Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Palestinian & other Arab Muslim's targeting of non Zionists...

Questions for the naive re: Islamofacsists as IF they're just against Jews that are "Zionists"

1) Why does mainstream evil Arab press ( ,, have always cartoonists demonizing the typical anti-Zionists pious religious Jews' images?

2) Why did palestinian Arab Muslim Jihadists genocide-bombers target the known concentrated anti-Zionists pious religious Jewish neighborhoods in Jerusalem?

3) Why do palestinian Arab Muslim terrorists mass murderers aim at crowds of ultra religious Jews in Israel that don't even serve in Israeli army (one of the famous ones was on August 19 2003 bus number 2)?

4) Why were anti-Zionists pious religious Jewish schools in Montreal Canada attacked by Arab Muslims?

5) Why were anti-Zionists pious religious Jewish students in London England stabbed by "freedom fighting" Arab Muslims?

6) Why wasn't liberal non Zionist Jewish journalist: Daniel Pearl spared from Islamofacsists' bloody hands?