Saturday, November 20, 2010



Middle Eastern Myths "The Myth of Yasser Arafat"

During the war, Arab Nazi parties were founded throughout the Middle East. The most influential one was "Young Egypt" which was established in 1933. ...

Armies of the young: child soldiers in war and terrorism - Page 106

David M. Rosen - 2005 - 199 pages

Others argued that the "Land is in need of a youth, healthy in body and soul like the Nazi ... paramilitary forces. Palestinian students educated in Germany returned to Palestine determined to found the Arab Nazi Party of Palestine.

Semites and anti-Semites: an inquiry into conflict and prejudice - Page 147 Bernard Lewis - 1999 - 295 pages

A first attempt to found an Arab Nazi movement seems to date from the summer of 1933, when the Jaffa correspondent of the ... The mood of the 1930s was vividly described by Syrian Saml al- Jundi, an early leader of the Bacth party, ...

The third Reich & the Palestine question - Page 90

Francis R. Nicosia - 2000 - 319 pages

Wolff's strong opposition to any sort of German encouragement or support for an Arab Nazi party in Palestine was conveyed in a note to the Foreign Office in Berlin in June, 1933, in which he argued: Because the strengthening of the

First things: Issues 154-158

Institute on Religion and Public Life - 2005 - [Page 14]

Several of the Arab political parties founded during the 1930s were modeled after the Nazi party, including the Syrian Popular Party and the Young Egypt Society, which were explicitly anti-Semitic in their ideology and programs. ...

The Nazi Connection to Islamic Terrorism: Adolf Hitler and Haj Amin Al-Husseini By Chuck Morse - Page 28 - 2003 - 186 pages

Al- Husseini's own Palestine Arab Party stood for the expulsion of all Jewish settlers and an independent Arab ... efforts to assist in the development of what would become distinctly Nazi-Arab style organizations and political parties...

The Demonic Comedy - Page 12

Paul William Roberts, Jay Ed. Roberts - 2004 - 308 pages

When the revolutionary Ba'ath regime — a kind of Arab Nazi Party — came to power in July 1968, no Jew left in Iraq was safe. In the wake of the Arabs' massive defeat by Israel during the Six Day War of 1967, a state of shocked disbelief ...

Chronology of Persecution: The Nazi/Arab plots to exterminate Jews

Oct 18, 2010 ... They embraced Nazi slogans and inspired other pro-Nazi parties in the Arab world . Hitler's first congratulatory telegrams came from Arab ...

Nazi propaganda for the Arab world -

Jeffrey Herf - 2009 - History - 335 pages - Page 90

While abroad, Ettel was active in the Nazi Party's foreign branches ... the Mufti assured Ettel that Arab and German interests were “completely overlapping" and that "the Arab felt closely bound to the Germans in the struggle against world Jewry," England, and the United States...

The Nazi Background of Saddam Hussein.. Feb 21, 2003 ... Rashid Ali and the so-called "golden square" cabal of pro-Nazi ...The Mufti, after instigating a pogrom against Jews in Palestine in 1920, the first such pogrom against Jews in the Arab world in hundreds of years, went on to inspire the development of pro-Nazi parties throughout the Arab world including Young Egypt, led by Gamal Abdul Nasser, and the Social Nationalist Party of Syria led by Anton Sa'ada.

Nazi War Criminals in Arab Countries - David S. Wyman Institute ...May 10, 2006... several former German military and Nazi party officials ... were granted sanctuary in Arab countries, most notably Egypt." ...

Arab Nazism: Then and Now - FPM ArticleFeb 24, 2003 ... Similarities between German and Arab nationalist extremes are not ... The Nazi party and the Baath party express concepts of destiny with a ...

Haj Amin al-Husseini and Nazi Racial Policies in the Arab WorldJul 5, 1974 ... The assimilation of Nazis within the Arab world at the end of World .... The Young Egypt Party was an exact carbon copy of the Nazi Party, ...

Nazi Roots of Palestinian Nationalism

By David Storobin

“Our fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world. I asked Hitler for an explicit undertaking to allow us to solve the Jewish problem in a manner befitting our national and racial aspirations and according to the scientific methods innovated by Germany in the handling of its Jews. The answer I got was: The Jews are yours.”

Former Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini in his post-World War II memoirs.

