Milan, 12 Oct.
(AKI) - Local authorities in Milan have closed a controversial Arab school just three days after it opened. On Thursday the 130 elementary and middle high school pupils of the Italian-Egyptian Nagib Mahfouz school were not allowed to attend their lessons - which had begun Monday without the necessary local and national certification. An inspection by the fire brigades Wednesday declared the building unsafe and the school said it was ready to conform by Monday to safety standards - which would however reportedly require extensive work.
The school's announcement it was opening without the appropriate certification sparked a major controversy in Milan - with local conservative authorities calling for its immediate closure and the institute's director accusing the city of using red tape to stop a school destined to Muslim immigrants.
(Milan's Arabic school sparks debate Authorities say it had no permission to start classes (ANSA) - Rome, October 10 - The opening of an Arabic school in Milan without the permission of Italian authorities has rekindled polemics over the rights of Muslims here to give their children an education with an Islamic slant .
"Italy: Illegal Islamic School to Close" )
ARAB SCHOOL: IMAM MILAN, YES DIALOGUE, NO POLITICAL POLEMICS Court of Milan in which the trial that accuses him, together with 14 other Muslims, is in progress. The Imam is accused of membership of a criminal terrorist ...
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