"Hezbollah's Global Finance Network: The Triple Frontier"
While the volume of illegal remittances from South America is not known exactly, ... 4 "Argentina, Brasil y Paraguay aumentan controles en caliente Triple ... http://www.meib.org/articles/0201_l2.htm
CIUDAD DEL ESTE, at the triple border of Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay ... is sent from the Triple Border to finance Hezbollah, linking South American ... http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Front_Page/HH03Aa01.html
Hezbollah in America - Editorials/Op-Ed - The Washington Times ...
The Washington Times Editorials/Op-Ed: Hezbollah in America. ... a 41-year-old businessman, at his Dearborn home on charges of smuggling funds to Hezbollah, ... http://www.washtimes.com/op-ed/20050519-092915-7312r.htm
Cigarette Smuggling Funds Terrorism
Cigarette Smuggling Funds Terrorism. Geoff Metcalf Monday, Feb. 14, 2005 ... sales and funneling the cash to organizations such as al Qaeda and Hezbollah. ... http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2005/2/13/135754.shtml
Cigarette Smuggling Funds Terrorism
Cigarette Smuggling Funds Terrorism Posted By: Liberty on 2/15/2005 11:28:12 AM ... to ignore: Terrorist organizations (al-Qaida, Hamas and Hezbollah et al. ... http://www.goofigure.com/UserGoofigureDetail.asp?gooID=5094
Hezbollah: Hezbollah Around the World
Germany has been a key fund raising center for Hezbollah. ... drug trafficking, weapons and people smuggling and document and currency fraud. ... http://www.adl.org/main_Terrorism/hezbollah_overview.htm?Multi_page_sections=sHeading_7
Yourish.com » Hezbullah war crimes in Lebanon-
Hezbullah war crimes in Lebanon. . ... http://www.yourish.com/2006/05/29/1338
Photos that damn Hezbollah Herald Sun THIS is the picture that damns Hezbollah. It is one of several, smuggled from behind Lebanon's battle lines, showing that Hezbollah is waging war amid ...
http://www.news.com.au/adelaidenow/story/0,22606,19960056-5006301,00.html These are the pictures that damn Hezbullah
Canada.com - Hezbollah's human shields
YouTube - STOP TO USE civilians LIKE Human Shield +UN Ambulance Transporting Terrorists
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ONKb9J2YeU + Hezbollah's Use of Human Shields ...
http://littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/?entry=21620 Hizballah Human Shield Watch
DEBKAfile - Hizballah is using Lebanese Christians as human shields for its attacks and their towns and villages as supply centers to pump ordnance to the launch teams ...
Children used as Human Shields by Hizballah (Hezbollah) (Hezbullah ... - Children used as Human Shields by H.. 16 sec. Hizballah (Hezbollah) (Hezbullah) s.. 59 sec. hizballah attack 3 min. Israeli Army Spy Unit Hacks Hizbollah TV ...
The Jawa Report: Like I (and Others) Said, Hezbullah Lost - Well, the smoke has had time to clear, and Hezbullah is now being percieved ... acting as human shields for a hezbollah which can now rearm with impunity. ...
Even the UN are used as human shields - If it cannot take into account women and children used as human shields, ... etc, but between the lines, the message to the UN and Hezbullah is clear...
Who is a civilian when it comes to casualties? When anti-Israel groups use women and children as human shields, as bombers, ... they themselves say "I am Hesbullah", and "We are all Hesbollah." ...
President Bush is blaming Iran and Syria for Hezbollah's killing
Israel-Hizbullah conflict: Victims of rocket attacks
Frida Kellner, 87, of Kiryat Ata died of a heart attack while taking cover in a bomb shelter during the rocket strikes on the Haifa suburbs. http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/Terrorism-+Obstacle+to+Peace/Terrorism+from+Lebanon-+Hizbullah/Israel-Hizbullah+conflict-+Victims+of+rocket+attacks+and+IDF+casualties+July-Aug+2006.htm
(8/10/2006) About Half Of Hezbollah Civilian Rocket Victims Are ...
ABOUT HALF OF HEZBOLLAH CIVILIAN ROCKET VICTIMS ARE ARAB ISRAELIS ... "In Haifa we all mix together, and the rocket will not change that. ... http://www.albionmonitor.com/0607a/arabisraelihezbollahvictims.html
Their Islamoafscism war against the Jews (not just Zionists or Israelis)
SWC News Items - Simon Wiesenthal Center-
In 2004, Nassrallah said this: "We have discovered how to hit the Jews where ... it is difficult to imagine a ceasefire in Hezbollah's war against the Jews. - "If the Jews all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide …" (Oct. 22, 2002).
Spiral of equivalency - Likud of Holland / Likoed Nederland- Last year, the leader of Hizbollah, Hassan Nassrallah, mused, "If they (Jews) all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them ... http://www.likud.nl/press290.html
CAMERA: Hassan Nasrallah: In His Own Words-
If they (Jews) all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide. (Daily Star, Oct. 23, 2002) ...
(on innocent Jews even outside Israel...)
