The Arab immigrants that call themselves "palestinians"
The Arabs in the Holy Land - Natives or Aliens? Unknown to most of the
world population, the origin of the "Palestinian" Arabs' claim to the Holy Land
spans ...
The True Identity of the So-called Palestinians.
The current myth is
that these Arabs were long established in “Palestine”, until the Jews came and
“displaced” them. The fact is, that recent Arab immigration into the Land of
Israel displaced the Jews. That the massive increase in Arab population was very
recent is attested by the ruling of the United Nations: That any Arab who had
lived in the Holy Land for two years and then left in 1948 qualifies as a
“Palestinian refugee”.
Time Immemorial - Evidence of Unrecorded Arab Immigration …9 Fred M. Gottheil,
“Arab Immigration into Pre-State Israel: 1922-1931″
But as she continued, the anomaly of the Palestinians "began to nag and ...
Thanks to British unconcern, Arab immigrants were generally left alone ...
Palestinian people do not exist! They love to say her statement is patently false – an intentional lie, ... The Palestinian people does not exist.
The True Identity of the So-called Palestinians
In this essay I would like to present the true origin and identity of the Arab people commonly known as "Palestinians", and the widespread myths surrounding them. This research is intended to be completely neutral and objective, based on historic and archaeological evidences as well as other documents, including Arab sources, and quoting statements by authoritative Islamic personalities.
There are some modern myths -or more exactly, lies- that we can hear everyday through the mass-media as if they were true, of course, hiding the actual truth. For example, whenever the Temple Mount or Jerusalem are mentioned, it is usually remarked that is "the third holy place for muslims", but why it is never said that is the FIRST Holy Place for Jews? It sounds like an utterly biased information!
In order to make this essay better comprehensible, it will be presented in two units:
·1) Myths and facts concerning the origin and identity of the so-called Palestinians;
·2) Myths and facts regarding Jerusalem and the Land of Israel.
I - Origin and identity of the so-called Palestinians
Palestinians are the newest of all the peoples on the face of the Earth, and began to exist in a single day by a kind of supernatural phenomenon that is unique in the whole history of mankind, as it is witnessed by Walid Shoebat, a former PLO terrorist that acknowledged the lie he was fighting for and the truth he was fighting against:
“Why is it that on June 4th 1967 I was a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian?”
“We did not particularly mind Jordanian rule. The teaching of the destruction of Israel was a definite part of the curriculum, but we considered ourselves Jordanian until the Jews returned to Jerusalem. Then all of the sudden we were Palestinians - they removed the star from the Jordanian flag and all at once we had a Palestinian flag”.
“When I finally realized the lies and myths I was taught, it is my duty as a righteous person to speak out”.
This declaration by a true "Palestinian" should have some significance for a sincerely neutral observer. Indeed, there is no such a thing like a Palestinian people, or a Palestinian culture, or a Palestinian language, or a Palestinian history. There has never been any Palestinian state, neither any Palestinian archaeological find nor coinage. The present-day "Palestinians" are an Arab people, with Arab culture, Arabic language and Arab history. They have their own Arab states from where they came into the Land of Israel about one century ago to contrast the Jewish immigration. That is the historical truth. They were Jordanians (another recent British invention, as there has never been any people known as "Jordanians"), and after the Six-Day War in which Israel utterly defeated the coalition of nine Arab states and took legitimate possession of Judea and Samaria, the Arab dwellers in those regions underwent a kind of anthropological miracle and discovered that they were Palestinians - something they did not know the day before. Of course, these people having a new identity had to build themselves a history, namely, had to steal some others' history, and the only way that the victims of the theft would not complain is if those victims do no longer exist. Therefore, the Palestinian leaders claimed two contradictory lineages from ancient peoples that inhabited in the Land of Israel: the Canaanites and the Philistines. Let us consider both of them before going on with the Palestinian issue.
The Arabs in Palestine
...In fact, the permanent Arab population increased 120 percent between 1922 and 1947. This rapid growth was a result of several factors.
