Wednesday, October 24, 2007

When "brown" Islamo Nazis knock on "white", "Aryan" Nazis' doors

When "brown" Islamo Nazis knock on "white", "Aryan" Nazis' doors

Evil alliance

It's not really all new, "white Aryan" Arch-Nazi Adolf Hitler already embraced "brown" & "inferior" Arab Muslim Haj Amin Al-Husseini the 'MUFTI'.

That genius-of-evil knew already how to exploit the Arabs, ready to gas them (too), just as soon as they are "done" with them.

David Puke

Then we read in the late 1990's that the loser KKK's 'David Duke' couldn’t find a "fertile" ground for his feces hatred only in Arab countries (that are full of anti-non-Arab racism).

The 'rise' of the HATERS - ALLIANCE came about after Arabs-Muslims' attack on 911, the frustration and shame that got over Arab, Muslim "americans" has led to their desperation, after all they share many "values", especially: exploiting each other.

The prime loser is of course the "white aryan nazis', as they close their blind eyes to the reality that Islamofascists would exterminate all non Muslims - given the chance.

‘Extreme right nationalists’ Europeans VS Americans

I have to say that TODAY's European "Aryan supremacists" are far more realists than their 'American' counterparts, they realized a long, long time ago that the enemy of all is (radical) Islam, many have even turned into tolerating other groups, even tolerating Jews, differentiating between 'BLIND & SENSELESS HATRED' for Jews, and reasonable defense against the ISLAMIC DANGER.

Technorati -

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