Thursday, May 26, 2011

On Islamic Iran / Hezbollah Global Jihadi Crimes Against Humanity - Including the 911 massacre

On Islamic Iran - Hezbollah global Jihadi crimes against humanity - including its involvment in the 9/11 massacre / its "conpiracy theories" and hatred


Iran should pay damages, 9/11 family members say
May 21, 2011 Associated Press

NEW YORK — Lawyers representing 9/11 families are asking a federal judge to find Iran culpable in the Sept. 11 terror attacks, saying new evidence shows Iranian officials had advanced word of the attacks and helped train the hijackers.

The lawyers filed papers Thursday in US District Court in Manhattan saying there is “clear and convincing’’ evidence to conclude default judgment damages should be paid to their plaintiffs — families and personal representatives of some of those killed in the attacks...

The lawyers said Iran and “its proxy terrorist organization,’’ the Lebanese group Hezbollah, entered into a terrorist alliance with Al Qaeda in the early 1990s that continued throughout the preparations for the 2001 attacks.

9/11 Lawsuit Reveals Iran's Direct Involvement in 9/11 Plot‎ - PR Newswire
[May 19, 2011]

Lawsuit: Iran, Hezbollah Responsible for 9/11 Christian Action ...May 24, 2011

Court filings advance claim Iran aided 9/11 hijackers
Posted: 05/24/2011 9:01 AM

Lawyers for seven family members of Philadelphia-area victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks filed new documents Thursday in long-running litigation that they say provide clear evidence the government of Iran aided the hijackers.

Included in the court filings are affidavits from 9/11 Commission staff members alleging that the Iran government directly aided the attack by facilitating the movement of 9/11 hijacking team members through Iran.

The 9/11 Commission, in its June 16, 2004, report, said that senior al-Qaeda operatives had long maintained contact with Iranian intelligence officials and that there was "strong evidence" that Iranian border officials had facilitated their passage through the country on their way to Afghanistan. The commission said there was evidence that Iranian government officials had agreed not to stamp the passports of traveling al-Qaeda operatives.

They would have been barred from the United States had their documents shown travel in Iran, which the U.S. government had designated as a state supporter of terrorism. Despite those findings, the commission stopped short of directly implicating Iran and its proxy in southern Lebanon, the militant group Hezbollah, long linked with terrorist attacks around the world, in the attacks.

"Developing evidence of Iran's involvement with al-Qaeda regarding the events of 9/11 is like putting together a large jigsaw puzzle where many of the parts are missing and never will be found," said the plaintiffs' lawyer Thomas E. Mellon Jr. of Doylestown.

But, he added, "over the last nine years, after interviewing dozens of people, reviewing hundreds of documents, and consulting with many experts in the field, we have developed a strong evidentiary case of Iran's involvement."

The lawsuit was filed in 2002 in federal District Court in Manhattan. Among the plaintiffs are Ellen Saracini of Bucks County, wife of Victor Saracini, captain of United Flight 175, the second aircraft to hit the World Trade Center, and Fiona Havlish, formerly of Bucks County and now of Boulder, Colo., whose husband also died in the attacks.

Mellon cites affidavits from Janice L. Kephart, a former counsel to the 9/11 Commission who focused on the ways the hijackers evaded border security, and former federal prosecutor Dietrich Snell, also a former 9/11 staff lawyer.

"In sum, it is my expert opinion that there is clear and convincing evidence that Iran and Hezbollah provided material support to al-Qaeda by actively facilitating the travel of eight to 10 of the 9/11 hijackers to Iran and Beirut," Kephart said...;jsessionid=F7AD10C3F1E6DD3E8AF422E9EF03E6C6?

Defectors Say Iran Has Link to 9/11 Attacks - The Daily BeastMay 20, 2011 ... The suit, which seeks damages on behalf of the families of 9/11 victims, claims that Iran and Hezbollah helped al Qaeda facilitate the ...

Hezbollah hate propaganda [and spread of conspiracy therories] after [its] 911 Islamic crime

Fahrenheit 9/11 gets help offer from Hezbollah Film The Guardian Jun 17, 2004 ... Michael Moore's new movie has received offers of help that probably won't.

9/11 Conspiracy Theories Take Root in Arab/Muslim World Sep 8, 2006 ... The outrageous lie about 'Jewish involvement' in the 9/11 attacks ... it was Hezbollah's television station al-Manar, six days after 9/11, ...

Qaeda No 2 says Iran propagated 9/11 theory -

Apr 22, 2008 ...Osama bin Laden's chief deputy in an audiotape Tuesday denied a conspiracy theory that Israel carried out the Sept.

More on Iran - Hezbollah Global militant Islamic crimes network

Suicide terror: understanding and confronting the threat - Page 233
Henry Morgenstern, Ophir Falk - [John Wiley and Sons,] 2009 - 407 pages - Google eBook - Preview

In spite of the attempts by Lebanon, Syria, and Iran to present Hezbollah as a legitimate resistance movement fighting for the liberation of Israeli occupied territories, Nasrallah himself declared in an interview on December 18, 2001 that “to earn victory we have to fight on all fronts. We have to be global and integral.”

Traces of Hezbollah's global strategy can even be found in the United States. In July 2000, US federal agents arrested 18 alleged supporters of Hezbollah, suspected of participating in a ring that raised and sent funds and military equipment, including night vision equipment, global positioning devices, mine detection equipment, cellular phones, and blasting equipment, to Hezbollah in Lebanon. Sweden's Sapo intelligence agency identified 15 people in Sweden who had direct links with al-Qaeda and Hezbollah terrorist organizations. They were suspected of assisting the terrorist organizations with information, communications, and financing. In June 2002, Singapore accused Hezbollah of recruiting Singaporeans in a failed 1990s plot to attack US and Israeli ships in the Singapore Straits.
Various Islamic extremist organizations have firmly established themselves in what is known as the “tri-border area,” where Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay converge, with Hezbollah holding a strong presence. Experts believe that Hezbollah earns substantial income from various illicit activities in the tri-border area, in addition to financial support from the government of Iran and income derived from narcotics trafficking in Lebanon's Al Beqa'a Valley.

Apart from its international activities, Hezbollah's stronghold is in Lebanon, where it serves as an Iranian proxy and trains thousands of activists in villages located in the Beqa'a valley, in Beirut, and in southern Lebanon...
Hezbollah managed to rocket Israeli cities throughout the 34-day conflict and, despite its losses, has been able to restore its militant and political standing in Lebanon.

The Iran–Hezbollah–al-Qaeda Connection

Today, Iran is the most active state sponsor of terrorism in the world. Shiite cooperation between Iran and its terrorist proxy Hezbollah dates as far back as 1983, when Hezbollah suicide bombers attacked American and French peacekeeping forces in Lebanon. The cooperation has yet to cease.

The joint Shiite–Sunni venture between Iran, Hezbollah, and al-Qaeda against the West has also been evident on a number of occasions... - Video - Hezbollah Terrorists In America Before 9-11, Hezbollah killed more Americans than any other terrorist group: 300 murdered in six separate attacks, including 243 Marines in the 1983 Beirut ...

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