A few points what is wrong with vicious BBC (BiasedBsCrap, putting Views First!)
1) No matter what the story is, no matter what the situation is, it will always end up covering only the discomfort the Arab Palestinians MIGHT have, that side is ever the 'major overall issue'.
2) Never any feelings for the Israeli victims, actually there is no such a thing as Israeli victims under BBC, Is it just plain out right racism that only Arabs could be considered as victims?Since when do Arab 'Palestinians' mainly attack the armed Israelis that BBC loves so much to show again & again?Do Israeli kids have a place on racist BBC?
3) I do not remember ever the BBC showing one tiny fraction of the beautiful, humane & kind Israeli daily lives for all, Israel appears on BBC only on the context of "poor" Arab Palestinian complaints.
Would it kill the BBC to quote one 'other' thing in all areas of major achievement of such an impressive young little country in medicine, technology http://israel21c.org/ ), even in major aid global wide (http://israaid.org/ etc. or Israeli official "MASHAV")
4) Amazing how the BBC still indulges in the most lying picture of our time: Tank VS Kid', as if the cool good Israeli defenders are against the kids (and not against the shooters behind them).How silly could be the BBC to fall for the stones-for-cameras cheap shots?
5) Does the BBC documentary industry plan to have any to research on Arab Palestinian official (Mahmoud Abbas too) Fatah terrorists organization on innocent unarmed civilians, or does the BBC prefer to keep that myth of 'only radical terror groups'?
6) When was the last time we saw the BBC reporting on Israeli security catching again & again children human bombs sent by their parents or by other Arab Muslim adults?
7) The first thing that the BBC should do is 'saying it' out loud, the overall picture, it is about security VS terror, Remember, Terrorism came before the so called "occupation".
8) Would it kill the BBC to utter the word terrorists or murderers or criminals on the Arab Muslims that deliberately target the unarmed innocent?
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