Sunday, August 06, 2006

The problem with their mainstream - Lebanon, a typical Islamo Arab nation, failed the test to reject Islamo Fasc

The problem with their mainstream - Lebanon, a typical Islamo Arab nation, failed the test to reject Islamo Fascism

You never see Christians and Jews becoming pro terror to hit intentionally at innocent civilians, once they suffer loss of lives and pain.

Look at Lebanon, supposedly a "moderate" Arab Muslim nation, failed -- so miserably - the test, not only in not realizing who is at fault of dead Lebanese but going as far as to "forgiving" -- all of a sudden-- for Islamic terrorists hijacking their country, destroying it and Huzbollah's use of civilian Lebanese to carry out their unprovoked attacks on Israelis at their homes.

The majority of Lebanese Arab Muslims that CHOSE to be caught in Hezollah propaganda tells volume.

So if you thought that terrorism, Jihad, Islamofascism, and Arab racism is a problem of the few, and of a mere minority among Arab Muslims, think again!

It is well embedded into their mainstream, the slightest itch will just bring it up to the surface

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