Thursday, August 07, 2008


Beijing Olympics: Terror bombing was 'Muslim jihad'

Islamist group threatens attacks at China Olympics
Reuters - [August 7, 2008]
1, the speaker "describes the barbarism exhibited by China towards Muslims and East Turkistan, justifying the jihad that is declared against the..

Islamist bombers target Olympics; Declare Olympic Jihad
by PEP July 27, 2008 at 02:16 am 107 views 2 comments

As though the Olympics weren't already in enough trouble, now a militant Islamic group has declared jihad against the games.

A MILITANT Islamic group has threatened to attack the Beijing Olympics with suicide bombers and biological weapons and has claimed responsibility for a string of fatal bombings and explosions in China over recent weeks.

In a video released by IntelCenter, a terrorism monitoring group, a bearded man identified as “Commander Seyfullah” is seen reading a declaration of jihad against the Olympics and warns athletes and spectators, “especially Muslims”, to stay away.

Jihad Olympic Games - Terroristic attack kills sixteen policemen ...

Terrorism: Jihadist website to post video on deadly Xinjiang attacks Adnkronos International English

Chinese Islamists threaten Olympics: US group
WASHINGTON (AFP) — A Muslim separatist group in China has made a new video threat against the Beijing Olympics, warning Muslims to keep their children away ...

Technorati -

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