Thursday, March 22, 2012

Arab racism manufacures fraud of "Palestinian suffering"

Arab-Islamic Palestinianism's rule number 1: Kill, then demonize the victims in order to kill some more.

No one ever suggests that there are people who are incapable of experiencing any pain. But for a "culture" to lie, exaggerate and invent most of it, and even suggest that most of their suffering is not due to their own fault, is exactly that, fraud.

As NYTimes bestselling book author M. Evans said: Make no mistake: Arab racism is killing Jews, I say, make no mistake, Arab racism manufactures the fraud of "Palestinian" suffering. The racism which was Islamicized. The same bigotry seeks justification to its crimes by converting the Arab-Palestinian aggressor into a "victim."

This is why the "Palestinian" victimhood is propagated also by anti-Jewish Neo-Nazi elements like KKK's David Duke and others. Because the true source of it all, is pure anti-Jewish demonization. Why of course "white" Nazis hate the "brown" Arab race [regarded by Hitler as monkey like] as well.

Lies, ever since the Arab Palestinian entity was founded (in the 1960s') in falsehood, telling a tale of "natives," while in fact, most of its populations has no more than 2 or 3 generations in the historic land of the Jews. It's OK to start "nationhood" at some point, but not upon an outrageous lie of being "indigenous" and a complete racist exclusion of another group, whose historic roots are so strong.

Worth mentioning the self-inflicted Naqba, whereas the Arab-Palestinian narrative is a falsification of history. Author: The Nakba - the story of the Palestinian refugees - is the greatest success story in the history of modern times, a success that is a complete fraud.

The virus of Palestinianism-Fakestinianism nonsense is wide spread. Even MSM like NYTimes falls for the syndrome of ignoring self-inflicted wounds.

The fake victimhood that 'lives' off of self-orchestrated 'dead Arab kids,' who are usually, either casualties by their (parents, mentors, exploiters, etc.) adults' fault or by accidents. Besides, most casualties by Israel are guilty combatants, most casualties by the Arabs are innocent non-combatants victims.

Of course the Arab adults "fighters" are not just the murderers of Israeli children but of Arab children as well. What? The Arab-Islamists are fighting a so-called "resistance" (whatever that means)? Let them man up and crawl out of their hidings among civilians, let them abandon the safeness of crowded places where they know the humane IDF, despite its amazing effort (how does over a quarter of a million phone calls to private homes and mobile phones warning people to leave sound?), has so much difficulties in evacuating the area from non-combatants. Where they know fully well, that no matter what, kids are going to die, and that's only because of their "holy war."

Ask the 'Palestinian authority' this: How many Jewish and Arab kids were massacred because of the racist Arab bluff of "al-Dura boy -wrongly played as if killed by IDF- which was the banner, under which the so-called "al-Aqsa" intifada was launched, whereby an intensification began of homicide bombers by radical and official mainstream "Palestinian" Arabs and use of kids as human bombs/shields?

The recent Arab-Muslim massacre of Jews in Toulouse, France, where little Jewish girl, Miriam Monsonego was chased and shot, then picked her up and aimed at her head again by vicious monster, Mohammed Merah, was rightfully blamed on him being brainwashed by anti-Israel lies and propaganda. Some suggested direct link to UN's worker, Arab-Palestinian malicious-typical "activist" Khulood Badawi's tweeting of a bloodied photo of an accidental 2006 dead Arab kid as a supposed "recent Israel action."

Whether it's Saeb Erakat lying to the world about a fake Jenin "massacre."; or conducting a fake funeral; or adding bodies from the cemetery; or an altered photo (fauxtography) by an Arab working for Reuters; or Pallywood by Khulood Badawi; or the long list of 'Palestinian industry of lies,' where media manipulation has become strategic Arab weapon against Israel, the bottom line is that these inflammatory lies are the direct fuel to Arab-Muslim bigoted crimes against humanity.

See also: Simon Deng at the Durban III conference ON Ignoring Genocide by Chasing Israel Saturday, February 25, 2012 By exaggerating Palestinian suffering, and by blaming the Jews for it, the UN has muffled the cries of those who suffer on a far larger scale.
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