Friday, May 12, 2006

Another one way "multiculturalism" initiative, Norooz

Dear Shabnam Rezaei

In reference to your work to "promote multiculturalism and understanding of different cultures", your words.Your cartoons project to enable Americans to "understand better Iranians and Arabs".

1. Why is it always a one way "initiative", that we in the west promote their culture but not one Arab Muslim regime promots us over there?

2. If these cartoons operations would be on the other side, in Iran, Saudi Arabia and in the wider Arab Muslim world to promote a Christian and a Jewish boy or girl, the world would be a better place, after all, the problem is OVER THERE.

3. If there would be that diversity of opinions available in the Arab Muslim world as in: US, Israel, UK, Australia, Do you really think that Islamic Jihadists and radical Arab facsists would have so many open ears and so many followers to their global genocide on non Muslims or on those not Muslim enough?

What the wold needs is such talented people like you, investing their energy rather where it is more in need, where tolerance is as far fetched as peace.

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