Recently there were seven new ’wonders of the
world’ introduced.
Here are at least some ‘Wonders of Islam’ among so many
1) Muhammad raping (marrying) an “ape”
Since non-Muslims are “apes & pigs” in their teaching, [specifically
Christians are “pigs” & Jews are “apes”] How come Safyia & Reyhana young sexy Jewish girls were “allowed” to be raped / "married" to/by the “prophet”?
2) All in one: Evil smile, denial & threats
Cheering towards thousands of non-Muslims dying, yet denying Islamic massacres on the infidels [such as the 9/11], still threatening more of the
same, all in one breath.
3) Behold the “peace” of Islam
The cult that has the highest credit score for most wars, “conflicts”, massacres, torture, maiming & all crimes against humanity [including oppressing their own people] all over the world, still carries it’s title of “religion of peace”, imagine that.
Does anyone have any idea who?
4) War! Death to the infidels, oh & BTW an “Anti war”
What went through your mind seeing the WARRIORS Jihadists’ march & infiltrate into anti-war organized rallies?
5) Whining ‘Palestinian’ parents &
Don’t you love the whining ‘Palestinian’ Arab Muslims, who act in front of cameras, [not just the edited photos/videos from PALLYWOOD] after all, it’s only their fault for sending it’s kids to be human bombs & human shields by adult terrorists.
6) The “shocked” Arab Muslims
After years of supporting ‘Palestinian’ slaughtering of innocent unarmed civilians & campaign of genocide, suddenly the Arab Muslim “moderate” world is shocked when [some of] it hits home (like bombings in Jordan & in
7) The ‘Islamic apartheid’ uses that word
The bigoted Arab-Islamic world, where Christians are persecuted, where natives are oppressed by Arabization & Arab racism (especially in Africa), where there are “moderate” places which no Jew is allowed [including ”Palestinian” areas], or places where non Muslims are enslaved, where women are treated like dogs, where people that had the courage
of speaking out against the crimes of it’s leaders are hanged in public, where
any human right issues are shoved & surpressed as “just Judea-Christian
values”, has the audacity to use this term on a beautiful democratic equal
& free for all multi-religious multi-racial little country, who’s only
“crime” is defending it’s babies from Islamic genocide bombers, or to criticize
the west at all.
8] The anti-freedom “freedom fighters”
It’s one thing if an authentic guerilla fighter uses this title, it’s another when it’s by those that fight AGAINST freedom for any human being under it’s current curriculum or under it’s ultimate goal, nightmare ‘plan’ of Islamic oppression & Sharia law on all humanity .
How did the word “freedom” get to these people’s hands?
9) Foreigners fight for “their homeland”in foreign land [or for “freedom”, again]
The Arabs, Muslims from Syria, Jordan,”palestine”, Lebanon & even from the west, joining the “holy pilgrimage” of the killing fields in Iraq are
fighting for their “homeland” [or to “help” their fellow Arab Muslims].
Just like Saudi Osama bin Laden fought in Afgnaistan, Egyptian Yasser Arafat in “palestine”, Jordanian Abu Musab Al Zarqawi in Iraq.
10) The Arab Muslim international Goliath lobby MAFIA complains about ‘lack of power’
It’s those that hold the UN hostage, that have the entire EU wrapped around their little oiled finger, that even influences Washington & all branches of US government, complain about misrepresentation.
11) The reversed Islamic calendar, reversing the dates to fit their
excuses for bloodshed
How does the ‘Islamic Calendar’ “date” the following examples:
* Muslims’ Massacres of Assyrian Christians 1840 - 1860 in Syria & in Lebanon, long before the Middle east conflict.
* Islamic Jihadi genocide in 1915 on Armenian Christians.
* The Islamic genocide on the Greeks 1914-23.
* Islamic Massacre, Genocide of Christian Assyrians 1915-1920.
* Arab Muslim attacks, massacres, ethnic cleansing on Jews in Israel-’Palestine’ in: 1834 Safed, 1886 Petach Tikva, 1920-21 Jerusalem, 1929 Hebron, 1936 Tiberias, 1936 Jaffa, long before the re-establishing of the State of Israel (of 1948).
* The [Mopla] Islamic jihad against all non-Muslims (Hindu and British) 1921 Kerala.
* Massacre & ethnic cleansing by Arab Muslims on Christian Assyrians, indigenous people, 1933 ‘Simele’ Iraq.
* Massacre & ethnic cleansing by Arab Muslims on Jews, 1941
* Arab Muslim leader [Adolf Hitler’s “friend”] the Mufti with Muslim Bosnian troops committing crimes against humanity in the Balkans 1941.
* Arab Muslim attacks on Jews in Israel-’Palestine’ in: the 1950’s 1960’s before the so called “occupation” (of 1967).
* The Al Qaeda plot to bomb London in 2001, two years before the Iraq operation (of 2003) - excuse.
* The Arab Muslim terrorists multiple plots in Spain 2003-2008, AFTER Spain withdrew from Iraq.
12) Blaming the victim & ”fighting for the oppressed”, only Muslims “get” it
I have yet to get a response from an Islamic scholar how blaming the victim (whether terror victims, or any raped women) is coinciding with “fighting for
the oppressed.
The following is the story of Safiyah Bint Huyeiy Ibn Akhtab, the Jewish woman who was captured when Muhammad’s troops attacked Kheibar and brought her to the Prophet as part of his share of the booty. This story, is reported in the Book of Tabaqat and is published also in the trusted Islamic site... Safiyah was seventeen and very beautiful when Muslims killed her father, husband and many of her relatives. In the same day the Prophet of Allah wanted to sleep with her. Here is the exact text of the story.
