Thursday, August 02, 2007

Why the media doesn't tell us the truth about ISLMAOFASCISM

Why the News Media Is Not Telling Us the Truth About Islamofascism

Why the News Media Is Not Telling Us the Truth About Islamofascism

(The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend)

(Part Three of Three)

By Peter Feama

The Sheep, the Wolf and the Sheepdog

I’ll conclude this chapter with a story of the sheep, the wolf and the sheepdog. Once upon a time there was this big old ranch. This giant plot of land was called the “Big Earth Ranch.” It was populated by many different creatures. But the Big Earth Ranch was run by only the most intelligent of the creatures: talking wolves, talking sheep and talking sheepdogs.

All three of the superior creatures were basically equal in intelligence. The difference between them was only in how they treated one another.

Sheep were kind, decent animals not capable of hurting one another or wolves, or sheepdogs, unless by accident or unless under extreme provocation. In fact, if only sheep populated the Big Earth Ranch, well, the Ranch would be very peaceful. Unfortunately, Big Earth Ranch had other intelligent creatures called wolves, and they were nothing like sheep. They especially liked to feed on the most defenseless of creatures, including sheep.

Now, there was a lot of debate as to why there were even wolves at all or why wolves acted the way they did. Most sheep preferred to go on about their business, ignoring the fact that wolves existed or even denying that they existed all together.

Sheep understood that there were dangers in the Big Earth Ranch, like fire and bad weather. So they supported fire alarms, firefighters and weathermen. But sheep could not handle the fact that there were other talking creatures that roamed the Big Earth Ranch that wished to harm them. Sheep were inflicted with the inherent inability to see other creatures on the Ranch for what they really were. They could only see them as sheep: peaceful and non-violent.

That is why there were sheepdogs. If it weren’t for sheepdogs, sheep would have become extinct many generations ago. Sheepdogs were born to protect and defend sheep. They lived to confront the wolf.

Here was the problem. Most sheep didn’t like sheepdogs. The sheepdog was a reminder that there were wolves on the Big Earth Ranch and sheep didn’t like to admit that. They also didn’t like the sheepdog because in order to protect the sheep, the sheepdog looked and acted a lot like a wolf and that made sheep uncomfortable. The sheep liked to pretend that the wolf didn’t even exist or even fantasized that wolves and sheep could get along if they just talked things out.

But when the wolf did show up ready to eat, the sheep would always rediscover how much they appreciated the sheepdog. The sheep from France were most like that. French sheep would say all kinds of bad things about the sheepdog until the wolf marched through Paris. Then the sheepdog became a hero. But then the danger passes, and the sheepdog becomes unpopular again.

Now inside the Big Earth Ranch there was the American Ranch, one of the largest spreads inside the Big Earth Ranch.

On September 11, 2001, the wolves showed up inside the American Ranch. On that day the wolves killed a bunch of sheep. Sheepdogs became very popular for a while. Later, however, the sheep began complaining about the sheepdogs. Sheep have short memories. The wolves count on that. In the Europe Ranch, the sheep were in charge. The sheep of the Europe Ranch were willing to risk their lives and their entire Ranch on the proposition that sheep and wolves could live harmoniously together, forgetting or rewriting memories and history. But the American Ranch was different


It was founded by sheepdogs and was always a nation filled with sheepdogs. There were professional sheepdogs, amateur sheepdogs, mommy sheepdogs, daddy sheepdogs, and sheepdogs that, for generations, were imbued with an attitude within that said, “If it’s going to be, it’s up to me.” If his neighbor’s house got blown away, he wouldn’t wait for FEMA to show up to get help. He would get with other sheepdogs and … just get it done. Afterward, without fanfare, the sheepdog would go back to his own life. There were sheepdogs on United Flight 93 and the mission of that homicide flight was defeated.

But over on the Europe Ranch, some time later, a terrible thing happened. The sheep disappeared. Some sheep were eaten by the wolves. Some sheep stopped having lambs and died off. Many sheepdogs on the Europe Ranch didn’t like how the sheep treated them, so they went over to the American Ranch where they were appreciated. Plus, there weren’t that many sheep left on the Europe Ranch to protect. That’s when the Europe Ranch became filled with wolves and it became a very violent, unhappy place.

And then all the children wanted to know what happened to the American Ranch? That is the last chapter of the fairytale and it is being written now. So, go thank an American sheepdog, while you still can, and maybe the story will have a happy ending.

My belief… my hope, is that America is still a nation of sheepdogs. Ultimately, that is the answer.

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# # Contributing Editor Peter M. Feaman is the author of the soon-to-be-published “Wake Up America!”. He is also an attorney and Republican State Committeeman for the state of Florida.
read full author bio here

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Note -- The opinions expressed in this column are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions, views, and/or philosophy of The Family Security Foundation, Inc.

Other Articles by Peter M. Feaman...
Why the News Media Is Not Telling Us the Truth About Islamofascism
(The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend)
(Part Three of Three)
Peter Feaman

Why the News Media Is Not Telling Us the Truth About Islamofascism (The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend) (Part Two of Three)
Peter Feaman

Wake Up America! Tolerance Is Cultural Suicide When It’s a One-Way Street

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