Sunday, July 29, 2007

Major concerns in US, over proposed US aid of $20 billion dollars to "friendly" Arabs

Major concerns in US, over proposed US aid of $20 billion dollars to "friendly" Arabs US planning 20-billion-dollar arms package for Saudi Arabia: report

Today, Sunday, On CNN's LateEdition, Both Rep. Charlie Rangel & D-New York
Rep. Charles Shays, R-Connecticut, where voicing concerns against proposed US aid in $20 bn. to Saudi Artabia.

Charlie Rangel: 'They have not been our friends, it includes Arab nations such as: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, as well, and Israel should be nuts to agree to that "deal"'.

If anyone would have asked my humble opinion, in case we would have to concede to such a deal... at least put the "Stop teaching little kids that non Muslims are Apes and Pigs", as the first condition.

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