Tuesday, April 25, 2006

...no words to describe greatest crime in human history, the HOLOCAUST!, Where at least 6,000,000 innocent Jews slaughtered for no reason!!!

http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,192987,00.html Annual March of the Living Commemorates Holocaust Victims

No "conflict" involved, nor did any particular ideology of any Jew "caused" it, just because they happened to be Jews, all of Jews, men, women, children, babies were doomed by the most evil group ever!!!

Holy ashes...


  1. Without a doubt Holocaust was a crime to remember forever in human history, but the greatest crime has been the one committed against the black race since slavery to racism.

    The Jew could scape and change their names, but the black could never change his skin, and we see black families who still don't recover from such a tragedy.
