If you thought Arabism & Islamism effects only in certain countries?
Think again, it's dirty hands are all over the place, it's the BBC, (http://biased-bbc.blogspot.com), it's Reuters, it's the CNN, it's the NPR (http://nprsucks.com), it's the WashingtonPost (http://EyeOnThePost.org) and so on.
Take for example the latest, a simple war on terror, a sinmple fighting back of Israeli defenders provoked by Hezbullah terrorists (Huzbullah invaded into Israel from S. Lebanon, 2006) that used their Arab brothers civilians as shields, whewre were the photos of Israeli kids in the hospitals from Arab Muslim deliberate attacks? Or at least on the same scale of massive showe of images of Arab kids & linking them to Israel, while everyone knew it was all caused by the Huzbullah terrorists shooting from crowded civilian areas at Israeli civilians.
http://HonestReporting.com Honest Reporting
http://www.jewishworldreview.com/cols/tobin091500.asp Friends of our Foes
http://hearoisrael.blogspot.com/2006/06/gaza-beach-when-politics-trumps-human.html Gaza Beach Hoax and the Anti Israel Arabist Media
Here’s the Thing About the Anti-Israe Arabist media ...
AP And Foreign Press Do Their Part To Create Anti-Israeli Sentiment: 'When A Picture Isn't Worth A Thousand Words'. Topics: Follies of the Mainstream Media ...
The MSM’s Anti-Israel Hoax: Zombietime: The Red Cross Ambulance Incident - How the Media Legitimized an Anti-Israel Hoax and Changed the Course of a War...
'Peace' Groups, These people are simply determined to express their anti-Israel bias, ... Whole World Into Fire) and for the Arabist assault on the Church of the Nativity...
Technorati tags - Israel "palestine" Terror Freedom Islamization Arabization Arabism Islamism Democracy Arabist Media Freedom NPR CNN Israeli Victims 'palestinian' terrorism Lebanon Suicide bombing bbc Bethlehem Biased media MSM Damour WashingtonPost Arabs for Israel
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