Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Christians & Jews extend a luxurious US jail, 3 meals a day, to the Islamic butcher who's thirst for "infidels" blood has not yet ceased.

Judea-Christian Ultra Compassion at the face of Evil Jihad Moussaoui spared death, sentenced to life in Sept. 11 attacks

This is for the Islamic Moussaoui that said: He's sorry that only 3,000 were killed on 9/11.

Get ready for an "exclusive" by CNN's C. Amanpour's interview with the "controversial" Moussaoui in a few years from now.

The Islamist evil doer said: "America, you lost I won".

The west good guys say: "A battle here a battle there, maybe, but not our overall moral victory".

Technorati -


  1. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Moussaui's smile tells exactly what they are al about or how our goodness effects them.

  2. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Look at the bright side, having to listen to the infidel policemen's orders everyday.
