Friday, March 02, 2007

Ayaan Hirsi Ali on Bill Maher's HBO show: 'Islam is NOT a religion of peace!

Ayaan Hirsi Ali on Bill Maher's HBO show: 'Islam is NOT a religion of peace!

On Bill Maher; Talking about IF "Islam is a religion of peace" Ms. Ayaan Hirsi Ali (author of the book "Infidel") said bluntly, no!
Islam is NOT a religion of peace!

Mr. Webber asked: "Isn't it just the radical Muslims"?

Mrs. Ali: They are just following Islam, radicalism [Islamlofascism] IS Islam.

Bin Laden quotes simple Koran. All his talk about dominating the world with/in [radical] Islam, has it's source IN Islam.

Rep. D. Issa of California jumped in and said: "For Years, the Christians & Muslims have lived in peace side by side... even in the holy-land Israel, "palestine"...

Ms. Ali answered him very eloquently: As long as non Muslims: Christians & Jews paid their taxes as dhimmis, sub citizens to the Islamic [apartheid] regime, all was [almost quiet], but as soon as non-Muslims have their independent, like the Jews managing their own affairs [independent State of Israel], oh, no, this is "trouble" for the Muslims...
Let's tell it like it is, the Islamic palestinian Holocaust (attempt on the Jews) in the middle east, it is not (in the same fashion) like in Germany 1939, but still is a Holocaust (attempt).

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