Israel Shamir (AKA: Adam Ermash, Jöran Jermas), a diabolical Nazi, posing as an "Israeli writer"
Israel Shamir is an infamous (non Jew) Nazi who resided in Israel for a short time and preaches hatred and LIES.
Any wonder he appears on all hate - grabage sites like KKK's davidduke, [Hitleristic pages:] vanguard, stormfront, zundel, philipweiss, comeandhear, humanbeingsfirst, adelaideinstitute, nationalsocialistworkersparty, christianparty, biblebelievers, jewishtribal, and other nazis' sites (or Islamic militant's radioislam)?
AKA: Adam Ermash, Jöran Jermas.
Searchlight Magazine: A man who claims to be one of Israel’s leading intellectuals is also a Swedish antisemitic writer. Israel Shamir presents himself on his website as a leading Russian-Israeli intellectual and a writer, translator and journalist. But in 2001 he changed his name to Jöran Jermas and has surrounded himself in Sweden and Norway ... (An empty bag cannot stand) and was published by the openly nazi publisher Nordiska Förlaget.
MOONBAT CENTRAL: London Times Exposes Columnist "Israel Shamir" as Swedish neo-Nazi. For many years the most openly anti-Semitic "Jew" filling the web with columns, ...
Israel Shamir as an open anti-Semite. Russian-born Shamir lives in Israel, but almost no Israelis have heard of him. He is an open neo-Nazi who ...
Israel Shamir's Antisemitic "book" with the Arab radical "activist" using information and "ideas" created by Neo Nazi groups
“Israel Shamir” is, in fact, a Swedish-domiciled anti-Semite also known as Jöran Jermas.
Hesham Tillawi... Israel Shamir...convert to Christianity, has alleged that Jews are somehow aligned with demonic forces ...
hate... as well as Duke, French Holocaust denier Serge Thion and Israel Shamir, ...
...informed about the antisemitic book "Flowers of Galilee" of a swedish-russian antisemite who converted to be a greek orthodox and spreads his poison under the name of Israel Shamir, he changed in few years in Sweden his name twice. He was called Jöran Jermas, now his name is Adam Ermash.
Israel Shamir, the "Israeli-Jewish" enemy of Zionism (and now of Judaism too) has a secret identity which he won't deny or speak about. He just smears his critics. Here is photgraphic evidence that Shamir, the darling of White Supremacists... and other racists is a Swedish bloke called Joram Jermas.
responses to racism and antisemitism... In early February, the extreme left-wing party Rød Valgallianse (Red Electoral Alliance − RV) demanded that one of its local politicians, the teacher Hans Olav Brendberg, withdraw from the party due to numerous antisemitic statements he had made on the Norwegian Internet discussion forum KK-forum and to his close ties with Israeli anti-Zionist Israel Shamir.
Shamir also once tried to sell Nazi memorabilia to David Irving, a famous British Holocaust denier. Even Palestinian activists Ali Abunimah (who has his own pro-Palestinian website) and Hussein Ibish have denounced Shamir as an anti-Semite.
Israel Shamir... is a fringe character who apparently once tried to enter into a business arrangement for the sale of Nazi memorabilia with the notorious British Holocaust denier David Irving. Irving’s web site includes his very curious correspondence with Shamir, and there is independent confirmation that Shamir was indeed involved in such schemes. (London Times, September 1, 1998; Evening News (Edinburgh), September 1, 1998)
If that were not enough, Shamir, who usually adopts a left wing persona for his harangues against Israel, has also written for extreme right-wing periodicals in Russia under the name Robert David, even denouncing Andre Sakharov as a “Zionist agent.” Thus, according to the late Israeli Sovietologist Mikhail Agursky, a right wing Russian journal known as Politika featured an article:
.. written by one Robert David denouncing [Andre] Sakharov. The article is full of allegations that Sakharov was a harmful Zionist agent. Robert David is presented as an "Israeli". His identity is well known. As Israel Shamir (Shmerling), he came to Israel in the late 1960s from Novosibirsk and soon became an extreme leftist.
.. Shamir now lives in Moscow under the name Robert David; and, under his own name, he now loses no opportunity to claim that Zionists are the worst enemy of the Russian people, and to call Russian liberals Zionist agents.. He glorified Saddam Hussein and indirectly calls for the destruction of the State of Israel.
.. Shamir is not only in open friendly relations with Iraq and Arab terrorist organizations, but also actively participates in the campaign to delegitimize Israel. (Jerusalem Post, August 15, 1991)
Holocaust Denial on Display For example, he was one of the first to aggressively promote Israel Shamir, whose writing imitates that of Nazi Alfred Rosenberg.
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