... 18. Rayhana/Raihana/Rayhanah bint Zaid/Zayd was a Jewish captive from the Quraiza tribe. Mohammed offered to make her a wife instead of a slave, but she decline and remained Jewish according to al-Tabari vol.8 p.39. See also al-Tabari vol.9 p.137. However, the source in al-Tabari vol.39 p.164-165 says Mohammed set her free and then married her.
Omar Bakri Mohammed claimed that the world was a better place after the July 7 bombings in London ...His inflammatory pronouncements have included calling the September 11 terrorists the "Magnificent 19".
Bakri Mohammed praised the "magnificent 19" hijackers of 9/11 ...
British Muslims Mock 7/7 & 9/11 Victims, Support ...He mentions “Osama” in glowing terms of praise, waiting several moments then ... He is shocked himself when he mentions “911” and a cry goes up from the ...
A young cleric called ABU MUWAHID, who appears frequently in clips, lavishes praise on the 9/11 attackers in a talk about prayer
Al Muhajiroun plans 3rd annual 'celebration' of 9/11 attacks ...MIM: Al Muhajiroun plans third annual 'celebration' of the 9/11 attacks in ..... claimed that Al-Muhajiroun members had distributed leaflets praising bin Laden...
BBC NEWS UK Pressure on police over protest The protests on Friday in London over cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad saw ... in London on Friday featured slogans including "Europe, your 9/11 will come" ...
Banners read: "Europe you will pay, your 9/11 is on its way".
15000 people protest cartoons in UK Jerusalem PostTwo weeks ago, protesters in London carried signs with extremist slogans including "Europe, you will pay. Your 9/11 is on its way,"...
Terror in the USA - The Palestinians Celebrate!
Palestinians Cheer Attacks
Palestinians Party on September 11 resources 9/11 Report Palestinians Celebrate Middle East Maps Myths & Facts ... Palestinians at refugee camps in Lebanon celebrated news of attacks on major ...
9/11 attack praised on new Bin Laden tape 9/11 attack praised on new Bin Laden tape ( 2003-09-11 07:53) (Agencies) ... Bin Laden was last heard from on April 7, exhorting Muslims in a tape obtained ...
footage of Osama bin Laden in an unknown location, accompanied by an audio tape of him praising the 9/11 attackers and promising more attacks
Bin Laden Claims Responsibility for 9/11 - U.S. & ...Bin Laden Claims Responsibility for 9/11, Usama bin Laden made his first televised appearance in more than a year in which he admitted for the first time ...,2933,137095,00.html
Bin Laden Admits 9/11 Responsibility ...Osama bin Laden October 29, 2004, 5:10pm EDT BIN LADEN ADMITS 9/11 RESPONSIBILITY
Bin Laden says he ordered 9/11 attacksIn the statement, bin Laden directly admitted for the first time that he carried ...
6 Years After 9/11, the Same Threat - New York Times11, a gap that the 9/11 commission decried in its review of the attacks. A new estimate earlier in 2001, as the spy agencies’ alarm about a possible attack ...
Arab Academics Still Claim 9/11 Was American Conspiracy, Academics and others in the Arab and Muslim world continue to circulate conspiracy theories (September 10, 2004)\ForeignBureaus\archive\200409\FOR20040910e.html
Middle East Conspiracy Theories (January 2007)
Technorati - Freedom 911 Al Qaida Al Qaeda Al Qaida Bin Laden Al Zarqawi Anti west Anti American Intolerance Terrorist oganization Hamas 'palestinian' propaganda Al Aqsa Alaqsa 'palestinian' terrorism Suicide bombing Saddam Hussein Torture chambers WTC bombing Homicide bombing London bombing Bali bombing Beheading Abu Sayyaf Honor killing Muslim clerics Mullahs Islamic Hitler Iran Regime Ahmedinejad Iran nukes Human rights War on terror jihad Sudan genocide Islamic slavery Arab slaver masters Genocide bombing Anti Israel bias Anti Israel racism Islamofacsism Conflict Israel Islamic Jihad Hamas "palestinian" Animalism "palestinian" cruelty "palestinian" Savagery "Palestine" "Palestinians" Israelis Jewish refugees Victims of terror Moderates Islam Radical Islam Militants Arab occupation Arab Muslims Indoctrination Arab hatred Muslim hatred 'Palestinian' hatred 'Palestinian' Child abuse Jewish refugeesDeath cult 'Palestinian' human shields 'Palestinian' human bombs Arab oil lobby Arab oil mafia Islamic Aparthied Ethnic cleansing Passover massacre MuslimArabsArab atrocities Damour massacre Hebron massacre Politically correct Muhammad "palestinian" propaganda "Palestinians" Netanya massacre Hamas Abu Sayaaf Beheading Honor killing Jerusalem massacre Passover massacreBus bombing Islamists Mufti Koran Quran Radical Islam Islam Islamophobia Beslan massacre CAIR Islamic phobia Sharia Fatwa Mullah Kafir Infidels Islamofascism Islamic fascism Whabbism Whabbist Wahabbi Saudi Arabia Islamofacism "religion of peace" Huzbullah Arabism Apes & pigs Ahmadinejad Islamic Hitler Islamo fascism EurabiaHuman shields ]
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