Monday, June 12, 2006

The Palestinians killed their own children (Gaza 2006)
The Palestinians killed their own children

About that Gaza tragedy…

Who could not be moved by the picture of a little girl hysterically crying near her father’s body; killed in an explosion, along with others, as the family was enjoying a picnic on the Gaza beach? Now she will forever mourn as it turns out the deadly rockets came from Hamas not the evil Israelis. Israpundit explains: An Israel Defense Forces intelligence officer has confirmed that the explosion that killed eight Palestinians on Friday, was caused by a stockpile of Hamas explosives.

“Shortly after we stopped defensive firing at Hamas rocket launch pads which were deployed behind Palestinian human shields, members of Hamas scrambled to fire more rockets at our positions,” said Col. M. “We have eyes on every meter of Gaza, from the sky, from the ground and from the sea. One of their rocket tripods collapsed inadvertently setting off an explosion of a stockpile of Qassam rockets. The Palestinians killed their own children. And this was not the first time.”

Let’s repeat that. In addition to killing other innocent Jewish children in schools and buses and shopping malls “The Palestinians killed their own children. And this was not the first time.”

Meanwhile, the Palestinians, refusing to co-operate with the Israelis, are being observed quickly removing the evidence and clearing the beaches of the bombs and grenades they placed there in anticipation of an Israeli raid to remove the rockets the Arabs are daily pouring down on Israeli homes and schools.

Ethel C. Fenig 6 12 06

Israel "palestine" 101

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