interests to suppress
criticism of Israel, and that influential Jewish lobby groups were ‘spraying
journalists with poison’.
It heard that in France Jews were vilified and excluded from public debate
if they challenged the lies being told about Israel. It was shown a devastating
French film Décryptage (Decoding) — which has been playing to packed houses in
Paris — about the obsessive malevolence towards Israel displayed by the French
media. It was told about the way the British media described Israel’s ‘death
squads’, ‘killing fields’ and ‘executioners’ while sanitising Palestinian human
bombs as ‘gentle’, ‘religious’ and ‘kind’. It heard about the cartoon in the
Italian newspaper La Stampa during the siege of the Church of the Nativity in
Bethlehem, depicting an Israeli tank pointing a gun at the baby Jesus who is
saying, ‘Surely they are not going to kill me again.’
And of course there was Jenin, the so-called ‘massacre’ or ‘genocide’
reported as such by virtually the entire media, where in fact 52 Palestinians
died, of whom more than half were terrorists, while Israel sustained (for it)
the huge loss of 45 of its soldiers. This astonishing media distortion was
conceded at the conference by the (extraordinarily brave) Palestinian politics
professor Mohammad Dajani, who also observed that a distraught Palestinian
public was — on this and other occasions — whipped up by biased and emotional
Palestinian reporting which showed little concern for the truth. But the big lie
of the Jenin massacre is now believed as fact, contributing to the belief that
Israel is a criminal state.
Europeans have thus made themselves accomplices to an explicitly genocidal
programme. But an even more striking feature is that, while the old
anti-Semitism still festers away among neo-Nazis, the new anti-Semitism is a
phenomenon of their sworn enemies on the political Left. So, as the Canadian law
professor Irwin Cotler observed, we now have the mind-twisting situation where
anti-Jewish hatred is harnessed to the cause of anti-racism and human rights,
with Israel being compared to both Nazism and apartheid by those who define
themselves against these ideologies. Such a travesty of the facts involves, of
course, the implicit denial of the truth of those terrible regimes, quite apart
from the prelude to annihilation created by such a lethal defamation of Israel.
And even more counterintuitively, many Jews and Israelis on the Left also
subscribe to this analysis — and even to the demonology of Israeli Nazism and
apartheid — handing an effective weapon to those who dismiss the claim of a new
anti-Semitism as Jewish paranoia or Islamophobia.
So what is the explanation for the Left’s position? Partly, it’s the old
anti-imperialist and anti-West prejudice. Partly, it’s the view that only the
powerless can be victims; so Third World people can never be murderers, and any
self-defence by Western societies such as Israel must instead be aggression.
Partly, it’s the post-modern destruction of objectivity and truth, which has
ushered in the hegemony of lies. And partly, as the Left takes an axe to
morality and self-restraint, it’s a golden opportunity to pulverise the very
people who invented the damn rules in the first place.
A left-wing Polish journalist at the conference, Konstanty Gebert, got the
real point. The Left, he said, could not face the fact that they had totally
misconstrued the Middle East because this would undermine their whole
philosophy. This was founded on the premise that reason could reconcile all
differences; all that was needed in Israel was an enlightened government for
reason to prevail. The evidence that we are facing a phenomenon which is not
susceptible to reason would destroy that world view. It would also give
credibility to the hated Sharon, whose demonisation is absolutely vital to the
Left as a protection against the implosion of its whole ideological position.
So the evidence is being denied, and truth is being stood on its head. The
result is the defamation of a people, the greater prospect of its destruction,
and the disastrous failure of the populations of Britain and Europe to
understand properly the threat that all free peoples now face.
Radical Islam's Threat of Genocide against the Jews- Remarks by the
Representative of Israel to the Fourth Stockholm Conference on the Prevention of
Genocide ...the State of Israel, which arose phoenix like from the ashes of the
Shoah, and which for most of its short history, has itself been threatened with
extermination... an upsurge in hate speech directed against Jews, over the last
three years. This phenomenon reached its apogee recently when the Syrian
produced television series "Al Shataat" (Diaspora) chose to resurrect the evil,
heinous, and false accusation of ritual murder which has dogged the Jewish
people since the middle ages. This television series was carried by the
Hezbollah TV. station, "Al Mannar", which is broadcast from Lebanon and is
readily accessible here in Europe, through a European satellite service.
Everyone in this room knows the inevitable and tragic results of hate propaganda
such as this... words of one of the foremost Saudi clerics, spoken at a mosque
at the center of the Islamic world. The Saudi cleric, Mohammed Salah el-Munjeed,
stated: "How can Moslems not be joyful when in the killing of Jews and infidels?
Allah will surely gladden the hearts of his followers as they kill and destroy
all of them (the Jews)."
"Kill A Jew –Go To Heaven" The Muslims will kill the Jews, rejoice!" Sheikh
Ibrahim Mudayris, Head of ..... [turned] Palestine into one of his colonies and
sent Jews there. ... Kids Peace "Seeking a Martyr's Death: Video & Report, The regular PA TV programming includes song and dance accompanying scenes of violence and words glorifying willingness to die for Allah. ... vs. Genocideby Dmitry Radyshevsky -
March 24, 2004
AnIsraeli journalist, a friend of mine, was recently invited
on an American radio program to debate the Middle East situation with a
colleague, an Arab-American. Like many such debates, this one was a lost cause
for the Jewish side. All the facts on terrorism, on the monstrous hate-the-Jew
propaganda in Palestinian schools, media, and mosques, all the numbers and
stats and quotes were reduced to rubble with one word from his opponent:
"occupation". And the audience agreed: terror is horrible, but it is caused by
this nasty occupation.
