Mauritania's day of hope arrives (in saturated Arab racism, Arab supremacy)
BBC ^ March 10 2007
Mauritania's day of hope arrives
Voters are going to the polls on Sunday in the north African country of Mauritania. Nineteen candidates are standing in what is being seen as the first fully democratic election to choose a leader. ...
"Until now all the candidates were from the Arab community. This country has never advanced because of the problem of racism. The Arabs are number one and we are nothing."
Technorati - Arab racism Arab supremacy Arabization Arabs slavery Freedom 911 Sudan Mauritania Chad Darfur Sudan genocide Al Qaeda Al Qaida Bin Laden Anti west Anti American Terrorist oganization 'palestinian' terrorism Suicide bombing Saddam Hussein Torture chambers WTC bombing Homicide bombing London bombing Bali bombing Muslim clerics Mullahs Islamic Hitler jihad Sudan genocide Islamic slavery Arab slaver masters Genocide bombing Anti Israel bias Arab racism Anti Israel racism Islamofacsism Conflict Israel Islamic Jihad Hamas "palestinian" Animalism "palestinian" cruelty "palestinian" Savagery "Palestine" "Palestinians" Israelis Jewish refugees Victims of terror Moderates Islam Radical Islam Militants Arab occupation Arab Muslims Indoctrination Arab hatred Muslim hatred Nubians Kurds Berbers Marsh Arabs Maronites Assyrians Arabism Racism Anti Israel Racism Ahwazi Azeris Balochis "palestinian" Racism Rape Jihad Israeli Arabs Race Clashes Akhdam Non Arabs Hilali
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