Friday, April 21, 2006

Monsters - reality check, Oh, the "plight" of those that declare: "We are a nation that drinks blood" (Hamas Palestinian leaders, Inc.)

FrontPage :: Hamas Uber-Alles, Con't by David Meir-Levi

We are a nation that drinks blood, and we know that there is no blood better than...
Armed Struggle until Destruction of Israel
In a video posted on the Hamas website in December,2005, the commander of the terrorist wing of Hamas in North Gaza, Raed Said Hussein Saad (Abu Muadh), made clear that Hamas would continue fighting until not “one inch of our holy land is in the hands of the Jews.” To make clear that he was talking about the destruction of Israel, as opposed to simply the West Bank, he said, “Our flag will fly on the minarets of Jerusalem, and the walls of Acre, and [in] the quarters of Haifa” - all of these are Israeli cities.

What is there to understand? Why can't we just take their hell-word for it instead of putting fake-soft-words in their "mouths"?
What is it about the naive that always search for "why do they that", they must be "desperate" & what is not in the simplicity of bad people with bad choices?
If this is not evil, what is?


  1. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Even among the terrorists Jihadists, the palestinians are probably the worst!!!
