Thursday, November 01, 2007


Hitler, The Mufti Of Jerusalem And Modern Islamo Nazism
That is the name of this video about the cooperation between the Nazis and the Muslim Arab leaders during WW2. It goes on to explain how high ranking heads of the SS fled to the Arab world and carried on their activities under the protection of leaders such as President Nasser and how modern Islam has adopted a Nazi style ideology of hate and conspiracy against the Jews.


The Grand Mufti, the Nazis and modern Islamism
Bryan has the video and reports that “It all sounds like a grand conspiracy theory, but it’s not: The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem before and during the WWII years, Haj Amin El Husseini, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood (founded 1928) aligned with the German Nazis in 1937 and recruited Muslim SS units in Bosnia during the war.

Technorati -

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