One was immigration from neighboring states — constituting 37 percent of the total immigration to pre-state Israel — by Arabs who wanted to take advantage of the higher standard of living the Jews had made possible. The Arab population also grew because of the improved living conditions created by the Jews as they drained malarial swamps and brought improved sanitation and health care to the region. Thus, for example, the Muslim infant mortality rate fell from 201 per thousand in 1925 to 94 per thousand in 1945 and life expectancy rose from 37 years in 1926 to 49 in 1943.
The Arab population increased the most in cities with large Jewish populations that had created new economic opportunities. From 19221947, the non-Jewish population increased 290 percent in Haifa, 131 percent in Jerusalem and 158 percent in Jaffa. The growth in Arab towns was more modest: 42 percent in Nablus, 78 percent in Jenin and 37 percent in Bethlehem.
The Myth Of The Palestinian People - The answer is that the myth of the Palestinian People serves as the justification for Arab occupation of the Land of Israel. While the Arabs already possess 21 sovereign countries of their own (more than any other single people on earth) and control a land mass 800 times the size of the Land of Israel, this is apparently not enough for them. They therefore feel the need to rob the Jews of their one and only country, one of the smallest on the planet. Unfortunately, many people ignorant of the history of the region, including much of the world media, are only too willing to help.
All Things Beautiful: The Myth Of Palestine, Whenever there were Arab riots, Jewish immigration was restricted. .... Listed below are links to weblogs that reference The Myth Of Palestine:
The Smoking Gun: Arab Immigration into Palestine, 1922-1931 - Middle East
In the early 19th century, Palestine was a backward, neglected province of
the Ottoman Empire. Travelers to Palestine from the Western world left records
of what they saw there. The theme throughout their reports is dismal: The land
was empty, neglected, abandoned, desolate, fallen into ruins.
In Jerusalem, all reports and journals of travelers, pilgrims and
government representatives during these years, repeatedly record the poverty,
filth and neglect and the desolate nature of the countryside. Early photographs
show lepers in rags and dilapidated buildings. Jerusalem was surrounded by
marauding bands of Bedouin Arabs and had to close her gates at nightfall and
reopen them at first light, a practice that was similar in Biblical times.
Some quotes from the writings of these visitors before modern times:
Nothing there [Jerusalem] to be seen but a little of the old walls which is
yet remaining and all the rest is grass, moss and weeds. [English pilgrim in
The country is in a considerable degree empty of inhabitants and therefore
its greatest need is of a body of population. [British consul in 1857]
There is not a solitary village throughout its whole extent [valley of
Jezreel] -- not for 30 miles in either direction... One may ride ten miles
hereabouts and not see ten human beings. ... For the sort of solitude to make
one dreary, come to Galilee ... Nazareth is forlorn ... Jericho lies a moldering
ruin ... Bethlehem and Bethany, in their poverty and humiliation... untenanted
by any living creature... A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is
given over wholly to weeds ... a silent, mournful expanse ... a desolation ...
We never saw a human being on the whole route ... Hardly a tree or shrub
anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless
soil had almost deserted the country ... Of all the lands there are for dismal
scenery Palestine must be the prince. The hills barren and dull, the valleys
unsightly deserts [inhabited by] swarms of beggars with ghastly sores and
malformations. Palestine sits in sackcloth and ashes ... desolate and unlovely
... [Mark Twain, The Innocents Abroad, 1867]
WHY DID THE ARABS FLEE IN 1948? "The Arab armies entered Palestine to
protect the Palestinians from the Zionist ... they were not indigenous. That
Palestine was not their ancient homeland. ...
The myth of the Palestinian People, To portray themselves as
indigenous, Arab settlers adopted the name of an ... State of Israel an
independent Arab Palestinian state existed in its place. ...
Film to 'dispel Arab propaganda' ... disguising the Arab immigrants as
"indigenous native Palestinian ...
Mahmoud Abbas Admits Palestinian Arabs Are Not Indigenous. From a speech
given to the PLO Central ... The Difference Between Palestinian Arab Moderates .
