Saturday, December 31, 2005

CNN, confuses between "in spite" of security, and BECAUSE of security (Bethlehem) Has it right again, as he just said it in a few words.

'CNN has reported on the significant wave of tourists to Bethlehem this holiday season "Bethlehem has seen a large number of tourists in spite of severe Israeli security measurements"'.
It's BECAUSE of it, because of the security, that 'Palestinian' murderers, bombers were not able to hurt the tourists.

Well said Michael.

This type of CNN putting security necessity in a negative light, is not only due to the recen wave with NYTimes "revelations" of NSA spying on phone calls to Afghanistan (OMG!, aren't you scared on tapping a caller to Kabul, or are you scared about the caller himself?), it existed long ago in the "fair" CNN.

Who's the enemy Mr. CNN?
Oh, don't tell me, I know, 'it's not all black and white'.

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