Wednesday, October 31, 2007

So today it's "Blackwater" gate?

Today, CNN's Jack Cafferty at the Hughes' resignation with the immunity for those connected in the 'Blackwater' case.


So today it's "Blackwater" gate?

What's that? another excuse why the Islamic world doesn't like us?

Jack, Let us give you an inside secret, the agitators are by 2 forces:one is the Arab media [that has a "thing" about the west no matter what we do], the other one is blind hateful Islamic Imams [that could care less about a 'Blackwater' or any other 'waters', and more about a global Islamic Caliphate Emopire].

Did you see any change in the hatred of that world when Israel gave away it's Gaza-land to the Palestinians? yes sure, the response was so typical, in fact, most of them immediately voted for the racist Jihadi Hamas pro-genocide.

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