Thousands of anti-Israel propaganda makers have learned well the recipe
developed by the KGB and picked up on by the European and American PR firms
with the PLO for clients. For the West, the word "occupation" is an absolute
negative and can be used (with accompanying phrases like "right to
self-determination" and "struggle for independence") to trump any facts.
Can defenders of Israel find a magical word that would trump "occupation"?
It would have to be one word – a word of truth – to defeat legions of lies.
There is such a word. It is "genocide".
In 1948, five Arab armies tried to choke the Israeli state in embryo form.
Days before the invasion, Azzam Pasha, the General Secretary of the Arab
League, announced, "This will be a war of extermination, a momentous massacre,
which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacres and the Crusades."
In 1967, Egypt's Nasser declared, a few days before the war, "Our main task
is to destroy Israel."
Syria's Assad echoed, "It is time to embark on a war of annihilation."
The same sentiments were voiced in 1973.
Only the fear of yet another resounding defeat or being snuffed out by
Israel's nuclear weapons, have since held back Iraq, Iran, Egypt and Syria
from new attempts. Yet, the Satanic obsession with "destroying the name of
Israel" in Islam keeps growing. Arab maps still do not include Israel and,
after the 55 years of de-humanization and demonization of the Jews in Arab
propaganda and education system, the psychological grounds are laid for a new
The clear and present danger of a new Jewish Holocaust – not just the
toothless condemnation of terrorism – should be the subject of Israeli
delegations' presentations at the all the world's Genocide Conferences.
Only due to Israel's military deterrent capability has this new genocide
not come to pass. The key to this capability is maintaining full military
control over Judea, Samaria and Gaza, minimal territorial depth to mobilize
the reserves in the case of an attack and to prevent the Palestinians from
striking straight into the heart of Israel.
Back in 1967, the American Chiefs of Staff concluded that the moment the
Islamic world believed that Israel's containment capability is gone, they
would launch an attack. Thus, Israel must have permanent military control over
the tiny land of Israel (0.12% of the total Middle East land mass), in order
to prevent a new Holocaust. Any person with any vestiges of Western
Judeo-Christian morality has to admit that Jewish military presence in Judea
and Samaria is an acceptable price for preventing a Holocaust.
If you choose to call it occupation, feel free to do so. Occupation is an
acceptable cost for preventing genocide.
Occupation saves the lives of five million Jews. Moreover, it saves the
lives of four million Arabs living on the Land of Israel who will perish, too,
if Islamic hordes again try to destroy Israel. (The Arab world doesn't care;
as Anwar Sadat, the late Nobel Prize winner, used to say, any Islamic leader
can sacrifice a few million of his subjects to erase Israel off the face of
the planet.) Furthermore, occupation serves to save the entire mankind from a
nuclear Armageddon, because this is what will happen should Islamic leaders
armed with WMDs attempt to destroy the Jewish state.
From the Pharaoh to Hitler, the Jews have been through Holocausts. And we
will not allow Yasser Arafat, Hosni Mubarak or the ayatollahs the pleasure of
continuing that line.
Only the occupation of Germany stopped Hitler's genocide. The whole world
accepted it as the only way to salvation. Few anti-Semites would be so
shameless as to claim that a genocide should always precede an occupation.
So let us remember: "genocide" is the word.
Checkpoints prevent genocide.
Israeli soldiers in Arab villages prevent genocide.
The "racist separation wall" prevents genocide.
If Europeans, whose parents participated or abetted in the Holocaust, are
so concerned with the Palestinians' welfare, then here's another truth:
occupation is their only hope for a normal life. Until Arafat's return from
Tunis, all the vital statistics of the Palestinians languishing under Israeli
occupation – life-span, infant mortality, education, income, free press – were
incomparably higher than they are now, after ten years under the Palestinian
Moreover, the occupation is the Islamic world's only chance to rid itself
of the occupation by the unholy forces that took over the Islamic theology and
its everyday life. If Palestinians become enlightened by Israel, they will
become agents of change in the Islamic world; if they don't, they will remain
the strike force of jihad, leading the charge to destroy civilization and
But it is us, the Israelis – not the Europeans – who must do the main
reckoning. We have to admit we are standing in the gate of Auschwitz and we're
refusing to be pushed inside. They call our will to live "occupation". Let
them. Never again shall we concede to their will to kill. Nor shall we concede
to the will of our own masochists to have the peace of the grave, or to the
Europeans' will to be a concubine in an Islamic harem.
We shall counter-attack and we shall prevail, because our God is the God of
the living, who will spread the "occupation" of his light throughout the
world. The crucial upturn in this war will take place here, in the heart of
Israel. It will start with the change in our hearts – when we no longer ask
for "peace" for which we have to pay with our land; when we take
responsibility for this land and for the people whom God allowed to stay here
– the Palestinians – and end the real occupation, whose diabolical mission is
the destruction of the Jews.


Tags: 1948, 1967, Adolf Hitler, Ahmadinejad, Al Qaida, apartheid, Arab racism, Arabs, Asad Mansor, Auchwitz, Begin, Buchenwald, camp David, conflict, Egypt, Fedayin, Gaza, genocide bombing, George Galloway, Haj Amin Al-Husseini, Hamas, Hezbollah, history, Iran, Iraq, Islam, Islamic Apartheid, Islamic genocide, Islamic Jihad, Islamic nukes, Islamofascism, Israel, Israel VS genocide, Jews, Jihad, Jimmy Carter, Lebanon, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, middle east, Mufti, Muslem brotherhood, Muslims, Nasser, Nazism, New Holocaust, nukes, palestine, palestinians, peace, peace process, Rashid, Saadat, Saudi Arabia, six day war, SS, Syria, terror, throwing into the sea, war, war on terror, wiping off map, Zionism, Zionists
Labels: Israel palestine 101, Israel vs Genocide