"How to have dead Arab kids and blame Israeli victims for it"
Who will investigate Qana 2? So the Islamists killed their "civilian" children again in Lebanon?
So we know that the Israelis have bombed the Hezbullah rocket SOURCE on 1:00 AM whereas the building (nearby?) collapsed at 8:00 AM, How come and why so many children among the dead and so many hours later?
The only explanation is that Hezbullah SUCCESSFUL smear campaign to cause civilian Arab dead and pin it on the Israelis, it's desperation for it is to "blame".
At what price will they stop?
Remember the Muhammad Al Dura where Arabs killed that little boy and TRIED to blame Israel atr the beginning of the "Palestinian" bloody Intifadah?
Who will investigate the constant Arab INTENTIONAL murder of their own to tarnish Israel? after all no one in Israel wants any Arab civilian dead but all Terrorists and many manistream Arab Muslim propaganda are only rejoycing in it.
"How to have dead Arab kids and blame Israeli victims for it", and the world hasn't learned it since the Islamo Arab invention of this heinous crimes on their own kids - campaign ever known to mankind'.
I can't wait for this bubble to burst!
Technorati - Arab racism Arabization Arabs slavery Freedom 911 Sudan Chad Darfur Sudan genocide Al Qaeda Al Qaida Bin Laden Anti west Anti American Terrorist oganization 'palestinian' terrorism Suicide bombing Saddam Hussein Torture chambers WTC bombing Homicide bombing London bombing Bali bombing Muslim clerics Mullahs Islamic Hitler jihad Sudan genocide Islamic slavery Arab slave masters Genocide bombing Anti Israel bias Arab racism Anti Israel racism Islamofacsism Conflict Israel Islamic Jihad Hamas "palestinian" Animalism "palestinian" cruelty "palestinian" Savagery "Palestine" "Palestinians" Israelis Jewish refugees Victims of terror Moderates Islam Radical Islam Militants Arab occupation Arab Muslims Indoctrination Arab hatred Muslim hatred Nubians Kurds Berbers Marsh Arabs Maronites Assyrians Iran Lebanon Hezbullah Hizbullah Hezbollah Hizballah
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