“The Mufti was one of the initiators of the systematic extermination of European Jewry and had been a collaborator and adviser of Eichmann and Himmler in the execution of this plan... He was one of Eichmann’s best friends and had constantly incited him to accelerate the extermination measures.”

Adolf Eichmann`s deputy Dieter Wisliceny in his Nuremberg Trials testimony.

Within weeks of Adolf Hitler`s ascendance to power, the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, contacted the German counsel-general in Palestine. With the exception of funding some anti-Semitic riots, Germans rejected the Arab`s overtures until 1937, when Adolf Eichmann and Herbert Hagen were sent to Palestine to establish a framework to provide Husseini with military and financial aid by Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.

By then, the Mufti had already proven his anti-Jewish credentials to the Germans by organizing a three-year-long series of riots and massacres.

On April 19, 1936, a crowd of Arabs stumbled upon Jews in the town of Jaffa. Having been incited by Mufti-spread rumors that Zionists were killing Muslims, the crowd decided to kill three of the Jews they met. Six days later, the Arab Higher Committee was created, with al-Husseini presiding over the new body. The committee openly endorsed past violence and began organizing future terror.

Nazi Agents Infiltrated Mandatory Palestine Prior to World War II

By David Krusch

Smuggled photographs of documents from Nazi Germany prior to World War II offer insight into a secret alliance between Nazi agents and Palestinian leaders. These German documents, photographed by an American spy in 1937 and sent to British intelligence, are now housed in the British National Archives in London. The documents show, among other things, that the Nazis attempted to send a shipment of arms “via Turkey and addressed to Ibn Saud, but really intended for the Palestinian insurgents.”

According to British documents and photographed Nazi records, several Nazi agents were sent to Mandatory Palestine to meet with Palestinian leaders, and influence them into rejecting a proposed partition plan which would divide the Jewish and Arab populations. Adam Vollhardt, a Nazi agent, was sent to Palestine in July 1938, and held several meetings with Arab leaders. He told Palestinian leaders that “Germany was interested in the settlement of the question on the basis of the Arabs obtaining their full demands,” and the “Germans could continue to support the Palestinian Arab cause by means of propaganda.”

Germany believed that Palestine under Arab control would be one of the few countries that would give “strong sympathy” to the new Germany under Nazi rule. A report from German General Consulate in Palestine in 1937 stated, “The formation of a Jewish not in Germany’s interest because a (Jewish) Palestinian state would create additional national power bases for international Jewry such as for example the Vatican State political Catholicism or Moscow for the Communists.” The Nazis attempted to boost the power of Palestinian leaders in order to counter Jewish national aspirations for a state in Palestine.

In 1937, a Nazi official wrote a letter from Palestine to Berlin which said that Palestinian Arabs showed “a great sympathy for new Germany and its Fuhrer...based on a purely ideological foundation.” Another agent, Dr. Franz Reichart was working in conjunction with Palestinians “to help coordinate Arab and German propaganda.”

The documents also show that due to increased Nazi-Arab alliances, the British government cancelled a plan in 1938 to bring 20,000 German Jewish refugees to Palestine so it would not upset Arab opinion. A British Foreign Office report said that when British representatives in Arab countries were asked if Arab governments would support a proposal to bring 5,000 Jewish children to Palestine for adoption, they said the reaction would be so strongly negative that the Arabs would probably refuse to even send delegates to London to discuss such a proposal. Lord Chatfield, Minister for Coordination of Defence, was quoted as saying, “If war were to break out, no trouble that the Jews could occasion us...could weigh for the a moment against the importance of winning Muslim opinion to our side.” Therefore, 20,000 Jewish refugees, many of them children, were abandoned and left in Nazi Germany to face the horrors of the Holocaust.


Despite Hitler and Nazis' contempt for the "inferior" Arab and all Middle-Easterners' race, who have been considered 'half-apes.' ( Nazi Arabs managed to "rise" above humiliation for the sake of the 'greater common evil' AKA: anti-Semitism [anti-Jew-ism].


Contemporary: Stop The ISM Jul 3, 2006 ... MORE ON SFSU'S NAZI-ARAB ANTI-JEW HATEFEST .... fact that Al Awda also links up with the American Nazi Party's website is beside the point. ...

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