BBC NEWS Americas Iran charged over Argentina bomb-
Hezbollah and Iran both deny that they were involved in the blast, which killed 85 and wounded 300 ... Argentina marks 1994 bomb attack 18 Jul 06 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/6085768.stm
BBC NEWS World Americas Flashback: Argentina bomb- The aftermath of the 1994 bombing of a Jewish centre in Buenos Aires ... Iran denies Argentina blast role 09 Mar 03 Americas. Argentina Jewish bomb trial ... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/3179861.stm
Argentina - ...Hezbollah organization as the terrorist responsible ...-
which led to the deaths of 85 people (July 1994). On November 9, Argentina 's special prosecution, which has been investigating the terrorist attack at the ... http://www.intelligence.org.il/eng/eng_n/argentina_e.htm
Argentina accuses Iran of meddling in probe of 1994 Jewish center ...- Argentina accuses Iran of meddling in probe of 1994 Jewish center bombing-News and ... of its probe of the bombing, which killed 85 people and wounded 200. ... http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/787765.html
U.N. says Somalia arms embargo violated (Hezbollah's dirty hands in Somalia and Iran's Mahdi army)
Yahoo News ^ Nov, 15, 2006
U.N. says Somalia arms embargo violated NAIROBI, Kenya - Ten nations and Lebanon's Hezbollah have been supplying weapons to an Islamic militia that controls much of Somalia, violating an international arms embargo, according to a U.N. commission report obtained Wednesday. But experts and diplomats expressed deep skepticism about an allegation in the report that 720 Somali mercenaries fought alongside Hezbollah in its battle with Israel...
NPR : U.N. Report Ties Somali Islamists to Hezbollah-
The report also ties Somalia's Islamists to the Lebanese militant group ... http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=6493083&ft=1&f=1001
http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1&click_id=3&art_id=qw116412714049B241 Hariri's son blames Syria for assassination
http://ararat.yourguide.com.au/detail.asp?class=international%20news&subclass=political&story_id=534334&category=politicalMore blood on Syrian hands
http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/LAC.20061122.LEBANON22/TPStory/TPInternational/Africa/ ANTI-SYRIAN MINISTER ASSASSINATED IN LEBANON Mr. Gemayel, 34, was among those who accused Hezbollah of recklessly ... The opposition blames the Syrian and Lebanese governments
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4519346.stm BBC NEWS Middle East New Hariri report 'blames Syria'
Their Anti West radical - Islamization plan for Lebanon
Summary: The radical Lebanese Shi'ite movement Hezbollah is fomenting violence in post-war Iraq and fanning the flames of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Its bloody track record makes it a natural target in the war on terror. But Washington's only option is to confront Hezbollah indirectly: by getting its backers, Syria and Iran, to help change its focus from militancy to politics.
Khamenei ordered Hezbollah to form an "Islamic Lebanese Republic" in Lebanon http://www.lebaneselobby.org/News__index/news%202006/11%2028%2006%20Khamenei%20ordered%20Hezbollah%20to%20form%20an%20%20Islamic%20Lebanese%20Republic.html
“U.S. Officials: Hezbollah Training Iraqi Shiite Militia Group“
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed group in Lebanon that warred with Israel this summer, has been training militant Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr's militia both inside Iraq and in Lebanon, senior White House and intelligence officials confirmed Tuesday.
The confirmation came after the New York Times reported that a senior intelligence official said that some 1,000 to 2,000 Shiite fighters had been trained in Lebanon by Hezbollah, which also is backed by Syria. Click here to view the New York Times article. President Bush, who is in Europe to attend a NATO summit, expressed concern Tuesday that Iran and Syria are both attempting to destabilize Iraq.
"The Iranians and the Syrians should help — not destabilize — this young democracy," Bush said. Bush continued to express his administration's reluctance to talk with Iran and Syria on the grounds that the two nations have been unhelpful in efforts to achieve Middle East peace. (Story continues below)(Excerpt) Read more at http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,232262,00.html ...
So it is not just the bloodshed in Somalia but in Iraq too, all thoe that were cheering to Hezbollah's cruel tactics in Lebanon (to cause their brothers and sisters' deaths) out of Anti Israel feelings, should know something about the global militant Islamic Mahdi army headed by Iran.
Technorati - Somalia Arabization Arabs slavery Freedom 911 Sudan Chad Darfur Sudan genocide Al Qaeda Al Qaida Bin Laden Anti west Anti west Terrorist oganization 'palestinian' terrorism Suicide bombing Torture chambers WTC bombing Homicide bombing London bombing Bali bombing Muslim clerics Mullahs Islamic Hitler jihad Sudan genocide Islamic slavery Arab slave masters Genocide bombing Anti Israel bias Arab racism Anti Israel racism Islamofacsism Islamofascism Conflict Israel Islamic Jihad Hamas "Palestine" "Palestinians" Israelis Victims of terror Moderates Islam Radical Islam Militants Arab occupation Arab Muslims Indoctrination Arab hatred Muslim hatred Muslims Jews Assyrians Iran Lebanon Hezbullah Hizbullah Hezbollah Hizballah Appeasement Buenos Aires Muhammad MohamedPope Islamofacism Religion of peace Muslims angry Muslims threats British Muslims Dhimmis Dhimmitude Islam BBC Argentina Rafsanjani Islamism Ethiopia Africa ShariaChristians Eritrea Mahdi Mehdi Massacre Iran Ahmadinejad Huzbullah Hezbullah Hesbollah UN Paraguai Brazil Lebanon Brazil Human shields Qana Hariri Gemayel Katyusha Haifa Syria 1994 bombing Argentina Iraq Al-Sadr Shiites
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