Sunday, June 19, 2011

Whither Palestine?‎

Whither Palestine?‎

Whither Palestine?‎
International Analyst Network
Whither Palestine?
Dr. Daniel M. Zucker
18 Jun 2011
Obama’s announcement that the questions of Jerusalem and refugees would be deferred to a

later stage, following the successful conclusion of an agreement on borders and
security is a total non-starter from the Israeli viewpoint. It permits the
Palestinians to continue the conflict after having their territory legally
defined as “occupied”, or forcing Israel to retreat to the indefensible borders
of 1967 without even ending the conflict! No sane Israeli government can agree
to such a position. So too, roughly three out of four Israelis refuse to see
Jerusalem divided again. The nineteen years of Arab rule of East Jerusalem
[1948-1967] and the attendant desecration of synagogues and Jewish cemeteries as
well as the inaccessibility of Jewish holy sites during that period has taught
Israelis to seriously distrust promises on that score. Mahmoud Abbas’ recent
statement that no Israelis would be permitted to stay on Palestinian land proves
that not much has changed in the Palestinian view of the relationship. It’s
Palestine that would be a racist, apartheid state, not Israel which has a 20%
Arab citizenship and Arab Members of the Knesset, as well as Arab members of the

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