Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Israeli on Arab TV: Jerusalem Was Ours When Muslims [still] Worshipped Idols

Israeli on Arab TV: Jerusalem Was Ours When Muslims [still] Worshipped Idols INN ^ 06/04/08, Israeli on Arab TV: J'lem Was Ours When Moslems Worshipped Idols ... Jerusalem is our city forever and is not an issue for you, for Al Jazeera or for anyone ...Dr. Kedar: "Jerusalem is not mentioned in the Koran even once. You can't rewrite the Koran on air on Al Jazeera."...


Why Jerusalem is Not Holy to Muslims

Jerusalem is "not holy to Muslims at all," nor has it ever been, and the claim that it is Islam's third holiest site, after Mecca and Medina, is aimed simply at stealing the city from the Jewish people... "They simply want to take away our heart and our soul," ... in a speech he gave before 200 congregants shortly before the 40th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem.

American Thinker: Islam's mystical claim on Jerusalem Yet many Muslims today claim Jerusalem as theirs. Islam's claim on Jerusalem can be questioned because of two dubious reasons and because these shaky ...

Jerusalm has no significance in Islam. It is significant to Jews ...Dome of the Mosque in Jerusalem was never an important Islamic site. There is no reference to Jerusalem in the Koran. There was no pilgrimages of Muslims to ...

False Moslem ClaimsThe Moslem "claim" to Jerusalem is based on what is written in the Koran, which although Jerusalem is not mentioned even once, nevertheless talks (in Sura ...

The Islamic connection to Jerusalem began much later in history, during the 7th century CE. The central personality of Islam, Mohammed, was born and raised in the area of present-day Saudi Arabia and founded Islam in the early 7th century. (The first year of the Moslem calendar, or the Hajira, corresponds to the year 622 CE of the Christian calendar.)
Scholars agree that Mohammed was influenced by Judaism (and Christianity). This influence was significant enough that Mohammed's original plan for the direction of prayer (Qibla) was also Jerusalem. Mohammed later changed the direction of prayer to Mecca in Saudi Arabia -- a place that was converted from a pagan pilgrimage site to the 'eternal city,' and the center of the Moslem religion. (Moslems also placed Mecca as the spot where Abraham nearly sacrificed Isaac's brother Ishmael.)
Mohammed never made it to Jerusalem, and the word 'Jerusalem' appears nowhere in the Koran.

Jerusalem Means More to Jews Than to Muslims

Rael Isaac Reviews The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism... Mohammed began by wooing Jewish tribes (Jews were numerous in Medina, which was originally a Jewish city), adopting Jewish ceremonies, even stipulating that his followers turn to Jerusalem in prayer. But the Jews dismissed him...

The Greatest Lie Ever Told About JerusalemMohammed never again mentioned the word Jerusalem in his compilation of Islam"s holy book, the Koran and directed his "quibla" (prayers) to Mecca. ...

The Fight for Jerusalem: Radical Islam, the West, and the Future of the Holy city
Radical Islam has long desired to seize Jerusalem and cut it off to Christian and Jewish believers. In this book, Israeli diplomat Dore Gold explains why the battle for Jerusalem is intensifying today. Gold shows why only Israel can preserve its holy plac

In the last decades, radical Islam has been fed by its sense of victory in the face of repeated withdrawals: a re-division of Jerusalem would not only endanger its holy sites, but also unleash new jihadist momentum, on a scale that most political leaders have not begun to consider.

[Muslim sheik] Palazzi cites Koran passages showing that the Land of Israel was given to the Jews

'The Koran Says The Jews Would Return To Their Land': Exclusive Interview With Sheikh Abdul Palazzi§ionid=15&contentid=14905&contentName='The%20Koran%20Says%20The%20Jews%20Would%20Return%20To%20Their%20Land':%20Exclusive%20Interview%20With%20Sheikh%20Abdul%20Palazzi

Jerusalem is never mentioned in the Koran. Jerusalem is mentioned in Jewish prayers three times daily. It is mentioned every time a Jew eats, ...

The Muslim Claim to JerusalemWhere does Jerusalem fit in Islam and Muslim history? It is not the place to which they pray, is not once mentioned by name in prayers, and it is connected ...

The Muslim Claim to Jerusalem

Muhammad's Night Journey wasn't to Jerusalem, so why all the fuss?

Historical Truths About Jerusalem and the Temple MountIn fact, the Koran says nothing about Jerusalem. It mentions Mecca hundreds of times. It mentions Medina countless times. It never mentions Jerusalem! ...

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