Londonistan Calling
Posted 10/30/2007
Six years after America's 9/11 and two years after London's 7/7, a British think
tank finds mosques in the U.K. and elsewhere are still preaching hate against
the West. Some things never change.
Whenever it's pointed out that
their members have a nasty habit of trying to kill innocent nonbelievers,
fundamentalist Islamic groups in Britain are among the first to cry foul.
"Ridiculous!" they say. "Islam is a religion of peace with more than a billion
adherents. We can't be responsible for everyone."
The problem, as a
report by Britain's Policy Exchange think tank shows, is that British mosques
have a surprising amount of extremist hate literature that they make available
to worshippers.
How hateful is it? The think tank fanned out across the
U.K., visiting 100 places of worship for the country's fastest-growing religion,
Islam. (More people in Britain attend mosque each week than services for the
Church of England, Britain's official state religion.)
Of the mosques
visited, 25% had hate literature. Investigators found 80 pamphlets and books
preaching violence, intolerance and outright hatred of anyone not Muslim.
The literature advocates, among other things, beheading those who leave
Islam, banning interfaith marriage, requiring women to stay indoors, stoning
adulterers and carrying out violent jihad against those who don't believe.
Here are just a few examples:
• If a man quits Islam, "his head
should be chopped off . . . 'Whoever changes his religion, kill him.' "
• "The Jews and the Christians are the enemies of the Muslim, and they
will never be pleased with the Muslims."
• Jihad against "a tyrant,
oppressors, people of bid'ah (religious change), or wrongdoers" is "best done
through force if possible."
• "Whoever takes part in stoning a married
adulterer, is rewarded for that, and it is not fitting for anyone to abstain
from it if a ruling of stoning is issued."
Some of the material calls on
British Muslims to separate themselves from non-Muslims — a kind of
self-apartheid. They also call for Christians, Jews and others to be treated
with the disrespect of second-class citizens — even in their own countries.
Some of it also called for gays to be tossed off mountains and buildings
for their sins.
Some mosques had copies of "The Protocols of the Learned
Elders of Zion" — a crude, anti-Semitic forgery purporting to outline a global
Jewish conspiracy to control the world's governments. Still others had books
claiming birth control was a plot against Muslims.
Just another faith in
a multicultural universe, or a serious problem? We think it's the latter. A
London Times survey last summer found "almost half of Britain's mosques are
under the control of a hard-line Islamic sect whose leading preacher loathes
Western values and has called on Muslims to 'shed blood' for Allah."
sect in question, the radical Deobandis, helped found the Taliban in
Afghanistan. Its members now run 600 of Britain's 1,350 mosques, the Times
found, plus 17 of its 26 Islamic seminaries.
Muslims in Britain now
total 1.8 million, or 3% of the population, but they're growing twice as fast as
the population as a whole. No doubt many are fine people. But some aren't, as
the subway bombings of July 7, 2005, showed. Britain is headed for an uncivil,
religious war if it keeps doing nothing. So is the rest of Europe.
"Given the British jihadists who've been discovered in the thick of it
in Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Palestine, Chechnya and Bosnia," author Mark
Steyn noted in 2005, "only a fool would believe they had no plans for anything
closer to home — or, rather, 'home.' "
Yet U.K. policy seems frozen.
This is a major problem, one that can't be wished away with multicultural
platitudes and Kumbaya sociology. Britain must act, or lose its ancient
By happy coincidence, this week Saudi Arabia's Kind
Abdullah is making an official visit to Britain. Since his government is largely
responsible for funding the mosques' hate literature, Abdullah should know that
funding hate in the U.K. and elsewhere will no longer be tolerated.
Technorati - Freedom 911 Al Qaida Al Qaeda Al Qaida Bin Laden Islamofascism Islam Apes and pigs Terrorism Terrorist oganization Hamas 'palestinians' Al Aqsa Alaqsa Muslims Christians Jews Arabs bombing Infidels Israel US Security Iraq Iran Jihad Mosque non Muslims UK Londonistan West
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