The most evil combination of Arab racism & Islamic Jihad on Sudan & on Israel
The crimes in both cases on Sudanese and on Israelis it is Arab racism AND Islamic Jihad
Islamic Jihad for those thare different Muslims... Religious differences also contribute to the tense climate. Most Darfurians practice Sufism, a mystical expression of Islam. But Sudan's national leaders are Sunni Arab Muslims and are closely linked to the fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood, a wellspring of terrorism in the Middle East. A few democratic Sudanese intellectuals charge that government forces use extreme Islamic propaganda laced with Arab racism to spur conflict in Darfur.
Pure Arab racism Clarity & Resolve: Yes, it is a Genocide: Arab Racism in the Sudan Racism at root of Sudan's Darfur crisis, Sudan, the bridge between black and Arab Africa
Arabization, Arab racism & own version of Islamic Jihad Nina Shea on Sudan on National Review Onlin, Bashir attempted to Islamicize and Arabize the south through the forcible imposition of sharia (Islamic law). He launched, by his own definition, a "jihad". Darfur is but one example of Arab racism toward non-Arabs within the broader "Arab world." The Darfur genocide, I believe, must be viewed not solely as a case of an Islamic jihad, but also as a case of Arab racism and should be seen as parallel to Saddam Hussein's genocide against Kurds and the Algerian government's repression of the Kaybles.
Islamofascism & Arab racism - the core of Islamo Arabs' war against Israel Let me conclude just by making a few points: everyone knows that Islamofascism's war against Israel's existence, which began in 1948 when there were no "occupied Israeli territories" nor Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Gaza, is motivated by genocidal Arab racism. What became clear on September 11 and recently in Morocco was that Islamofascism is NOT a war between civilizations but rather a war against civilization by barbarism.
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