Sunday, July 27, 2008

Textbook Terrorism: Islamofascism

Textbook Terrorism:


Posted 7/24/2008

Islamofascism: A new study confirms our “ally” Saudi Arabia is still poisoning young Muslim minds with anti-Western textbooks. So? Its hate-filled graduates are enrolling at our colleges.

…despite promised reforms, the kingdom still teaches students to “hate the infidels.” The texts assert that it’s “permissible” for a Muslim to kill an “apostate,” an “adulterer,” a “homosexual,” as well as non-Muslims practicing “polytheism,” or Christianity. The violent ideology is introduced in a religion textbook in the first grade and reinforced and developed in following years of the public education system, culminating in the 12th grade…including to 19 academies founded by the Saudi ministry and chaired by local Saudi ambassadors in or near major foreign cities. Quotes from the latest textbooks Riyadh is propagating include:

• “The Jews and Christians are enemies of the believers.”

• “Only through force and victory over the enemies is there security and repose.

• ”The apes are Jews, the people of the Sabbath; while the swine are Christians, the infidels of the communion of Jesus.” The Saudi ministry has not removed these messages from its school texts…


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