Saturday, July 07, 2007

90% Back the expression of "removing Islamic cancer"

90% Back the expression of "removing Islamic cancer"

Muslim Group (notorious pro Jihad CAIR) Attacks Cal Thomas: Why Was Response 90% in His Favor? [LOL] ^ July, 2007

Muslim Group Attacks Cal Thomas: Why Was Response 90% in His Favor?

An interesting bruhaha developed over the July 4th holiday when Cal Thomas, well known syndicated columnist and author, chose to speak out on WTOP FM Radio ...

Here is the relevant portion of what Cal Thomas said: "How much longer should we allow people from certain lands, with certain beliefs to come to Britain and America and build their mosques, teach hate, and plot to kill us?" Thomas asked. "Okay, let’s have the required disclaimer: Not all Muslims from the Middle East and southeast Asia want to kill us, but those who do blend in with those who don't. Would anyone tolerate a slow-spreading cancer because it wasn't fast-spreading? Probably not. You'd want it removed."

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