Friday, February 29, 2008

When the U.N. - hijacked by the racist Arab Muslim 'Islamic apartheid' lobby - enables genocide against Israel

When the U.N. - hijacked by the racist Arab Muslim 'Islamic apartheid' lobby - enables genocide against Israel

UN expert calls Palestinian terrorism 'inevitable consequence' of 'Israeli Occupation'
International Herald Tribune, France - Feb 26, 2008

He cited checkpoints and roadblocks...

What do you do when the United Nations "official report" sounds like a Pallywood cheap low life blogger?

When it hands out, gives the anti Jewish Arab "Palestinian" Jihad, pushing for annihilation, finally to hear that exact same garbage with which they try us all to brainwash with: Namely: "WE ARE ALL VICTIMS SO WE CAN COMMIT ALL CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY".

"Thanks" not to the U.N. for giving an official certification to the "Palestinian entity" to continue it's declared genocide against Israel.

Here are some of the basic information, missing intentionally from the careless U.N. reporters:

1) The Islamo Arab bigoted war against the Jews in the holy-land began in the 1920's, a few decades ago before that "occupation excuse" was even born.

A History of Terrorism in Israel- The first arab sponsored terrorist attack upon Jews occurred in 1920, long before the ...

Which Came First- Terrorism or Occupation - Major Arab Terrorist Attacks against Israelis...

A Brief History of the Root of Arab Terror

2) The "Palestinians" do not refer just to a security checkpoints as "occupation" but to all of the lands of Israel, AKA, the ARAB RACISM is not giving the non Arabs a "right" to exist at all in that area.

3) How can one make any argument that an anti terror safety measure such as acheckpoint or road block "causes" terrorism, when it was established only BECAUSE of that?

Will the U.N. from now on call the checkpoints we all have in an airport, or on a football field as "apartheid"? AND why not? Is it not an orchestrated anti Israel Islamic led apartheid?

Shall the U.N. now disable all its security facilities on all its premises as "apartheid coplonialism ocupation"?

In other words, Israelis don't have any right to survive against Arab racist terrorists, and all it's efforts to guard it's babies from genocide bombers and other terror acts are just "ocupation stuff".

If this is not U.N. enabling genocide, What is?

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