On a visit to the Ottoman-controlled Holy Land in 1860, Mark Twain
described it as "the prince of desolation." "The hills are barren… the valleys
unsightly deserts… peopled by swarms of beggars struck with ghastly sores and
malformations… Palestine sits in sackcloth and ashes… only the music of angels
could charm its shrubs and flowers again into life."
Other writers and artists visiting the Holy Land (chiefly from Britain and
Germany) — as well as geographers, archeologists, and cartographers — were
equally stunned by its utter desolation.
It was only toward the end of the 18th century, when a growing stream of
Jewish immigrants rehabilitated the land — draining swamps, reclaiming deserts,
and controlling the diseases (chiefly malaria) — that a decimated Arab
population began increasing. The resuscitation of the land by the Jews and the
economic opportunity they created brought an influx of Arab immigrants from
dirt-poor neighboring Arab states to swell the number of Arabs in Palestine, so
that by the turn of the century there were about 250,000 Arab Muslims and 150,00
Jews living there. 100,000 Christians and others
It was in fact British colonial machinations that turned initial Arab
acceptance of a Jewish homeland in British-protected Palestine into unmitigated
and disastrous hostility. British behavior in the Middle East in general, and in
Palestine in particular, was common colonial practice: divide and rule. In
India, it enabled the British to subdue the subcontinent with few troops by
pitting hostile segments of the indigenous population against each other. They
employed this strategy in Palestine too.
From the very first days of the mandate, a group of very influential
British officials in the Colonial and the War Offices, who wanted to maintain
control over the land and to prevent the establishment of an independent Jewish
national home, started undermining their government's efforts to fulfill its
obligation toward the Jews. These British officials, many of them avowed
anti-Semites, fanned Arab resentment over broken British promises to make the
Arabian chieftain, Faisal, king of Damascus and Syria, and redirected it against
Jewish aspirations in Palestine.
Indeed, their naming the mandate over the Holy Land "Palestine," rather
than the land of Israel, was a deliberate effort to obliterate the Jewish
connection to the land by calling it by its Roman name. They also, in 1923,
unilaterally removed from the original mandatory area all the land east of the
Jordan River-75 percent of the territory promised to the Jews — and gave it to
the Emir Abdullah of Arabia, Faisal's brother, in compensation to the Hashemite
family for other broken promises. They did so despite objections from the League
of Nations. The small area that had been designated as a home for the Jews was
thus reduced to a mere sliver.
A distinct Palestinian Arab nationalism evolved only after the dream of an
Arab Syrian kingdom — the brainchild of T. E. Lawrence — was shattered when the
French evicted his protégé, the Emir Faisal, from Damascus in 1920. Only then
did the South Syrian Arabs living under Britain's Palestine mandate separate
themselves from Syria and start defining themselves as Palestinians. The process
was accelerated by their growing negative reaction to the League of Nations'
designation of Palestine as a Jewish national home.
The British helped make hostility to Zionism the defining issue of local
Arab politics, and assisted in its exploitation as a lethal weapon in bloody
Arab inter-clan struggles for dominance. Muslim clerics and Arab effendis
exploited hostility against the Jews, always convenient scapegoats, to deflect
the rage of their destitute, exploited people.
The British appointed an extremely radical upstart politician, Hajj Amin
al-Hussieni, with a record of violence and incitement, as chief mufti of
Jerusalem. They gave him the authority of a spiritual leader to the Arabs, and
control of the considerable funds and properties managed by Muslim religious
trusts. The mufti promptly proceeded to exploit these resources for his
nefarious campaign against the Jews and against his Arab opponents — much as
Arafat does today.
Technorati - 'palestinian' terrorism 'palestinians' Israel IDF 'palestinian' Apartheid Zionism Anti Israel bigotry Islamic Apartheid War on terror Terror victims 'palestinian' propaganda jihad Genocide bombing Anti Israel bias Arab racism Jews IDF Anti Israel racism Islamofacsism Conflict
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